Game Thread: Illinois vs Missouri

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Said before the game they excel at what we struggle with. Guarding the 3 and transition defense. Just another bad matchup for us right now. Also doesn’t help that they have one of the oldest teams in the country, particularly in the back court.

That being said our effort has to be better. Coleman’s got to have at least 5 turnovers already.

Let’s just try and make this respectable and learn and build on something for later in the season. Brand new system and players we were going to have some ugly losses. Sorry it had to be this game.
I’m of the opinion that Brad should sit down and leave it to the players to figure out. They know so much and are as good as they think they are? Great, figure it out then. Yelling isn’t working, so a shift in attitude has to happen.

The saddest thing is I have just become disinterested at this point. There’s no chemistry, no guys playing as team players, no fun offense. It’s boring.
I'm 100% at this point as well.
If you don't wanna win, above all else, there are other things the coaching staff can do with that time. Like, recruit guys who will and leave it all out there.
I don't usually go ballistic but these guys are far too talented for this. Ayo must be embarrassed as hell.


Chicago Burbs
I do wonder come March if we’ll look back at the inflection point of Underwood absolutely dogging his team in a post-game press conference after losing to Penn St. (warranted, but it was also 1 game) and wonder if he created a locker room issue. Because things look like they have absolutely gotten worse from that point on.
Can assure you that was not well received
Multiple things wrong with this team. They don’t like each other. Underwood’s tactics aren’t working. Very little offense to fall back on to stop runs. Team attitude. There’s more.

Seems like we have a bunch of guys who are not bought in to Brad’s system and way of coaching, and are not playing for each other. This season could get very ugly if a leader doesn’t emerge.
And that's last of this game I can take truly should say there's only 1 team out there playing basketball I have never been so embarrassed by any illini team play I can remember as bad as heart no will no desire they should be completely ashamed it one thing to lose but its another thing to give up
Don't these NBA wannabes realize that they are hurting their pro chances with this selfish, low effort, unfocused, "me 1st team 2nd" play? Coach Henson has to be rolling over in his grave..
I think we have some good players. Defense is not good at all and I am not a fan of our offense running a weave out top all the time. It's going to be interesting to see what BU can do now that Kofi has left the building and we can't hit threes.
Doom, despair and agony on me. Deep dark depression raining in on me. If it weren't for for bad plays we'd have no play at all. Doom, despair and agony on me.
Exhibit A of coming to a game, unprepared, piss poor attitude, terrible body language, no hustle and letting an inferior team start feeling confident and getting your doors blown off as a result. Totally unacceptable for players who are now being paid to play the game the right way. Pathetic.
The "effort" today even worse than Penn State and Alabama A&M which is really saying something
We have 0 heart and 0 basketball IQ. This is the softest illini team I've seen to date. Talent means nothing if talent has no desire to work.
What in the world is Underwood doing? Another awful effort. This is on the coaching staff. Wake up Underwood and take control of this team.
he isn't taking terrible shots,, over dribbling, over passing, and not guarding any one. i dont know what the offense is supposed to be , but this team looks like they don't give a hoot.
Maybe we should just do what Mizzou and Penn State do and recruit upperclassmen mid major stars. At least we’d be consistently competitive instead of this empty headed NBA talent
I’ll say it again, the same thing that got me banned in the past. No heart. Is Harris hurt? Should’ve BEEN in the game. If this was a street fight, we would’ve been hauled off in ambulances halfway through. In my opinion, upbringing has everything to do with your heart, Ayo has that. Kofi had that. Many many others, you don’t let this happen if you have that embedded in you. This is not good. Get physical, make it ugly. I’m gone. Love Illini.
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