Coaching Carousel

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Remember, it can't be Anderson. We were assured by those in the know it's an NBA assistant.
I see what you did. You know who AC3 is and “close to the vest” is your hint. What is close to a vest? A tie, of course. So you are saying AC3 will be Tyler!
I think he will sooner than later, it's his last best time

to learn from Dad. I would think he'd want to set his base from BU's system and philosophy and then learn other systems always take pie while pie is passin.
Not a bad idea for BU to keep Tyler around as a grad assistant to help with continuity in a year we lost all 3 ACs. Good for Tyler too before branching out.
I saw that RI makes more like $1.2 mil coaching in the NBA. I doubt that can be matched for a college assistant.
I saw that number too, but it was from his playing days, not since he became a coach.
You don’t think this is an omen of taking Alexander’s spot?
No, but I was wrong about him being a grad assistant. He already has two Masters. More likely an entry level position of some kind. He actually could play another year since last year didn’t count, but I doubt that.
"Creighton, which never said publicly it was a subject of an NCAA investigation, now has lost scholarships, official visits and recruiting days, and former assistant Preston Murphy has a 2-year show cause."

Huss's job just got harder. How's he feeling about his choice to stay right about now.
I hear you, but he also might be thinking "I'm one step closer to being the HC at Creighton"
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