Game Thread: Illinois at Purdue

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Tracy Abrams is playing some absolutely terrible basketball right now. On both ends of the floor. It's hard to get much worse.
Can someone explain what our offense is. I see one guy dribbling with 4 guys standing and occasionally one post up. I don't get it
Your telling me Mike thorne has committed in 3 minutes as many fouls as the entire Purdue team?

We are overmatched as it is don't need to be playing the refs too.
Another blah performance so far. When was the last time we had a team that over achieved?

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Seriously what's the point right now. Haas has been pushing off and holding every possession and still hasn't gotten one call


CU Expat
Can someone explain what our offense is. I see one guy dribbling with 4 guys standing and occasionally one post up. I don't get it

We run so many ball screens that seem completely pointless, no motion off of them, no drives, nothing. It forces someone to try to do it all on their own. It drives me absolutely crazy.
Call me crazy, but really don't think the refs have been all that bad. Maybe let Purdue off with 1 or 2, but the foul difference is justified. Yet another consequence of our stale offense and bad defense
Tracy Abrams is playing some absolutely terrible basketball right now. On both ends of the floor. It's hard to get much worse.

So, why is he still in there then? Tate is better than him, right now, because TA isn't hitting anything anyway.


st petersburg, fl
Eh, he's more of what we already have. A blunt instrument, not a creator.

More good players always help, but he isn't the missing piece.

It really confounds me how many people say that Nunn would be the answer to our problems. I think people forget how much he trailed off the second half of last season - he effectively disappeared (and iirc wasn't even starting for a good chunk of it). I'm not sure what people expect would be different this season if he had stayed.


Can someone explain what our offense is. I see one guy dribbling with 4 guys standing and occasionally one post up. I don't get it

To this point, that is it. Mav is our only post threat with moves. When Bo is out there, he stands no chance against this front line as a post threat, you are 4 on 5 and with Tracy being so cold we are 3 on 5. I'll beat the drum more, but the smaller we, the more can spread them out and create driving lanes and that would help a guy like Tracy.
Besides tejon, does anyone on this team have an above average basketball IQ. I mean I don't even see any off ball screens.


Crazy thing is, we are still in this thing and have played rather poorly.
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