Coaching Carousel (Basketball)

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So many discussions about how some places are like worlds better to live in, but honestly I don't think most people think this way. I have lived in Peoria, Iowa City and now Chicago in my life, and people can have access to good restaurants, fun happy hour spots, scenic nature, diverse communities, concerts, sporting events, direct flights, etc. in every location. Sure, in Chicago you will have better direct flight options, but in Iowa City you will have less crime. In Iowa City you will get the "diversity" often associated with a college town, but in Peoria you can get a truly gorgeous house for relatively cheap. Do I personally prefer the bigger city life of living in Chicago? Absolutely, but there are things I miss about Iowa City sometimes, and there are things I really value about Peoria when we visit (BTW, it always shocks me how surprisingly unappreciated Peoria's natural topography is for the Midwest ... for Central IL, it's incredibly scenic). None of this even touches on the fact that different areas are for different people.

I'm sure Lexington and Northwest Arkansas are awesome (actually never been to either), but if Orlando wants to work here, it will not be like moving from New York City to Rantoul, lol. Champaign has PLENTY to do, especially for its size, and it ranks quite well on lists of places to live. Besides, if you are like Fighter and Mrs. Fighter, you can often have a great time just going out to eat and to a nice happy hour ... and Champaign has excellent options for both! :ROFLMAO:
So if you pay a assistant coach one million dollars.Is he actually the head coach question mark
Granted I have not spent much time in Lexington, but is it really that much better of a place to live than Champaign? What does she see in it? It's not like you're leaving NYC
So many discussions about how some places are like worlds better to live in, but honestly I don't think most people think this way. I have lived in Peoria, Iowa City and now Chicago in my life, and people can have access to good restaurants, fun happy hour spots, scenic nature, diverse communities, concerts, sporting events, direct flights, etc. in every location. Sure, in Chicago you will have better direct flight options, but in Iowa City you will have less crime. In Iowa City you will get the "diversity" often associated with a college town, but in Peoria you can get a truly gorgeous house for relatively cheap. Do I personally prefer the bigger city life of living in Chicago? Absolutely, but there are things I miss about Iowa City sometimes, and there are things I really value about Peoria when we visit (BTW, it always shocks me how surprisingly unappreciated Peoria's natural topography is for the Midwest ... for Central IL, it's incredibly scenic). None of this even touches on the fact that different areas are for different people.

I'm sure Lexington and Northwest Arkansas are awesome (actually never been to either), but if Orlando wants to work here, it will not be like moving from New York City to Rantoul, lol. Champaign has PLENTY to do, especially for its size, and it ranks quite well on lists of places to live. Besides, if you are like Fighter and Mrs. Fighter, you can often have a great time just going out to eat and to a nice happy hour ... and Champaign has excellent options for both! :ROFLMAO:
Most places are great places to live if you are rich. Which the Antigua's would definitely be pretty much anywhere they would live.
Granted I have not spent much time in Lexington, but is it really that much better of a place to live than Champaign? What does she see in it? It's not like you're leaving NYC
I was pretty disappointed in Lexington. It's bigger than Champaign, but it's no Knoxville or Athens in terms of SEC schools. It's fine. I guess the bourbon helps.
Sorry Indy, but I just can't like your post. The thought of Boynton and Antigua both reuniting with Brad was like hitting the ultimate ILLINI coaching lottery. A virtual Final Four guarantee.
But OA returning would still be one heck of a consolation prize!
Getting both of them was never on the table, though. At least, not without another opening to fill.
Most places are great places to live if you are rich. Which the Antigua's would definitely be pretty much anywhere they would live.
Probably not if they moved to Monte Carlo. They'd be middle class there.
So if you pay a assistant coach one million dollars.Is he actually the head coach question mark
Not if the head coach is makin 4 period What kind of question is that question mark
I was pretty disappointed in Lexington. It's bigger than Champaign, but it's no Knoxville or Athens in terms of SEC schools. It's fine. I guess the bourbon helps.
The Wire Omar GIF
I was pretty disappointed in Lexington. It's bigger than Champaign, but it's no Knoxville or Athens in terms of SEC schools. It's fine. I guess the bourbon helps.
Lexington is by no means enormous, but it is definitely a more cosmopolitan city than Champaign, albeit one with a country-ish feel, in large part due to the horse racing. The horse racing (in particular) also brings with it more wealthy individuals, so folks with money have more opportunities and places to rub shoulders with other wealthy individuals. Depending on the person, I could see these aspects being appealing over a C-U. I could see this particularly being the case for OA's spouse.

All that said, sounds like the choice isn't between C-U and Lexington. Not familiar with NW Arkansas but I've heard it has a lot going for it too.
Getting both of them was never on the table, though. At least, not without another opening to fill.
You may be right, but if Chester can "voluntarily" leave to create an opening, does anyone really think that Brad would not have arranged a similar opening if it meant getting Boynton to go with the now existing opening that OA is hopefully going to be filling? I believe that Brad will do whatever he thinks is necessary to make sure that he (and we) never have to live through another season like 2022/2023, which is now the floor for the program.
You may be right, but if Chester can "voluntarily" leave to create an opening, does anyone really think that Brad would not have arranged a similar opening if it meant getting Boynton to go with the now existing opening that OA is hopefully going to be filling? I believe that Brad will do whatever he thinks is necessary to make sure that he (and we) never have to live through another season like 2022/2023, which is now the floor for the program.
Are you suggesting Chester was essentially Creaned?
I wouldn’t get my hopes up to high on Orlando. Anytime it involves a Mom or Wife and Illinois the results have not been good. Illinois is already 0-1 today vs Mom Storr. Add in a wife with a short leash then it really gets complicated. I would love to be wrong on this one though.
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