Coaching Carousel (Basketball)

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Probably not.
disappointed fifth element GIF
So essentially they're all the same on-campus, but only the first three can contact outside recruits and visit them and go to AAU tournaments and such?
Non-recruiting coaches can not use recruit's real names if they speak to them - only nicknames such as "Champ", "Sport-o", "Dawg" or "Home-boy". Non-recruiting coaches, when off campus scouting, can only wear all-black outfits. This second point beneifts the likes of Purdue, but like all rules there are unintended consequneces.
Agreed- so you move Geoff to a non-recruiting spot (same title same money) and make Boynton a recruiter- he would be a home run recruiter. Geoff can still evaluate talent just not have contact and be the lead recruiter. My point is, you figure out how to fit him into the staff when he would be a big upgrade even for a year

He would be a home run recruiter, bring a PG and top freshman with him right now and he’s a defensive coach that know Brad extremely well - it just seems like a missed opportunity to make it work.
Moving Alexander to a non recruiting assistant position would kill any chance of Alexander getting a HC job.
Non-recruiting coaches can not use recruit's real names if they speak to them - only nicknames such as "Champ", "Sport-o", "Dawg" or "Home-boy". Non-recruiting coaches, when off campus scouting, can only wear all-black outfits. This second point beneifts the likes of Purdue, but like all rules there are unintended consequneces.
When the NCAA nailed us in the early ‘90s Pearl-initiated investigation, one of the violations they actually found was a team photo sent to a recruit with an inscription saying they hoped he joined them signed by “The Fellas.”
That is true, but it sounds like he is doing this every single offseason. I feel like to operate in good faith you have to be willing to not try to leverage open positions every single year.
I don’t really disagree, but we’re dealing with the following things:

BIG dollars
Big egos-You don’t get to this level without one
Low supply (finite number of power conference head coaching jobs) and high demand

Like I said, I don’t disagree with what you wrote. But it’s reality. I’m sure many other power conference college basketball coaches are also having their agents send out feelers if nothing else to see where the market is. It’s just par for the course in this field.
Jeremy was coming here until Brad changed his mind ... And that was because of Geoff leading that recruitment that he wanted to commit ...

And Geoff being able to save the relationship with the family after that and landing Jeremiah ... Does not get enough credit ...
That is so wild. Seriously landing Jeremiah after that is insanely impressive.
Also, I will risk the bad karma, I don't care...

I'm very excited for Michigan fans to temporarily get excited/big heads again only to crash and burn and officially enter Tommy Amaker levels of futility within the Big Ten.
The reaction of most on this board to Dusty May's hiring was a pretty big yawn, but he's a major upgrade over Juwan and he will do quite well at UM I'm afraid. He's no Tommy Amaker
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