2019 Fighting Illini Football Scholarship Grid



Did anyone know this page is available? Pretty nice tool to switch to different years. It doesn't look like they keep it to much up to date however as MJ Rivers is still showing on the roster
Yes, I knew it was available. For some reason, they have some walk-ons, but not all, included in with the scholarship players. Does switching years do anything other than update the recruits? They also have a roster page which looks like you could switch years, except switching years doesn't do anything. I was looking forward to making all sorts of charts with that data.
Yes, I knew it was available. For some reason, they have some walk-ons, but not all, included in with the scholarship players. Does switching years do anything other than update the recruits? They also have a roster page which looks like you could switch years, except switching years doesn't do anything. I was looking forward to making all sorts of charts with that data.
Ya it just switches the recruits. It has the potential to be a real good page. But currently has limited value since I got into it
@ILL_INI Myers out, we have 4 open now?
Has he actually transferred out, yet? Technically, just because they have entered the portal I don't believe it means they have transferred out. (As an example, see Matt Fink @USC.) But, yes, if he goes, there will be four open scholarships.

This grid is new to me, too, so I'm open to any suggestions on how to show guys in the portal. If we want to take him off, or flag him somehow and add another line for scholarships of guys in the portal, or do something completely different, or leave as is, I'd love to hear suggestions. I have some other updates to do on the grid anyway (redshirts and 24/7 ratings).
Has he actually transferred out, yet? Technically, just because they have entered the portal I don't believe it means they have transferred out. (As an example, see Matt Fink @USC.) But, yes, if he goes, there will be four open scholarships.

This grid is new to me, too, so I'm open to any suggestions on how to show guys in the portal. If we want to take him off, or flag him somehow and add another line for scholarships of guys in the portal, or do something completely different, or leave as is, I'd love to hear suggestions. I have some other updates to do on the grid anyway (redshirts and 24/7 ratings).

That’s a really good point. Like fricycle I had also wondered why his status hadn’t changed but it’s important to note your point, entering the portal does not mean you’ve actually transferred out. Everything I’ve heard says Myers has no interest in staying but for every Myers is a Matt Fink. One of the biggest coups of Greg Schiano’s second act thus far has been getting Sitkowski to pull his name out of the portal to remain at Rutgers. Entering the portal does not guarantee a players exit.

I have no recommendations for updates to this grid, I think it’s fantastic as is and I’m incredibly appreciative of your efforts to keep it accurate. It is very useful for those who frequent this forum.
Wole is gone, another open spot.
Are we up to 7 open schollies now that Trenard Davis is transferring? WE had a discussion on another page about PWOs. It was said the max number a program can have is 110. Looks like we only had 105 on the roster (20 Walk ons) last year. Why wouldn't we use all our available practice spots with walk ons? Seems we'd have nothing to lose by doing so with 5 spots open. Maybe a punter, kicker or ST guys.

BTW, my guess is that we'll be having a few more transfers after spring practice. We'll see...
Are we up to 7 open schollies now that Trenard Davis is transferring? WE had a discussion on another page about PWOs. It was said the max number a program can have is 110. Looks like we only had 105 on the roster (20 Walk ons) last year. Why wouldn't we use all our available practice spots with walk ons? Seems we'd have nothing to lose by doing so with 5 spots open. Maybe a punter, kicker or ST guys.

BTW, my guess is that we'll be having a few more transfers after spring practice. We'll see...
I thought it was 7, but I worked on the grid last night and came up with only 6, which is why I didn't post it. I'll take a look again tonight and if I don't see anything off, will post it.

Don't forget two walk-ons were awarded scholarships during the season, but that was still less than 110.
Are we up to 7 open schollies now that Trenard Davis is transferring? WE had a discussion on another page about PWOs. It was said the max number a program can have is 110. Looks like we only had 105 on the roster (20 Walk ons) last year. Why wouldn't we use all our available practice spots with walk ons? Seems we'd have nothing to lose by doing so with 5 spots open. Maybe a punter, kicker or ST guys.

BTW, my guess is that we'll be having a few more transfers after spring practice. We'll see...

At the Suburban Illini Club meeting last week Lovie said there were 6 open scholarships. Trenard participated in senior day, so I would guess he was already counted as not coming back, so I don't think the number has gone up.
Updated grid: I think I figured out how I want to treat players in the portal (at least for now), Betiku declared for the draft, updated 24/7 ratings on the recruits, Nick Walker played in the bowl game, but everyone else on the fence kept their redshirt. And maybe some other changes I forgot about. I hope you enjoy it!

Great work ILL_INI! Seriously, much appreciated.

I’m sure it can be time consuming to keep this thing updated for us while we sit back and enjoy it.

This says Carney played in 8 games, I don't think he gets a redshirt. Ravon Bonner too I think played every game.

This seems pretty accurate on redshirts
Yeah, I have him not redshirting in the previous grids. Thanks for catching that. I had deleted some names with the portal, then added them back in and I think I messed some of these up. I'll fix it tonight.
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I've added player eligibility to the grid and factored it into the sort. I think it helps paint a story of recruiting, if you will. I hope you like the change!
according to your graph, we have 20 non scholarship players for 2020. Clemson has 35 non scholarship players. We can make room for more walk on and PWO players to polish a few undiscovered gems for our team .
according to your graph, we have 20 non scholarship players for 2020. Clemson has 35 non scholarship players. We can make room for more walk on and PWO players to polish a few undiscovered gems for our team .

But, but, but....Arizona Bob says we have to be careful handing out those offers like we are! :rolleyes: