Game Thread: Illinois vs Rutgers

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Our BB IQ is non existent we make passes we should never make it is like we have no clue
They are overplaying every pass on defense and our guys can't recognize and take advantage of the gaps that are there. Holding the ball and looking.
Illini needs to step up their effort,get back on defense,hustle after the ball
This is Purdue against us offense...only our defense is keeping us in this.
Air ball for Giorgi on 3's and 3 footers today
Good lord that is a terrible shot
Illinois hasn't even attempted a field goal in 2 minutes 20 seconds.
Smelling salts at half.

Walking dead on offense.
So, we’re fortunate to be down only three to home? I don’t care if they are much better, that is ridiculous.
I thought about wearing my throwback Illini hoodie today, but I didn't... It must have been the thought about me even wearing that we are shooing horrible
Just a horrible half of basketball this team has to show me they are mentally tough I do not see it, there is no way they show come out this flat and that is on BU
On pace to match Purdue's program worst scoring output from earlier this week.
Underwood has to tell giorgi unless it's a lay up he shouldn't shoot. He's 2-10. He's shouldn't be shooting that many in a game let alone a half.
On Pace for 36, woo hoo!
I’m sorry folks, I don’t mean to be negative... but this is unacceptable.. out of a time out we get georgi for a 3... in the corner? Stuff like that frustrates me because if we were on the road or against a really really good team - it’s basically a give away play. Feliz and georgi have been playing terrible. Just chucking at the rim.. and Underwood hasn’t tried to adjust. Let’s get some quick hitters to get this offfense going. Under 20 pts in a half is not acceptable in the league at home.
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