Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Warming up WABAC machine. Gonna re-visit a time when McDonald's fries were 12 cents, hot and crisp; hamburger, 15 cents; cheeseburger, 20 cents. Must have McD Voice receipt coupon now to afford Chez Golden Arches.
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Name to watch over the coming days ...

Ummm... good lord... I assumed he was NBA all the way. Can anyone explain to me how Holmes isn't a first-round pick? He's big, he's fast, he can shoot, he rebounds...
If this is even a remote possibility...
Hugh Jackman Reaction GIF
I think he enters the portal ...

I also think there's a chance he enters the portal just to get more of that Fed-Ex money ... See: Kofi Cockburn ...
So glad that you are back on the board again today! There was far too much nervous speculation from the masses in the absence of good information. It was starting to cause delusions like what happens to guys in solitary confinement....
Season 3 Nbc GIF by Manifest
@Indy Illini Fan Wondering how the staff is managing the portal with the sheer volume of players that are in it. Not sure how much insight can be given with 3000+ names in the portal (mix of mid and high major talent), planning for names not yet in the portal, and balancing NIL. Is the process more extensive than High School recruiting? Seems like interest is shown in players within minutes of them entering the portal. I'm a current student so I'm just interested in how this whole process is navigated.
If you're just finding out about a kid you might want when it hits Twitter, you're already behind
Ummm... good lord... I assumed he was NBA all the way. Can anyone explain to me how Holmes isn't a first-round pick? He's big, he's fast, he can shoot, he rebounds...
If this is even a remote possibility...
Hugh Jackman Reaction GIF

I agree ... He's a first round talent ...

However ... Most teams have a grade on him similar to TJD ... Mid to late 2nd round ...
As usual, I have nothing of interest to add. However I just spent lunch catching up on today's thread. Props to everyone participating. I didn't even bother to LIKE anything because my LIKING currency would be so quickly devalued, such is the elevated entertainment value today.

With Indy back and Lville surfacing it's now an elite salad of hoops speculation and disparate, tangential morsels. Kinda like a tub of popcorn at the cinema salted with Milk Duds and consumed in the dark. You're expecting all popcorn and then... suddenly... Milk Dud and popcorn!

With truffle fries on the side.

actually we've got two. Make that two and a half and one more the following year.
Usually I am a very patient person but Portal Kombat is only giving me more Grey hairs. Not long ago I read that we would be turning away some really good playes. It doesn't feel like that at all. Maybe it's me but I feel like we are just moving from one target to another when they commit elsewhere. I also find it laughable that when a name pops up that doesn't really fill one of our bigger needs that player seems to be the one that is going to fill the Harmon role. Lol! This has happened time after time. We don't need Harmons role replaced any longer. We need ball handlers and bucket getters at this point. We need a big. So many holes left unfilled. I am a Illini fan for life through and through and always will be but our excuses and mentally after a swing and miss is often times laughable. We still need players and good ones. Where we sit right now with our roster is mediocre, nowhere close to where our roster was at the end of this last season. Just my opinions and honest thoughts which really doesn't mean a thing but feels much better to say them out loud. Rant over!
The question then becomes can Illinois offer the highest NIL $$$ to land Holmes? Every blue blood, whether real (Duke, UNC, Kentucky, Kansas) or imagined (Indiana, MSU, UCLA, etc.), will be after him.

Like I mentioned earlier ... Some of these programs are gonna be wishing they didn't take guys as early as they did ...

Some of those schools listed have already spent their NIL budget ... So unless they get rid of a guy ... They couldn't afford Holmes ...
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