FBI College Basketball Corruption Investigation

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I mean, seriously, for $6.5 million, you pay for a building at the school, get it named after you, and the kid gets in as a kind of quid pro quo.
Wow, this story has legs. Being reported in NY times, CNN, etc. But here's my question:. Who's the dunce that paid $6.5 million for these services? I don't think I would have the cohones to ask for $6.5 mil for this. Props to the guy for those mad negotiation skills.
The best part about this IMO is that the FBI calls it "Operation Varsity Blues". :LOL:
I mean, seriously, for $6.5 million, you pay for a building at the school, get it named after you, and the kid gets in as a kind of quid pro quo.

could have been for multiple kids. it didn't say per kid.
it's been reproted that the smart guy taking the tests for these people is actually in charge of sat prep at IMG. Coule it be that he possibly took the test for some student athletes?
Somebody made this same joke (elsewhere), but with Wichita State.

I will always love this joke and always despise the NCAA.

I'm not sure that I understand what you mean by this joke? Can someone explain?
It dates back to a comment several years ago that the NCAA was so mad at Ohio State that they put Cleveland State on probation. The implication that at their core the NCAA doesn't want their brand to look bad
In further news, the BB beat writer in Tuscon stated that Millers firing/retirement is just a matter of time, probably a short time. He says that he thinks Miller knew the morning when they raided his house that the gig was up. He has completely quit recruiting and while this incoming class is rated #1, he expects most of them to bale if tough sanctions come down.

He stated that for years, we got 5 star after 5 star and now we may not get a good 3 star.

On senior night, Sean told the crowd at then end of the game "It has been such a pleasure to coach here for 10 years"


typical Bail move
I'm not sure that I understand what you mean by this joke? Can someone explain?
The joke is that whenever a major violation is found out, or even suspected, from a major school, the NCAA elects to ignore it and instead create a splashy headline by selectively "discovering" violations at a smaller school. I think a great example of this was the NCAA getting all tough on Samford during the whole UNC fake classes scandal.
Found this to be an interesting perspective . . .


Well written, but one word the author, and everyone with the same take, is missing: Cartel.

This is not how a cash market is supposed to work, in this country. There are only so many players each year, and so many more Universities. How is it decided where the best players go? Does Idaho St. have the same chance to buy players that Duke has? This is a scheme.
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