Illini Basketball 2018-2019

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“Last year, we had a couple situations where guys didn’t want to be here,” said sophomore guard Trent Frazier on Thursday at Big Ten Media Day. “Some guys just went out there each night, just to play. They didn’t really want to help this team win.”

“This is the best locker room I’ve been in,” said senior Aaron Jordan. “Guys love to be around each other, love to hang out with each other, love to be on the court with each other. Coming into practice, you get to compete against your best friend, I get to compete against my brother, I get to compete against the guy I’m about to go to war with. Just buying into that and having that feeling, it’s amazing. I felt it. It was new for me, only because I haven’t been around that.”

This had me feeling extremely optimistic today. Call me crazy but I truly believe these mental things can be the difference between a win and a loss in some of the toss up games that we were in last year and will likely face again this year.

I heard from BU that last season he had to coach effort. Think about the B1G, frickin' effort. No wonder we had the season we did. Glad that those guys are gone, whoever they were. Sounds like this team will lay it all on the line for each other. I'm not calling you crazy, just the opposite, I'm saying you are spot on. If your head isn't in the game, forget it, you lose.

“This is the best locker room I’ve been in,” said senior Aaron Jordan. “Guys love to be around each other, love to hang out with each other, love to be on the court with each other. Coming into practice, you get to compete against your best friend, I get to compete against my brother, I get to compete against the guy I’m about to go to war with. Just buying into that and having that feeling, it’s amazing. I felt it. It was new for me, only because I haven’t been around that.”

So much for TNT ;)
If Trent is improved over last season
If Kipper is consistently "Good Kipper"
If Adonis is ready to go sooner than expected, and produces at a good clip
If Ayo comes in and plays like a sophomore
If Damonte really does make a giant leap
If AJ is as good against B1G as non-con teams
If SK or GB contributes defensively inside
If El General or TJ contributes at a high level

We Will Win (a LOT)

A lot of IFs.........but there always are.
Last year's team was frustrating and not fun to watch.

This year's team will be frustrating but fun to watch. Love all the praise that Giorgi is getting. BU saying they will more often than not run the offense through him. I think he's a starter!
I heard from BU that last season he had to coach effort. Think about the B1G, frickin' effort. No wonder we had the season we did. Glad that those guys are gone, whoever they were. Sounds like this team will lay it all on the line for each other. I'm not calling you crazy, just the opposite, I'm saying you are spot on. If your head isn't in the game, forget it, you lose.

Just look at all the slow starts. I think that group had a couple of players who couldn't match the intensity of the opponents.
Last year's team was frustrating and not fun to watch.

This year's team will be frustrating but fun to watch. Love all the praise that Giorgi is getting. BU saying they will more often than not run the offense through him. I think he's a starter!
I think certain players were frustrating to watch. The team was very competitive even with certain players that were just really bad. When you have most of your players shooting 25% or less from 3 that are supposed to be "elite" shooters, you are not going to win very many close games. The fact that we were in almost every game is a testament to Underwood's passion to get these kids to win games.
I don't know anything about ACL injuries but I was wondering if Adonis losing 30+ lbs has helped his recovery drastically. That is, will losing the weight significantly cut down the number of days in the recovery? Or does an ACL injury take as long as it takes, that is, there is no short cut like losing weight. I am sure that losing the weight must help with stress on the injury but is it enough to get a player back much earlier than expected? If losing the weight does help significantly then I think Adonis should be commended for his determination and discipline. By the way, here is nice article on him
I don't know anything about ACL injuries but I was wondering if Adonis losing 30+ lbs has helped his recovery drastically. That is, will losing the weight significantly cut down the number of days in the recovery? Or does an ACL injury take as long as it takes, that is, there is no short cut like losing weight. I am sure that losing the weight must help with stress on the injury but is it enough to get a player back much earlier than expected? If losing the weight does help significantly then I think Adonis should be commended for his determination and discipline. By the way, here is nice article on him

The acl itself is healed rather quickly after surgery in comparison to the recovery timeframe. The extra time is about balance, strength, flexibility, mechanics of the joint firing on all cylinders etc. I don’t think it hurts but there’s just stuff you gotta be able to do and everyone is different.
I gotta say, despite all the frustrations with not getting highly touted bigs, I am really excited for this season to start even just to see where we are progress-wise this year.
Just thought of this song when thinking about the upcoming season... (On so many levels).
I think certain players were frustrating to watch. The team was very competitive even with certain players that were just really bad. When you have most of your players shooting 25% or less from 3 that are supposed to be "elite" shooters, you are not going to win very many close games. The fact that we were in almost every game is a testament to Underwood's passion to get these kids to win games.

I enjoyed watching last year's team. I felt Groce's last year was unwatchable- dribble and launch a three. I look forward to progress this season
I enjoyed watching last year's team. I felt Groce's last year was unwatchable- dribble and launch a three. I look forward to progress this season

Last year was frustrating because there were glimpses of what could be if the team could actually run the offense but that wasn't the case. BU had to be so frustrated holding back what he could do with some of the guys.
We are going to get plowed this season. Georgetown-Gonzaga-Notre Dame-UNLV- Mizzou followed with the Big Ten schedule which it feels like we haven't had a good Big 10 year since JFG's first. If the team sticks together we steal a few Wins
All session 2019 Big 10 BB tournament tickets go on sale at Ticketmaster this Saturday, October 13th @ 10:00 am. Tournament is at UC on 3/13-3/17.
Only upper level tickets will go on sale at this time. Excellent opportunity to buy at face value if you want to sit in 300 level.
We are going to get plowed this season. Georgetown-Gonzaga-Notre Dame-UNLV- Mizzou followed with the Big Ten schedule which it feels like we haven't had a good Big 10 year since JFG's first. If the team sticks together we steal a few Wins
Wow! Bad batch of kool-aid this evening?
That B1G media video of Underwood/Frazier and Jordan was well done. Jordan is made for TV. Those were no Kohl's suits that those boys had on either.
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That B1G media video of Underwood/Frazier and Jordan was well done. Jordan is made for TV. Those were no Kohl's suits either that those boys had on either.
Hey man, they have some good deals.
We are going to get plowed this season. Georgetown-Gonzaga-Notre Dame-UNLV- Mizzou followed with the Big Ten schedule which it feels like we haven't had a good Big 10 year since JFG's first. If the team sticks together we steal a few Wins

The same ND that lost most of its scoring from last year to graduation? The same ND that lost to Penn State in the NIT? The same ND that lost to Ball State at home?

We have a much better chance of beating ND than people give us credit for.
I like the tough schedule because more opportunities for good wins and fewer opportunities for bad losses. Plus we get challenged and hopefully playing up will force us to practice harder and improve. Not optimistic about our record this year, but IMO this kind of schedule is our best shot to significantly improve and potentially surprise.
The stories and interviews of this years team are concerning for me....I was expecting to enter season with low expectations. After hearing of team bonds, young player energy/development and incredible front court BB IQ (ref BU comments on Delarosa and Giorgi)....Its really hard not to have higher expectations. I now think we will far exceed B10 poll predictions and will be on the edge of making NCAA. Unless all of these interview takeaways are BS.....I trust AJ though.
The stories and interviews of this years team are concerning for me....I was expecting to enter season with low expectations. After hearing of team bonds, young player energy/development and incredible front court BB IQ (ref BU comments on Delarosa and Giorgi)....Its really hard not to have higher expectations. I now think we will far exceed B10 poll predictions and will be on the edge of making NCAA. Unless all of these interview takeaways are BS.....I trust AJ though.
We fall for this every fall and are left disappointed in the winter.

But.... I truly think this is a team that can find a way. So much athletic and shooting ability. If we can get anything out of our bigs? Game on!!
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