Illinois 87, Valparaiso 64 Postgame


Big Jack

I'd like to see Goode be given the green light to shoot in rhythm.

Think these other sharp shooters you've seen in the B1G recently. (Normally lighter skinned dudes like him, for whatever reason.)

His stroke is excellent. If he's feeling at all, let it fly. If they are going to shoot 3's, then he should get up 10 a game.
I honestly believe he does have the green light to shot anytime he is open... The issue seems to be he is to slow getting the shot off.. thus the reason he doesnt take some.. Domask is pretty much the same.. Both are good shooters but need that extra second to let it go and both have had shots blocked because of it. TSJ on the other hand is very quick and has some spring in his jump.


Overall I just can’t wait to see this team hit its stride.

@illini0440 heres the offensive breakdown I wasn’t in the head space to give last game.

There’s a lot of flashes, even if the final product doesn’t always show it. For the most part I feel like our shot selection is about 1000x better than last year, and our offense looks like it will have good flow, we just need more in game reps to see and react to how teams will guard us. I’m a big fan of our point entries and split screen action (Princeton style stuff), and they way we move into DHOs, P/Rs and zoom reads from there. The defense has to make a lot reads and choices back to back to back, and the more you get them moving and thinking, the more they are likely to break down.

The other good news imo is that this is basic stuff a lot teams are doing these days, and we’ve kept it pretty vanilla to open the season. There are natural counters and stuff built into the option reads, but we haven’t seen a whole lot of quick hitters or what I’d think are called counter plays. We seem to be invested in building our offensive foundation in real games and then expanding from there. To me that’s a great long term approach.

Something I was going to comment on was the speed running the sets looked a lot faster at times last night. They actually looked like a team running an offense instead of thinking about where to go with the ball. Definitely way more split screens cutting towards the basket this game than I remeber seeing in quite awhile, it looked like they were really making reads instead of going through the motions like last year. Still a long way to go but you can see the growth coming.

Now they actually have to make the shots they generate which has still been a problem.
The FT shooting is pathetic at best and has been so for quite awhile. As we all know, FT shooting can win or lose a close game and are necessary in big games and post-season games. Coach's have responded by saying something along the lines of "yes, we practice FT shooting" and player A makes 90% or whatever in practice. Dain's mechanics are pathetic as is Ty's (biggest positive of Sincere red-shirting is we don't have to watch him shoot). How basic shooting mechanics was not addressed in High school (jr. high?) or in the offseason is a head scratcher. Proof it was not is simply the form has not changed (or the results). FT shooting is proper mechanics and then repeating it over and over (yes there are some successful FT shooters who use poor mechanics but they are very rare and the key for them is doing it the same way every time).
A lot of people will want to use Shaq as an example of a great player not being a good FT shooter because of his size, particularly his hands but there are far more players with large hands, shooting a small basketball at a clip over 70%.
You can shoot layups and jump shots in ways which have terrible form depending on the circumstances (where the player is on the court, how he is being guarded, time running out) because you have to and every once in a while make them.
Circumstances for FT shooting is the same at any time in the game and any basketball court in the country.
The announcers said the team is staying in Champaign for Thanksgiving. How about this: a 30 min open practice or filmed practice.
Show us all how the staff is addressing the FT shooting and confirm to us with our own eyes that Player A made a 172 FT's in a row in practice...but can't make 50% in a game.
Continuing to say, I don't have an answer ain't cutting it.
This feels like a team with a decent floor but not an incredibly high ceiling. We can poo poo all the standard observations because we ran them in the second half, but I see some glaring deficiencies. Our half court offense, as has been pretty standard under Brad, is...not good. If Shannon isn't getting downhill there isn't much going on. No cutting, no screening off the ball. We also have a PG that can't shoot outside the lane.

I think if we are locked in defensively, we can stay in most games but it's going to take that to overcome our offensive woes when we get into games against good competition.


Winged Warrior
*watches replay
*skips to page 10 of game thread

Overall I just can’t wait to see this team hit its stride.

@illini0440 heres the offensive breakdown I wasn’t in the head space to give last game.

There’s a lot of flashes, even if the final product doesn’t always show it. For the most part I feel like our shot selection is about 1000x better than last year, and our offense looks like it will have good flow, we just need more in game reps to see and react to how teams will guard us. I’m a big fan of our point entries and split screen action (Princeton style stuff), and they way we move into DHOs, P/Rs and zoom reads from there. The defense has to make a lot reads and choices back to back to back, and the more you get them moving and thinking, the more they are likely to break down.

The other good news imo is that this is basic stuff a lot teams are doing these days, and we’ve kept it pretty vanilla to open the season. There are natural counters and stuff built into the option reads, but we haven’t seen a whole lot of quick hitters or what I’d think are called counter plays. We seem to be invested in building our offensive foundation in real games and then expanding from there. To me that’s a great long term approach.
Yup. I think it looks a lot better with Coleman out there too….harder for TJ to drive when Dains in the paint/elbow.

Also thank you. Great breakdown for the board.
Something I was going to comment on was the speed running the sets looked a lot faster at times last night. They actually looked like a team running an offense instead of thinking about where to go with the ball. Definitely way more split screens cutting towards the basket this game than I remeber seeing in quite awhile, it looked like they were really making reads instead of going through the motions like last year. Still a long way to go but you can see the growth coming.

Now they actually have to make the shots they generate which has still been a problem.
The problem is they never really read anything last night they just robotically split the same pretty much every time.

Chad Fleck

Eureka, IL
I honestly believe he does have the green light to shot anytime he is open... The issue seems to be he is to slow getting the shot off.. thus the reason he doesnt take some.. Domask is pretty much the same.. Both are good shooters but need that extra second to let it go and both have had shots blocked because of it. TSJ on the other hand is very quick and has some spring in his jump.
Goode is 6'7 with a high release. We've seen him get off quick shots due to time constraints before. He may not have the quickest, most accurate trigger. But I like the height of his release and motion alot.

Domask shoots it way out in front of his body. Very prone to getting blocked, like we saw from a pretty small guard last night.

I've never thought of TSJ as having a quick shot. He just has time because defenders are always giving him a step because of his ability to drive.

Let's say I sort of miss Plummer. I'd like Goode to be as confident as Plummer was. I'd be up for seeing him get a shot up for every 2 minutes he is on the floor. So if he gets 20 minutes, shoot 10 3's. Run actions to make it happen.
The FT shooting is pathetic at best and has been so for quite awhile. As we all know, FT shooting can win or lose a close game and are necessary in big games and post-season games. Coach's have responded by saying something along the lines of "yes, we practice FT shooting" and player A makes 90% or whatever in practice. Dain's mechanics are pathetic as is Ty's (biggest positive of Sincere red-shirting is we don't have to watch him shoot). How basic shooting mechanics was not addressed in High school (jr. high?) or in the offseason is a head scratcher. Proof it was not is simply the form has not changed (or the results). FT shooting is proper mechanics and then repeating it over and over (yes there are some successful FT shooters who use poor mechanics but they are very rare and the key for them is doing it the same way every time).
A lot of people will want to use Shaq as an example of a great player not being a good FT shooter because of his size, particularly his hands but there are far more players with large hands, shooting a small basketball at a clip over 70%.
You can shoot layups and jump shots in ways which have terrible form depending on the circumstances (where the player is on the court, how he is being guarded, time running out) because you have to and every once in a while make them.
Circumstances for FT shooting is the same at any time in the game and any basketball court in the country.
The announcers said the team is staying in Champaign for Thanksgiving. How about this: a 30 min open practice or filmed practice.
Show us all how the staff is addressing the FT shooting and confirm to us with our own eyes that Player A made a 172 FT's in a row in practice...but can't make 50% in a game.
Continuing to say, I don't have an answer ain't cutting it.
I just watched some of Dain's FTs. I stand corrected. His form is night and day different than last year. still very frustrated but ignore my post..


The problem is they never really read anything last night they just robotically split the same pretty much every time.

I did notice they never made the pass on the split cuts so maybe true. I just remeber last year all of the cuts were to the perimeter for a handoff and looked like they were about half speed so any cutting towards the rim got me a little excited.
The problem is they never really read anything last night they just robotically split the same pretty much every time.
Shannon jr. is basically our only player capable of beating his man off the dribble,enabling him to find the seams.
This feels like a team with a decent floor but not an incredibly high ceiling. We can poo poo all the standard observations because we ran them in the second half, but I see some glaring deficiencies. Our half court offense, as has been pretty standard under Brad, is...not good. If Shannon isn't getting downhill there isn't much going on. No cutting, no screening off the ball. We also have a PG that can't shoot outside the lane.

I think if we are locked in defensively, we can stay in most games but it's going to take that to overcome our offensive woes when we get into games against good competition.
Agree. Our offensive scheme is very weak with few cuts, screens or much movement. If we don't make 3s we be in trouble. Our defense and rebounding will be keys when shots aren't falling.
I would like to see a line up of Ty, TSJ, Domask, CoHawk and Dain.

Dain gives us the high 2 point percentage option. Also relieves Coleman of trying to be a center.

Coleman better 3 point and passing option than Quincy. Can run some high low option with Dain-Coleman, possibly with mismatches with Ty and Domask. Dain needs more minutes and Quincy needs to be more assertive and find his role. Last 5 minutes of Kansas game is what we need.
I just watched some of Dain's FTs. I stand corrected. His form is night and day different than last year. still very frustrated but ignore my post..
He was better with the wrap around before the shot.
On the FT shooting: Underwood addressed it a little in the radio interview but it's all mental at this point. Watching Dain shoot before the game and he always knocks down 5, 6, 7, 8 in a row, way more makes than misses. Something about being in the game that seems to be throwing him off.
Free throw shooting is mostly mental. It’s why nba players who stay in the nba are mostly 80-90% for the good ones and even the bad are 65-75%. In college 80-85% means you’re really consistent


You can shoot 1,000 free throws in practice. There's no pressure, it's just you and the rim, there's no pressure, your teammates might be yelling in your's relaxed and a kid will make 800 of them.

You put the same guy on the line, one and one, 17,000 strong watching you and only you, the TV cameras are on and the free throws are for real. Can't replicate that in practice. It's 100% confidence that you're going to step up and make them.

True. But there’s ways to replicate some pressure in practice at least. Noise, distractions, can’t stop running until everyone makes two in a row, etc. Lots of other teams are able to figure out how to make their free throws. Can only blame the players up to a certain point…

My biggest concern at this point in the season (mid-Nov) is that it looks like we have a lot of the same weaknesses as last year. Disjointed, 3-pt dependent offense, lots of turnovers and poor fundamentals, and missing way too many free throws. I worry the coaching staff is just not able (or willing) to do what it takes to correct these.
True. But there’s ways to replicate some pressure in practice at least. Noise, distractions, can’t stop running until everyone makes two in a row, etc. Lots of other teams are able to figure out how to make their free throws. Can only blame the players up to a certain point…

My biggest concern at this point in the season (mid-Nov) is that it looks like we have a lot of the same weaknesses as last year. Disjointed, 3-pt dependent offense, lots of turnovers and poor fundamentals, and missing way too many free throws. I worry the coaching staff is just not able (or willing) to do what it takes to correct these.
I remember in HS the team couldn't leave practice until everyone made five free throws in a row. It took forever. I was a team manager. I made 25. Don't remember much for a couple of days after that, actually :)
I for one am happy the Rev gave us the business in the first half. I was at the game and it was so cool to see him fired up on the sideline coaching his guys.

Listening to The Rev on pre-game radio show... this is one caring and smart man. He said he’s more concerned about the kind of man that members of his team become in Life more so than wins and losses.

Lots of coaches might say something like that. But it’s clear that Rev really means it. We could use a lot more like him with that kind of attitude in organized sports at all levels.
Listening to The Rev on pre-game radio show... this is one caring and smart man. He said he’s more concerned about the kind of man that members of his team become in Life more so than wins and losses.

Lots of coaches might say something like that. But it’s clear that Rev really means it. We could use a lot more like him with that kind of attitude in organized sports at all levels.
1000 up votes.
I have never seen his brother play, but are they similar players at all? His bro is listed at 6'3 and seemed to be a shooter....3s and FTs were really, really good. He never averaged many assists, which Nico seems like would be a strength for him.

I hope Nico turns into a really, really good player for us. He truly looks like he could be a really good point, offensively at least.
Haven't really seen a ton of Nico but Davide was an absolutely lights out shooter. Davide didn't really operate as the primary ballhandler at TTU because they had Mooney and Culver but it nots like he was incapable of passing.
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