Game Thread: Illinois vs Nebraska

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apart from a bad penalty (Carney facemask) and a contested deep completion, the defense has looked FAR superior c/w last year. stopping the run consistently, limiting big plays, bothering Martinez. Me likey
I'm very happy all things considered. Obviously no one wanted to see Peters go down, but our COACHING staff adjusted and went run heavy and kept us in the game.
also, when was the last time we had more first downs than the other team at the half? nice to see the O help the D out. recent years, seemed like the D was on the field 85% of every game.....


Arlington, Virginia
It's a start. Not pretty in certain respects but at least they're winning. Haven't been able to say that a lot in the past, oh, umpteen seasons.
Few defensive breakdowns, but only one really hurt. Overall that side has been doing very well. Offense has been a bit scary (and not in a good way), but if they can help out the D by keeping them off the field could have a happy ending.
I'm very happy all things considered. Obviously no one wanted to see Peters go down, but our COACHING staff adjusted and went run heavy and kept us in the game.
Is that what this is? Sorry, I don't think a coaching "adjustment" or strategic change in game is something we've seen in a VERY long time !
Wow, my boy and I tested + for covid yesterday. I tried to unload my 2 great season tickets, so seats wouldn't be empty and team has support.
1. So heart felt sadness for Qb1
2. So proud of our students for showing up. I got 5 footballers from last years St. Teresa team there minus my boy.
3. Sad for fan turnout. We were so excited for this morning, team walk, band, and game and all the boyz attending UofI together.
4. Worried about coaches confidence in Art Qb2.
Go Illini 2nd half.
The running game has been inconsistent, but on a day like today (hot, cloudless) I like to see them stick with it. Nebraska D-Line should be a bit worn down here in the 2nd half.
was thinking the same; ala Wisky, grind 'em down. war of attrition
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