Best Chambana restaurants and bars

Was going to make a similar thread, but then I saw this one exists.

So how about Garcia's, guys? That used to be one of my all-time favorites. But the last time I went to their current location, they were understaffed very, very badly on a game day. The pizza was great, as usual (Gutbuster!), but the place was dirty and the food took about 45 minutes. We left the place full, but a little shocked and sad. It sure was a far cry from the Garcia's on Wright street.

My parents both attended Illinois and always boasted Garcia's as being THE place. Probably 5 or 6 years ago, they took me there and we were all (mostly them) extremely disappointed. Just like you said, the service was terrible and the place was dirty and grimy. Now as a student here, I can honestly say that you don't hear about anybody going to Garcias and I haven't been back since I've been in school here. Sad to see a place that was such an integral part of campus 30 years ago gone to the wayside.
You know that Cocomero froyo place across from the Alma Mater? That's where they used to be. Rumor is that they left because rent was too high. That's not too hard to believe - I'm sure those places have crazy rent.
Back in the 80s when I was on campus, Garcia's was good I'd say. Not great. I liked going there because you could get a slice and that was good enough to fill one up and it was cheap. My dad used to take Garcia's home with him when he'd visit. They had a location on Green Street near 1st or 2nd and had a couple of smaller places closer to the quad. Loved the balloon they used to fly on football game days. The Flying Tomato Brothers!
I worked at Garcia's for a little while. It was great until the late 90's. That was when Ralph and Joe went from fresh hand pressed dough for every pizza to the half baked crust that would stand up to the turbo chef oven. It was never the same after that. Very sad indeed.
My wife and I love Timpone's. First date there, and a lot of great ones after. Good food, nicer environment for College town, and super close.
My wife and I love Timpone's. First date there, and a lot of great ones after. Good food, nicer environment for College town, and super close.

Timpone's is still there? That place seemed like it had been there forever when I was in school in the 80's.