Football Coaching Staff / Coaching Carousel Thread

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Well it's official now. What's done is done. Time to move on. Still have to fill Thad's spot. I'd really love it to be Nate, but I'm not optimistic about that.
if its not Nate, it better be a guy who can recruit, recruit, recruit
Almost certain it wont be nate. Could see some other offense coaches change positions before the hire is that I mean the position they coach not that anyone is leaving.
#1,754 I said he said Lovie got lucky. And you say he said Lovie got lucky......what are we talking about here
Read what I wrote. Lovie was lucky Rod became available. Rich Rod was fired in January. Our season ended in November. Lovie didn’t interview Rod until after the Arizona firing. Lovie was lucky Rod became available and lucky that by taking 2 months to search he could find someone of that quality.
Read what I wrote. Lovie was lucky Rod became available. Rich Rod was fired in January. Our season ended in November. Lovie didn’t interview Rod until after the Arizona firing. Lovie was lucky Rod became available and lucky that by taking 2 months to search he could find someone of that quality.
So Lovie got Lucky?
No you said he got "lucky" with Rod Smith because you didn't think he knew what he was doing and that we need to have coaches that other D1 programs want.
Answered 1 answered 2.
Answers answer answers, another Groceism.
I don't really like the hiring of Miles, but it is what it is. But does not hiring a DC leave us a coach down on the defensive side?
Not using the DC title to attract a higher quality of coach in the marketplace is an equal if not greater dereliction of duty that hiring the unqualified coaches kid.

It doesn't matter whether the person with the title calls the plays or designs the defense or whatever or not, X dollars and a DC title is a more valuable opening that can attract better candidates than X dollars and a position coach title.
Are we just assuming Lovie is the DC because there has been no announcement of a hire, or is this official news somewhere official?
Oh, just checked out the official site. Sigh.
I guess I can stop holding my breath now.
You know, I'd be OK with this because I lived through the StL Rams defense during the Greatest Show on Turf. That defense led the world in scoring.
But since we got blowout after blowout the end of last season, I'm scratching my head.
So we are saving $400,000 + on a DC and maybe another $100,000 on an LB coach.
The only good thing is that Josh must be approving of this.
In Josh I trust.
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Are we just assuming Lovie is the DC because there has been no announcement of a hire, or is this official news somewhere official?
It's official. Click the link TheOlafRules posted.
"I will also be working with the linebackers on a daily basis for additional input at that position."

His kid is basically assistant LB coach and is there anyone better than Lovie himself to be DC....personally I dont mind it
The only good thing is that Josh must be approving of this.
In Josh I trust.

Josh is betraying that trust. He shouldn't have sanctioned Miles Smith being hired as a permanent assistant, full stop.

If this program isn't on sounder footing one way or the other by the end of this year, we're gonna be in a tough situation. I do have faith in Whitman enough that he sees that as clearly as we do.
I don't see any upside here, except were saving +-$500,000. Lovie has been running
the defense since he's been here and how has that been going? The offense better
score a lot. (and maybe run clock to keep the defense off the field). This doesn't do
much for season ticket holders who are waivering. (like me)
You had a young defense last year and it will be a year older this season with a lot of DL guys to shuffle in. They wore down last season. We lost one LB'er and gain three. Lost one secondary guy and gain two. Five new DL with no losses there. Everything is there for the defense to be better.
You had a young defense last year and it will be a year older this season with a lot of DL guys to shuffle in. They wore down last season. We lost one LB'er and gain three. Lost one secondary guy and gain two. Five new DL with no losses there. Everything is there for the defense to be better.

. . . except for quality coaching of fundamentals. Odds of this ending well = low. Sigh. (hope I am wrong, of course)
we need recruiters.
do I wish we could have attracted a top notch DC ala Vic Koening ? sure , but Lovie has his own scheme and its not widely used and he only could offer a one year deal, and its no sure thing vs other programs out there. I realize all assistants are on year by year deals, but still

Lovie best use that last remaining position on a top notch recruiter. Hes going to sink or swim next year with the players we have, but if he wants to get a 2-3 years tacked on, he needs to keep bringing the Jimmies and the Joes in .

As much as I don't like how this went down, I doubt it costs us a game next year. It is what it is
We've had youth for three years and we will be young next year (the next batch of freshman THE STAFF HAS
PROMISED PLAYING TIME). Fundamentals and discipline will still be a problem. Unless we have the next
Urlacher and Tillman I'm afraid this defense will be no better. if we have key injuries like we really didn't have
last year, it could be a disaster. But I'm with Olaf and hope I'm wrong too.
we need recruiters.
do I wish we could have attracted a top notch DC ala Vic Koening ? sure , but Lovie has his own scheme and its not widely used and he only could offer a one year deal, and its no sure thing vs other programs out there. I realize all assistants are on year by year deals, but still

Lovie best use that last remaining position on a top notch recruiter. Hes going to sink or swim next year with the players we have, but if he wants to get a 2-3 years tacked on, he needs to keep bringing the Jimmies and the Joes in .

As much as I don't like how this went down, I doubt it costs us a game next year. It is what it is

Perspective. I agree.
So I guess they just finally gave up on finding qualified candidates? Are they gonna leave a spot empty? So weird.... If this was the plan all along, why wait to announce it? This just looks bad from multiple angles.

We'll see how they look on the field this fall I guess, but I'm bracing for another strong offense dragged down by weak defense year. Please surprise me with a competent defense!
We've had youth for three years and we will be young next year (the next batch of freshman THE STAFF HAS
PROMISED PLAYING TIME). Fundamentals and discipline will still be a problem. Unless we have the next
Urlacher and Tillman I'm afraid this defense will be no better. if we have key injuries like we really didn't have
last year, it could be a disaster. But I'm with Olaf and hope I'm wrong too.
Uh, we lost two players off that defense. We add five DL, three LB'ers, and two DB's. Tons of players returning needed to work in the new guys as needed. Defense should be better on paper alone.
So I guess they just finally gave up on finding qualified candidates? Are they gonna leave a spot empty? So weird.... If this was the plan all along, why wait to announce it? This just looks bad from multiple angles.

We'll see how they look on the field this fall I guess, but I'm bracing for another strong offense dragged down by weak defense year. Please surprise me with a competent defense!
They have to wait to announce the 3rd hire until the job posting is closed.
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