Chicago Cubs 2019 Season

I hope not. There's just no upside. They'd have to overpay and hope that his decline of the past couple of years reverses itself.
and as much as I like the cut of Kershaw's jib, he has been horsebleep in the post season . Not sure if its mental or if he is outta gas come October, but as awesome as he is in the regular season, he is rather un-awesome in the post season .

They are wholly owned by the Ricketts family, the Omaha based clan who's patriarch started Ameritrade. All the second generation kids live in Chicago, and Tom runs the show . The "shareholders" are about 4-5 people in one family . They don't really answer to anyone but themselves. Sure , some capital spending stuff is on borrowed money, but that is the same thing with Steinbrenner clan . The Ricketts have to answer to lenders for capital spending issues , but not operations stuff.
Tom Ricketts tends to let Theo make ALL baseball decisions , but obviously Theo has to get Tom to sign off when he is negotiating big long term contracts.
The Yankees will likely always be #1, and the Dodgers #2. But the Cubs and BoSox and perhaps another team or 2 will always be in top 5 or so. When the Cubs start their own network this winter, they will most likely solidify their #3 status .

Does anyone here get the Yankees Network? Would be interested to know what programming is like during the off-season.
spending (or not spending) money is not a problem that keeps Theo or Jed awake at night.
The Cubs, Dodgers, Yankees and RedSox are in a whole 'nother class in MLB. Get used to it
I'm sure it doesn't. Its not their money. If I was Ricketts I would not have been too happy with how the spending went last winter. He may have lost a few winks over it....
They are wholly owned by the Ricketts family, the Omaha based clan who's patriarch started Ameritrade. All the second generation kids live in Chicago, and Tom runs the show . The "shareholders" are about 4-5 people in one family . They don't really answer to anyone but themselves. Sure , some capital spending stuff is on borrowed money, but that is the same thing with Steinbrenner clan . The Ricketts have to answer to lenders for capital spending issues , but not operations stuff.
Tom Ricketts tends to let Theo make ALL baseball decisions , but obviously Theo has to get Tom to sign off when he is negotiating big long term contracts.
The Yankees will likely always be #1, and the Dodgers #2. But the Cubs and BoSox and perhaps another team or 2 will always be in top 5 or so. When the Cubs start their own network this winter, they will most likely solidify their #3 status .

Yea I know they're owned wholly by the Rickett's family. Doesn't matter how many shareholders there are, there's still certain return on equity requirements probably built in. I mean maybe they don't intend to pull a return out of the team every year, but that's definitely not the most likely case. And there's MLB rules in regards to debt to revenue/expense ratios that have to be met that can restrict team spending. I'm not going to pretend I have any clue how much debt the Ricketts hold tied to the Wrigley remodel/ development of the ballpark neighborhood, so maybe they're not even close to those restrictions or maybe they are.

I'm just saying no team other than Boston has ever locked themselves over the luxury tax for more than 3 years. And even now you can read stories about the restrictions that Boston faces this off season in regards spending, even with the huge playoff revenue share they're about to get. I know Theo says they are ready to blow out spending, but you can never take the GMs words at face value (good ones anyway).
Hamels 20m option picked up, Smyly traded to Rangers. Not sure if that affects the Harper sweepstakes, but I highly doubt we sign any other SP this offseason.

A top 5 of:

Thats pretty darn good. There might not be a traditional "ace", but everyone of those guys has shown that kind of potential, and shown it recently. I still think they try and sign Harper, a catcher, and a BP arm. Wouldn't hate to see some fringe guys traded. I think next year we are gonna need to see something more from Schwarber if he wants to be on our roster in 2020. I'll give Happ a couple more years before a similar sentence is applied.
Wouldn't hate to see some fringe guys traded. I think next year we are gonna need to see something more from Schwarber if he wants to be on our roster in 2020. I'll give Happ a couple more years before a similar sentence is applied.

I still think Schwarber gets traded before the start of next season.
I still think Schwarber gets traded before the start of next season.
His defense is up (in fact statistically, he was an above average LF, and another in fact, he was second in the league in dWAR). He could be an everyday LF if he can learn to hit against lefties (he wasn't given much of an honest chance with only 76 ABs, but his OPS was 200 pts lower vs lefties). Also, his first full year back from a knee injury.

Sure he misplays balls, but he's got a cannon, which for a LF is basically all you need to be considered a good fielder. It's actually his batting holding him back. He'll get this year to prove his worth, basically because his value is too high to trade for a reliever, we have no room for another SP, and there isn't anyone pushing for his spot.
Apparently Indians are listening to offers for Corey Kluber among others. What would it take for the Cubs to get him? One of Happ or Schwarber, Montgomery and Russell enough?
so from about midnite until 5am, its Larry King interviewing creepy people about books to repair your credit or natural remedies to get a woody.
then from 5am until midnite, you get an hour or two about current affairs with the club and MLB, and the rest is old footage of Yankees teams of yesteryear.

Yeah, I did not know if the Cubs network would be similar but seems like very little actual interesting programming.
Cubs claimed INF Jack Reinheimer off waivers from Mets,

reinstated Yu, Morrow, Hancock and Zagunis off 60-day DL and

outrighted Gore and Freeman. 40-man now at 39
McCutchen predicted to the Cubs is interesting. Great guy, but somewhat confused on the fit.
there has been chatter of Heywood to center and Almora getting traded, as he is tradeable and Heywood really isn't.

As much as I like Almora , Cubs are dying with the lack of big time production from all the normal outfielders. No one wants Heywood's contract
Per Patrick Mooney at The Athletic (pay): It would be risky and controversial. There has been no guarantee or final decision yet. But the Cubs are seriously considering bringing back Addison Russell after his domestic abuse suspension, sources told The Athletic.

Edit: Ian beat me to it.