Terrence Shannon Jr. named Big Ten Player of the Week

Is this ok? Interesting that Illinois MBB featured him on this post but I guess since he won the award, they have no coice.
Is this ok? Interesting that Illinois MBB featured him on this post but I guess since he won the award, they have no coice.
He didn't give himself the award. And the U of I Athletic Department didn't give it to him either. It would be far less okay and draw far more negative attention if the U of I didn't recognize Terrence's accomplishment.
All the official U of I accounts have been slowly reintroducing the TSJ content. When he first came back they were going out of their way to not mention him or even show him in the background of pictures of other players. Kinda hard to do now with how well he's been playing.
Knock on wood and all, but I really feel like this has died down a LOT more than even the most optimistic of us would have hoped for. I've never heard a commentator reference anything more specific than "the suspension," and even the most brutal student sections have tended to get bored with their taunts by the mid-second half and just resume generic cheering...
All the official U of I accounts have been slowly reintroducing the TSJ content. When he first came back they were going out of their way to not mention him or even show him in the background of pictures of other players. Kinda hard to do now with how well he's been playing.
They have no more desire to make not showing him a story than they did to make showing him a story.

There is an understandable desire in all quarters to just kind of look away from it, which in the absence of any developments in Lawrence is all anyone can do really. It is what it is, it will be resolved in the appropriate venues.
They have no more desire to make not showing him a story than they did to make showing him a story.

There is an understandable desire in all quarters to just kind of look away from it, which in the absence of any developments in Lawrence is all anyone can do really. It is what it is, it will be resolved in the appropriate venues.
I agree with the "it is what it is" commentary, but that said....he got player of the week without being on one post game podium or in front of one camera. That's been the case since his return. Those media sessions are generally saved for the captain and/or critical players of the game. Him not being on that stage is no coincidence. They're keeping him away from interviews and away from cameras.

I suspect we won't here from him the rest of the year, which is smart and the right way to go.

Congratulations to TJ!
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Knock on wood and all, but I really feel like this has died down a LOT more than even the most optimistic of us would have hoped for. I've never heard a commentator reference anything more specific than "the suspension," and even the most brutal student sections have tended to get bored with their taunts by the mid-second half and just resume generic cheering...
For a couple days I had actually forgotten the whole thing even happened until the announcers mentioned it in the Maryland game. So yeah it definitely has died down more than I expected.
Knock on wood and all, but I really feel like this has died down a LOT more than even the most optimistic of us would have hoped for. I've never heard a commentator reference anything more specific than "the suspension," and even the most brutal student sections have tended to get bored with their taunts by the mid-second half and just resume generic cheering...
I think as people are learning the details on the case, the torches and pitchforks are being put away.
Knock on wood and all, but I really feel like this has died down a LOT more than even the most optimistic of us would have hoped for. I've never heard a commentator reference anything more specific than "the suspension," and even the most brutal student sections have tended to get bored with their taunts by the mid-second half and just resume generic cheering...
Maryland fans seemed pretty brutal toward him this weekend in the first half with chants and booing. Then in the second half, they just seemed to start booing our whole team at random times.

That said, he seems to have really learned how to block it out. He just bullies his way into the lane and drains free throws.
I agree with the "it is what it is" commentary, but that said....he got player of the week without being on one post game podium or in front of one camera. That's been the case since his return. Those media sessions are generally saved for the captain and/or critical players of the game. Him not being on that stage is no coincidence. They're keeping him away from interviews and away from cameras.
Fairly certain this is due to his attorneys. It's a smart move. You don't want to put your client in a position to be asked awkward questions that may be on film.
Fairly certain this is due to his attorneys. It's a smart move. You don't want to put your client in a position to be asked awkward questions that may be on film.
I'm not an attorney (as somebody once stated on this site) but I'm sure TSJ's have advised him against doing any interviews. And as much as we would like to see him talk to the press, especially after a great performance, I'm sure this is the right decision. His play has been doing all the talking lately, and I'm just happy about that.