1/17 Polls - Illinois #17 in AP Poll

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I'm guessing somewhere in the mid teens. 14-16 range.
I'm guessing somewhere in the mid teens. 14-16 range.
Hope you're correct....I'm thinking more like 17-20....I know a lot of teams above us lost last week....we'll see how the writers view our wins over Nebraska & Michigan this past week...neither team ranked....not sure that will bump us 10 spots...but hope I'm wrong....just take care of business this week and enjoy the ride
CBS Top 25+1:

We're #20 -- still trailing Providence, Ohio St, Michigan St and USC.
Our only problem in the rankings, if you want to call it that, is we are 0-1 vs top 25 teams. That changes today but not in time for this weeks rankings. I’m guessing 20 but could be a spot or two higher.
I had predicted the #19-21 range, so #17 feels like the respect is starting to flow.

Which Illinois fandom has conditioned me to understand means an awesome win today followed by a painful loss to Maryland.
Head scratcher. How does Baylor lose twice at home, one to a .500 team, and they only drop 4 spots. Who do the voters think Baylor is, Duke?
Just one man's opinion, but up to a 3 seed. And notice, since we're leading the conference, we have the "aq" by our name.
I say lock that bracket in right now. It sets up very well for us. I'd like to see what we could do against gonzaga in elite 8!
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