Game Thread: Illinois vs Marquette

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Unfortunate deja-vu to 2021 against the same team where turnovers were absolutely critical and cost us. 15 tonight, and a lot have been unforced. Tough to swallow — let’s see if we can overcome it and find a way
Basic difference in this game is they can make layups a bit better. But a great college game between two pretty good teams.


Ft. Collins, CO
The sad truth is that if we eliminated half of the ridiculous turnovers (14 vs 6) and fouls (like Ty running over a guy) we would be winning. In a half full world I guess that’s encouraging!


St Louis, MO
We are at the beginning of the season, but I really dislike that our two NBA guys are not looking like NBA guys. Hawkins is overthinking it all. Relax and do what you can do kid. It’s going to come.
10 TOs by our 2 NBA guys is not a good stat.

TSJ just having a rough night all around.
Gotta foul Igadaro on his every shot attempt
No choice but to keep shooting 3s. That's what is scoring best when we don't have a dunk/layup/rebound.
Unfortunate deja-vu to 2021 against the same team where turnovers were absolutely critical and cost us. 15 tonight, and a lot have been unforced. Tough to swallow — let’s see if we can overcome it and find a way
Right, about twice their TOs of 8.
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