Weekend of 3/15 Games Thread

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Reese is a unanimous pick of Illini players, coaches, media and fans. Consensus All-D-Bag.

Well, it will be when we're on the ladder cutting down the nets on Sunday. ;)
add Klesmit to the list. don't know how I forgot about him
Top-5 most punchable faces in the B1G:
Most of the time Edey is in the Lane 5-7 seconds, never gets a 3 second called on him. He has to be the lane that long to push people around and away.

I've somewhere along the line here defaulted to whatever he's doing down there must be legal because the commentators literally never point it out 🤷‍♂️
Count me in on AJ Storr. The kid’s a player and I don’t feel like he is a head case. And only a sophomore? Kid is strong and confident. If he gels with our team, absolutely a take.
Wildcats, like PSU last night, allowed to hammer underneath with impunity. I knew Northwestern was going to get the calls when Buie was allowed to take out three Badgers with a flying body block with no call. Like I said last night, big ten refs are a disgrace.
He also gets away with inducing a hook and hold, despite the fact that he is usually the one doing the hook and hold.
So this is one area I think Edey has been coached extremely well. Basically, his stance is to V out his elbows making him take up as much area as possible, and if any defender sticks their arm through that hole to try getting a better angle to poke away the entry pass with their other hand, Edey just starts rotating his body and base to pull on that arm. If the other player pulls back or starts trying to rip his arm out (both natural plays) instead of moving their frame to mirror the rotation, it just makes that pull stronger. And since they have a single open arm pulling whereas Edey has a "fixed" frame, they call it on the defender. It's honestly a pretty intelligent way to use the rules in your favor

By the way, I hate the subjective nature of the hook and hold. If they really want to get rid of it, more simply just call a foul whenever you put your arm fully around another player's arm and pull.
I've somewhere along the line here defaulted to whatever he's doing down there must be legal because the commentators literally never point it out 🤷‍♂️
My understanding is that the college lane violation rule is different than at every other level. In college you only need one foot outside the paint to reset the count, so every time Edey has one foot in the paint and one out, all he has to do is lift the foot that's in paint and the count is reset.
My understanding is that the college lane violation rule is different than at every other level. In college you only need one foot outside the paint to reset the count, so every time Edey has one foot in the paint and one out, all he has to do is lift the foot that's in paint and the count is reset.
I can't find anything concrete online, but I don't think this is true. Do you have a source? The clock should start the second you enter the lane with any part of your feet and end when you fully leave with both feet.
All Purdue needs to happen on the first weekend of the Dance is for one ref to look not so kindly on Edey going over the back for rebounds, pushing people out of the way, hook and holding/chicken winging constantly. a 3 foul first half I see coming at some point and Purdue is my easy pick for the first 1 seed to lose.
I can't find anything concrete online, but I don't think this is true. Do you have a source? The clock should start the second you enter the lane with any part of your feet and end when you fully leave with both feet.
Ant Wright has addressed it a few times on Twitter. Here is a post with a graphic about the different rules nfhs/ncaa/nba

And here is a ref who posted about it

Careful lol, they will come with pitchforks. I tried to argue Edey's own sheer size is helpful to him a few days ago and was nearly ran outta town.
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