Game Thread: Illinois vs DePaul

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I would have never brought Tejon back in for Frazier so early . Tejon is not enough of an offensive threat to really make the offense go
DePaul getting some junk to fall right now. We're playing hard, but the offense is still disorganized.
Finke provides no rim protection I have to say. 6 points conceding can be avoided if Ewgu is there.
Smith needs to do more of that. He has such insane strength for college. He seriously can power his way into the paint more than he thinks.
Smith was about to nba jam that one
Smith's shoulders are the size of my head. Each.
Smith needs to do more of that. He has such insane strength for college. He seriously can power his way into the paint more than he thinks.

If he keeps doing it, defenses will back off and he'll have open jumpers all night.
Takeaways so far:
- Bad 3 point shooting on both sides
- Good taking of charges
- Mark Smith is hard to stop around the rim
- Aaron Jordan has good hands on defense
Man, all DePaul does is spread the floor and drive one-on-one. The few times we've rotated to help, we've smothered that.
I think Smith needs more run at the point simply be cause he needs the ball in his hands more
Mark is the best freshman illini i have seen in 40 years.
Man we have all those open 3s...
My instinct...

Man, I feel like this is gonna be the Mark Smith coming out party. Young soldier charging from the front lines tonight, playing with conviction.

Right now, I feel like 3s will start falling in the 2nd half and we win this one by a nice marshmellowy margin as DePaul struggles with foul trouble and fatigue.

Buck buck buck buck buck.

These refs are so damn touchy. A couple of great floor plays for both sides just called as fouls...
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