Game Thread: Illinois vs Penn State

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Brad needs to crawl in their shorts. The effort is not there today. You can't talk all week about not being able to relax against PSU...and then come out relaxed.
Penn State came to play. Illini making a lot of small mistakes, and PSU really capitalizing. Not sure if we can dial it up down the stretch, but they're gonna have to earn this one if we do.
Pat Chambers looking like Brad Stevens with these ATO plays
The inability to develop any positive momentum when PSU turns it over or misses shots has been the biggest killer. Can't make free throws. Bricking lay-ups. Wide open 3's...
That might be the dagger right there.
Which one right now? (seriously, BU tends to look like these guys at times …)

Underwood with a gracious thank you to the refs for calling a ticky-tack 4th foul on Giorgi....
It's a stupid play. The refs have nothing to do with why we are getting beat.
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