Illini Basketball 2017-2018

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A podcast example of fake news extraordinaire.

Podcasts in need of an audience, podcasts in need of something to fill time, and podcasts by commentators of dubious expertise. Draw a venn diagram and you see podcasts that are included in all three sets.

Of course, in a way, we're just feeding such podcasts by talking about what they're talking about...because we're wanting to talk Illini, and we're eager to learn who our final commits/players are going to be, and looking for any scrap of info.
I think any forms of media who aren't close to the program aren't going to expect much from us, which is exactly why when we get to the tournament and finish in the top half of the league this year, we'll have abundance of exposure and guys who will try to backtrack what they said in the preseason. Oh it'll be nice
Meh, it's a glass half full/empty situation. We know that we have some talent, but if you look as RSCI, we look pretty bad. JCL was our highest rated guy on the roster and he just left. Tilmon was signed, and he's gong. The remaining 'talent' hasn't produced much.

OTOH, except for center, I think we've got BIG caliber guys on the roster. And when I exclude center, it's more because they're young and unproven than not because I don't believe in them growing into the part.

I think after this season, we'll be back on the radar, but in the meantime, I don't expect any respect, nor take offense to those who don't give it.

To say we have some talent but it's young or we are relying on a transfer which could always cause chemistry issues would have been a far more accurate statement than the one they made.

They simply didn't do their research.. Most of these guys don't have the time to. Doubt they know who Mark Smith even is..
Talking heads, like the rest of us, have been conditioned by years of Weber and Groce. They don't expect anything of Illinois. Unlike us, talking heads (especially the newer ones) don't drink orange Kool-aid. I am completely unsurprised by dim, pessimistic narratives of Illinois basketball proclaimed by people who only check recent history.

It will be fun to watch them walk it back. ;)

Yes it will. :thumb:
The reason for internal optimism is the presence of competent guards, although most of them untested at this point. But having 3 competent guards with true PG skills (i.e., TJL, Frazier, Smith) is something we have not witnessed on an Illini team in a long, long time.

From the outside looking in, we have not proven anything and the program has been mediocre for a long time. So the concerns and skepticism are understandable. The team, and program as a whole, have a lot to prove before analysts start projecting us much higher in subsequent years.
TJL, Smith, Alstork, and Black are guys I expect to get core minutes and provide great offensive presence. Our defensive strength will determine how this season goes. No surprise Bad !!! Brad is working on defense in practice 2/3 of the time.
Final RSCI 2017 Top 10 B1G rankings:

#8-Jarren Jackson--MSU
#58-Isaiah Washington-Minny
#64--Nojel Eastern-Purdue
#66- Nathan Reuwers-Wisc
#68-Bruno Fernando-Maryland
#75-Kaleb Wesson-tOSU
#77-Xavier Tillman-MSU
#81--Justin Smith--IU
#82--Darryl Morsell-Maryland
#88--Mark Smith-Illinois

Overall a relatively weak B1G recruiting class.
Mark Smith at 88 is really a joke of a ranking. It's more a reflection of his meteoric rise in his senior season, going from baseball player to Mr Basketball in a basketball centric state.

I haven't evaluated players to make a strong case where Mark Smith should be ranked, but in the times I have seen him play, he's the most Big 10 ready player Illinois has recruited in a number of years.

He is also an immediate upgrade from Abrams, Tate and TeJon. Illinois' guard play has been lackluster for several years, and that will change with Smith and Frazier.

Final RSCI 2017 Top 10 B1G rankings:

#8-Jarren Jackson--MSU
#58-Isaiah Washington-Minny
#64--Nojel Eastern-Purdue
#66- Nathan Reuwers-Wisc
#68-Bruno Fernando-Maryland
#75-Kaleb Wesson-tOSU
#77-Xavier Tillman-MSU
#81--Justin Smith--IU
#82--Darryl Morsell-Maryland
#88--Mark Smith-Illinois

Overall a relatively weak B1G recruiting class.
I like Alstork but coming from a mid-major & he's a good player but a different caliber of talent Big 10 & the Horizen are worlds apart...

I would relying on Black, Finke, TJL, Kipper to be potential leaders early on...Smith is a "true PG"/floor general & should or could fill in that commitment & I could be wrong Alstork may prove to be a really good fit for this high major program...

Alstork was a major talent playing in a mid major league. Happens all the time. I expect him to lead the team in scoring.
Alstork was a major talent playing in a mid major league. Happens all the time. I expect him to lead the team in scoring.

Stephen Curry and Damian Lillard turned out to be pretty good.

I'm not saying that Alstork is on that level, but there is a long history, going back to guys like Scottie Pippin, Karl Malone, Robert Parish, and Steve Nash, of great players coming out of minor conferences.
Final RSCI 2017 Top 10 B1G rankings:

#8-Jarren Jackson--MSU
#58-Isaiah Washington-Minny
#64--Nojel Eastern-Purdue
#66- Nathan Reuwers-Wisc
#68-Bruno Fernando-Maryland
#75-Kaleb Wesson-tOSU
#77-Xavier Tillman-MSU
#81--Justin Smith--IU
#82--Darryl Morsell-Maryland
#88--Mark Smith-Illinois

Overall a relatively weak B1G recruiting class.

Surprised neither Isiah Livers/Jordan Poole didn't crack the top 100,and Damonte would have been in the top 100 if he didn't get hurt.
Those rankings don't mean anything. I'd rather not even see them. After seeing Smith play multiple times against talent like Shmoodwin, Smilmon, and Pickett, he one of the most ready Big 10 impact ready freshman IMO. I may be getting my hopes up, but he could end up being the BIG 10 freshman of the year. (Fingers crossed)
The reason for internal optimism is the presence of competent guards, although most of them untested at this point. But having 3 competent guards with true PG skills (i.e., TJL, Frazier, Smith) is something we have not witnessed on an Illini team in a long, long time.

From the outside looking in, we have not proven anything and the program has been mediocre for a long time. So the concerns and skepticism are understandable. The team, and program as a whole, have a lot to prove before analysts start projecting us much higher in subsequent years.

I agree, first year in a long time we have good point guard play and we now have multiple guys that can make plays for themselves and others. I am equally excited about the guards keeping the opponent from penetrating at will and scoring or creating open shots for teammates
Having arguably a top 4 backcourt in the conference alone should have us feeling confident in returning to the tourney this season. Add 3 frontcourt players returning, and a system and coaching staff that has been proven to work, we should be pretty dang good. I think the days of worrying about losing to the UIC's, North Florida's,winthrops of the world are over as well because we will finally be able to outmatch 90% of the non-con teams we play in the backcourt.
Those rankings don't mean anything. I'd rather not even see them. After seeing Smith play multiple times against talent like Shmoodwin, Smilmon, and Pickett, he one of the most ready Big 10 impact ready freshman IMO. I may be getting my hopes up, but he could end up being the BIG 10 freshman of the year. (Fingers crossed)
I agree rankings now dont mean much. For 2017 players, I would expect there to be a strong correlation to success based on whether player moved up or down...rather than their final number. Id feel better about a guy final ranked 70 who wasnt ranked previously vs a guy previously ranked 40 whos now ranked 60. I think the Damonte non-ranking is obviously an outlier based on injury... 2017 ranking service credibility?...maybe not so much.
Final RSCI 2017 Top 10 B1G rankings:

#8-Jarren Jackson--MSU
#58-Isaiah Washington-Minny
#64--Nojel Eastern-Purdue
#66- Nathan Reuwers-Wisc
#68-Bruno Fernando-Maryland
#75-Kaleb Wesson-tOSU
#77-Xavier Tillman-MSU
#81--Justin Smith--IU
#82--Darryl Morsell-Maryland
#88--Mark Smith-Illinois

Overall a relatively weak B1G recruiting class.

Two schools get two top 100 players, and six get one top 100 player. And this comes off of a year where the B1G was not all that impressive to begin with.

Is the B1G on a long downhill slide?
Two schools get two top 100 players, and six get one top 100 player. And this comes off of a year where the B1G was not all that impressive to begin with.

Is the B1G on a long downhill slide?

My list was originally meant to be just the Top 10 within the B1G, but since there are only 12 in the Top 100 (RSCI does not go beyond), I'll add Luke Garza/Iowa @ #90 and Jordan Poole/UM @ #93. For the poster, on Livers, he's not on the RSCI list. Only one top 50 clearly indicates a weak year.
The reason for internal optimism is the presence of competent guards

For me, it's competent coaching. After 4 years of Groce missing the dance, I don't think I would continue to watch based on our guards.
I think one reason for a weak recruiting year this year is because 2 of the programs that could get top 100 guys pretty consistently in Indiana and OSU had coaches on the hot seat, and replaced. A long with ours that got fired. Plus in terms of rebuilding, and roster shake ups...MSU,Iowa,Minnesota,NW, Maryland, Purdue are returning almost all of their top guys along with Penn St. there wasn't that much room for top 50 kids to come in and make a difference on a team that looks to be contending.
It's as simple as if Groce would have listened to Nick Irvin and taken Kyle Davis rather than listening to Robert Smith and taking Jaylon Tate.

Sorry, late catching up, but I disagree. Unless you are talking Relationships, Kyle Davis was not the answer. Better offensively, but he was not as good a ball-handler.

And I'm a big fan of Kyle, known him since grade school. Two different players. I would have loved to see Kyle n Orange and Blue, but not sure he would have solved many problems.
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Final RSCI 2017 Top 10 B1G rankings:

#8-Jarren Jackson--MSU
#58-Isaiah Washington-Minny
#64--Nojel Eastern-Purdue
#66- Nathan Reuwers-Wisc
#68-Bruno Fernando-Maryland
#75-Kaleb Wesson-tOSU
#77-Xavier Tillman-MSU
#81--Justin Smith--IU
#82--Darryl Morsell-Maryland
#88--Mark Smith-Illinois

Overall a relatively weak B1G recruiting class.

I am looking at " #64--Nojel Eastern-Purdue ". I probably missed this about a 1,000 pages ago, but--could somebody please explain to me (Cliff's Notes version) how we missed out on Nojel Eastern?? Weren't we on him from his freshman year at Evanston??
I am looking at " #64--Nojel Eastern-Purdue ". I probably missed this about a 1,000 pages ago, but--could somebody please explain to me (Cliff's Notes version) how we missed out on Nojel Eastern?? Weren't we on him from his freshman year at Evanston??

Once we got DaMonte and Trent, and including Pickett, we had enough guards and Groce pretty much completely backed off. Nojel is not going to be fun to play against for the next 4 years but I'll take Mark Smith over any of those incoming B1G freshman, save for Jackson.
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Not sure how they are calculated but VerbalCommits has the following for avg. stars:

MSU. 3.583
Mary. 3.417
OSU. 3.389
UI. 3.350
IU. 3.333

Per this chart ILL ranks 4th in the BIG. (Duke 4.048, Kentucky 3.952)

Believe it tells us getting good players is important but not everything. There are a few real impact players and a lot of really good players, but without coaching, right chemistry, and mix of positions may still be avg team. If not Kentucky, Duke, NC, or Kansas would win the national championship every year.

It does say we have some talent and I am hopeful we also have the other requirements.
Once we got DaMonte and Trent, and including Pickett, we had enough guards and Groce pretty much completely backed off. Nojel is not going to be fun to play against for the next 4 years but I'll take Mark Smith over any of those incoming B1G freshman, save for Jackson.

Thanks, OldGreg, for your response. I am wondering about your timeline--i.e. wasn't Nojel Eastern's interest in Illinois fading LONG before we connected on Frazier and Williams? My main concern is that it seemed we were not really in the Nojel Eastern sweepstakes at all. How could that be if we were working on Nojel since his freshman year at Evanston.
Also, aren't you drinking too much Orange Kool-Aid to be saying that you would take Mark Smith over Nojel Eastern? Really???
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