FBI College Basketball Corruption Investigation

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Some more detail.


"As it would turn out, assistants at UConn, Texas A&M, Alabama, Clemson and Arizona State all met with Dawkins, Blazer and the undercover agent.
The only reason those guys didn't receive money was because they weren't considered close to landing NBA-level prospects in the near-term."

Ha. Also sounds like the Clemson asst coach made a suspicious statement about their football team - hmmm.

What actor plays Coach K in the movie? :cool:
Some more detail.
What actor plays Coach K in the movie? :cool:

That role just screams Crispin Glover.

I think Buscemi will be playing Bruce Pearl. He just needs to fatten up a little.

Ian McShane or Eugene Levy would make a fine Coach K, depending on which they want to go.
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I think Buscemi will be playing Bruce Pearl. He just needs to fatten up a little.

Ian McShane or Eugene Levy would make a fine Coach K, depending on which they want to go.

Sean Penn for Coach K.
I legitimately wonder what it would take for Arizona to fire him. Does he actually need to be sanctioned or indicted first to be terminated with cause or can they jettison him sooner and just hire Luke Walton like we all know they want to do anyone who is not a disgrace since Walton was already hired.
I legitimately wonder what it would take for Arizona to fire him. Does he actually need to be sanctioned or indicted first to be terminated with cause or can they jettison him sooner and just hire Luke Walton like we all know they want to do anyone who is not a disgrace since Walton was already hired.
I'd have to think it's inevitable at this point and the longer they hold on to him is probably not good for the program.

Why did Arizona reinstate him after the first round of allegations about paying Ayton (besides winning)?
I'd have to think it's inevitable at this point and the longer they hold on to him is probably not good for the program.

Why did Arizona reinstate him after the first round of allegations about paying Ayton (besides winning)?

I don't know about Arizona, but at Louisville the shoe company influence didn't end with the coach, and the AD ended up out too. Odds are good that Miller has plenty of dirt that goes beyond his basketball program, and self-preservation may account for some part of that decision.
I don't know about Arizona, but at Louisville the shoe company influence didn't end with the coach, and the AD ended up out too. Odds are good that Miller has plenty of dirt that goes beyond his basketball program, and self-preservation may account for some part of that decision.
Interesting thought.
Could easily be spot on, too
I don't know about Arizona, but at Louisville the shoe company influence didn't end with the coach, and the AD ended up out too. Odds are good that Miller has plenty of dirt that goes beyond his basketball program, and self-preservation may account for some part of that decision.
Great answer, that makes sense to me. Should the NCAA handle it differently if the whole athletic department is corrupt vs. just the basketball program? Are there any precedents for this scenario?
Arizona will have some level of plausible deniability. The University recently hired a new president and has interims in most of the provost offices. The athletic director isn't much longer-tenured, either.

I could see them saying "that was the old administration. We nee guys don't know anything about that." It will probably work.
Great answer, that makes sense to me. Should the NCAA handle it differently if the whole athletic department is corrupt vs. just the basketball program? Are there any precedents for this scenario?

What we really need to do is subpoena the pizza joints for all their records. these six figure pay outs are pretty much irrelevant. What we really need to know is did anyone drop 10 bucks on a pizza for a kid.
I know there's a lot of MSU haters here, but I thought this was good press for Izzo:


If nothing else, it makes him look better by comparison. I've always thought Izzo was a helluva coach, and cleaner than most. Love how he peaks towards the end of the season -- 8 Final Fours is incredible. Seeing his players stick up for him after the yelling was pretty cool too.

I wish I could care about the cheating that goes on in recruiting, but there's so much of it, and the NCAA is so corrupt, that I find myself without any expectations for improvement. Furthermore, if any organization can make things worse, it's the NCAA. Their combination of greed, false integrity, and capricious justice, is possibly the best way to make things worse.

Just one simple example is how programs are sanctioned instead of coaches. Screw over current, innocent athletes for the wrong-doing of the coaches? One of the dumbest ideas of incentive and justice I've ever heard. You have programs doing mountains of paperwork to try and monitor things they can't really control. All the while, the actual cheaters stay coaching.... instead of kicking them out of coaching for an extended period, based on the level of wrong-doing, and monitored them more closely when the return. I could go on, but I'll save us all some time by getting off my soap box.
I'd have to think it's inevitable at this point and the longer they hold on to him is probably not good for the program.

Why did Arizona reinstate him after the first round of allegations about paying Ayton (besides winning)?
Here’s why

#2 ranked class in the nation for those who don’t want to click. You said besides winning, but there is no besides. Winning is everything. Just ask Auburn.
Just one simple example is how programs are sanctioned instead of coaches. Screw over current, innocent athletes for the wrong-doing of the coaches? One of the dumbest ideas of incentive and justice I've ever heard. You have programs doing mountains of paperwork to try and monitor things they can't really control. All the while, the actual cheaters stay coaching.... instead of kicking them out of coaching for an extended period, based on the level of wrong-doing, and monitored them more closely when the return. I could go on, but I'll save us all some time by getting off my soap box.
Exactly. Of if these guys are not coaching, they're on TV. Funny how the NCAA can tighten the screws when it comes to the use of restrooms, but can't seem to do the same with cheating coaches and network partners.
I know there's a lot of MSU haters here, but I thought this was good press for Izzo:


If nothing else, it makes him look better by comparison. I've always thought Izzo was a helluva coach, and cleaner than most. Love how he peaks towards the end of the season -- 8 Final Fours is incredible. Seeing his players stick up for him after the yelling was pretty cool too.

I wish I could care about the cheating that goes on in recruiting, but there's so much of it, and the NCAA is so corrupt, that I find myself without any expectations for improvement. Furthermore, if any organization can make things worse, it's the NCAA. Their combination of greed, false integrity, and capricious justice, is possibly the best way to make things worse.

Just one simple example is how programs are sanctioned instead of coaches. Screw over current, innocent athletes for the wrong-doing of the coaches? One of the dumbest ideas of incentive and justice I've ever heard. You have programs doing mountains of paperwork to try and monitor things they can't really control. All the while, the actual cheaters stay coaching.... instead of kicking them out of coaching for an extended period, based on the level of wrong-doing, and monitored them more closely when the return. I could go on, but I'll save us all some time by getting off my soap box.
There's the rape and molestation issues with Izzo, but at least he might not be paying basketball players.
The NCAA may need a Kenesaw Mountain Landis to take over...someone who wouldn't be swayed by a programs status.
Expecting the NCAA to come down on Kansas, UNC, puke or any other cash cows is the same as believing in Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or any other factious icons today.........If they ever developed a spine and did hand down discipline to the dirty ilk bluebloods then they would open discussion on why they allowed it to go on so long before they did act upon the principles in place against the widespread cheating of member colleges and universities.....

It should NOT be acceptable for members to pay athletes or give inducements to family members, but the NCAA has looked the other way for so long that changing their policy would be such a turn around that would rock the college BB world...Hoping that will happen is a complete waste of time....When you have Miller and Wade caught on tape breaking the rules and no action so far , it shows that lying and cheating is the status quo and not going to change...

The NCAA may need a Kenesaw Mountain Landis to take over...someone who wouldn't be swayed by a programs status.
Until something presents a serious threat to the cash cow, I expect the NCAA to continue to be more and more insular, similar to MLB. The past two commissioners of baseball have been an owner and a lawyer for the owners. As long as the foxes are in charge of the hen house and making heaps of cash money, I don't see much likelihood of the foxes bringing in a coyote to run things.

And to complete the thought, baseball brought in Landis when there were concerns about the integrity of the game. It seems fair to conclude that integrity is not something the NCAA gives any thought to. Ever.
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