Game Thread: Illinois at Iowa

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OMG. Thank goodness extra point failed


Winged Warrior
Lmao.....this end of game sh#t. Illini fans aging 10 years this season.

If, and this is still a HUGE, Paddock somehow wins this still, then I don’t even know what to say.
That missed PAT may have saved us. Come on Illini, let's get a long drive with a game winning field goal. Keep the Fight in Fighting Illini.
My prediction, we’ll see 20 relays of Minnesota and Indiana, only for us to go 3-and-out and lose.
Washington has to make that play. A bad punt and coverage. Then the d gives up a quick score. It's like we're trying to set up Paddock for the comeback win.
Feels like 47 could have forced him out of bounds there. No guarantee Iowa gets in from the 1 yard line.
Almost too much time left, for Paddock.
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