Illini Basketball 2019-2020

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Yes - add me to the group that isn't quite sold on Kofi-Giorgi together from the start of a game. I like the hi-low options but it actually probably works better with Kofi at the Hi and showing he can hit that 15 footer or pass to Giorgi who is a magician within 5 feet of the rim. Giorgi not being a good shooter really hampers the possibilities of that lineup.

I think they are better alternating (mostly) at the 5. Will help to limit foul trouble as well hopefully. I don't think that means Kofi off the bench though, I think it's possible Giorgi comes in at the first timeout as a change of pace. The 4 in BU's scheme needs to be a threat from deep and that is not Giorgi. Teams would lay off him and double Kofi on the inside - which would be the worst of all worlds for us.

By January, I'm hopeful we see a starting 5 of: Ayo, Trent, Alan, Kipper, and Kofi. That's assuming the 'good' Kipper makes an appearance. Could very well be surpassed by BBV. I am still hopeful that a dogfight between Alan and Tev rages all year to be our production at the 3. Both of those guys have size, shooting and upside. Cycle between Ayo, Trent and Feliz for most of the game with DMW getting spot minutes at times.
Have you lost your mind, kipper ahead of kofi is ridiculous
Kofi looks solid from the free throw line w the high low... seemed like Egwu needed 3 yrs to get that. Giorgi may not need to hit a 3 to create space w movement. Giving him space to wiggle down low or then back out and hit the Tim Duncan bank shot would be a big option, and often open, shot even 10 feet in front of the 3 line. That would also let Kofi and our 3s get the boards if it doesnt fall...

I’ve never run spread with the personnel to do this, and I’m not sure I’ve ever looked for it out of BU either, but I’m interested to see if we go high-low in the 2 man game between those 2.

Giorgi could just come around the hand off and if he doesn’t get it just continue his cut to the block and post up. High low pass and iso or if they sag off kofi to make a harder pass to Giorgi he can hit that sweet elbow j
Yes - add me to the group that isn't quite sold on Kofi-Giorgi together from the start of a game. I like the hi-low options but it actually probably works better with Kofi at the Hi and showing he can hit that 15 footer or pass to Giorgi who is a magician within 5 feet of the rim. Giorgi not being a good shooter really hampers the possibilities of that lineup.

I think they are better alternating (mostly) at the 5. Will help to limit foul trouble as well hopefully. I don't think that means Kofi off the bench though, I think it's possible Giorgi comes in at the first timeout as a change of pace. The 4 in BU's scheme needs to be a threat from deep and that is not Giorgi. Teams would lay off him and double Kofi on the inside - which would be the worst of all worlds for us.

By January, I'm hopeful we see a starting 5 of: Ayo, Trent, Alan, Kipper, and Kofi. That's assuming the 'good' Kipper makes an appearance. Could very well be surpassed by BBV. I am still hopeful that a dogfight between Alan and Tev rages all year to be our production at the 3. Both of those guys have size, shooting and upside. Cycle between Ayo, Trent and Feliz for most of the game with DMW getting spot minutes at times.
I disagree with the idea that the only lineup that helps Kofi down low is a line up with 4 guys who play on the perimeter. Yes, that opens up the post area more but it also frees up the defense to focus their best post defender on Kofi. With 2 very good post players in the game together (Kofi and GB) the defense has to have 2 very solid post defenders or they will get burned on one side or the other. It appears to me that Kofi and GB will start together but will also share time at the 5 at times during the game as they each take breaks or when one gets in foul trouble. I don't think coach is afraid to play them together. I'm excited to see them on the court together both on the offensive end and on the defensive end.
Remember that Kofi played highschool ball at one of the most if not the most prestigious highschool in the country. Yes, he still has a learning curve to understand about college, but let's not act like he is brand new at this. Kofi"s played against the top highschool bigs and competition in the country. Yes there are games that he will struggle in, but he was groomed for this very type of competition. We have never had anything like him, heck not many have! Let's just enjoy the ride.... ;-)
There is also the high probability that if either (Giorgi or Kofi) can consistently make the three they are instantly NBA bound.
I disagree with the idea that the only lineup that helps Kofi down low is a line up with 4 guys who play on the perimeter. Yes, that opens up the post area more but it also frees up the defense to focus their best post defender on Kofi. With 2 very good post players in the game together (Kofi and GB) the defense has to have 2 very solid post defenders or they will get burned on one side or the other. It appears to me that Kofi and GB will start together but will also share time at the 5 at times during the game as they each take breaks or when one gets in foul trouble. I don't think coach is afraid to play them together. I'm excited to see them on the court together both on the offensive end and on the defensive end.

Try to get mismatches anytime you can. I think some teams simply won't have an answer if we try to overload the post. Whether it's hi-lo/two man game, kick-outs, whatever, 7' beast plus a great passing, physical 6'9" is going to be trouble for a lot of teams. You don't want to risk foul trouble or turnovers, but I expect there will be a time for those two to abuse teams.

We still need an identity IMO, but I see hints of things this team can/should be able to do reliably. Excited to watch it unfold.
GB and Kofi will be on the court at the same time and start. Did anyone watch Wisconsin last year?

Sure, but I didn't watch BU coaching Wisconsin last year. Did he guest-coach them at some point to give us insight into how he will utilize our players?
#27 with a 1% chance to win a national championship...that's fair.
Not a knock on Weatherford as I found the article interesting but I seem to remember that people on this board more knowledgeable than I (which is just about everyone) have not been impressed with espn bpi. Though I think espn improved it last year. Anyway, they have Arizona at #44 and GCU at #98. Just saying.
Sure, but I didn't watch BU coaching Wisconsin last year. Did he guest-coach them at some point to give us insight into how he will utilize our players?
I think if the likes of Gard can figure it out, it's well within BU's intellectual capacity
Sure, but I didn't watch BU coaching Wisconsin last year. Did he guest-coach them at some point to give us insight into how he will utilize our players?
Hmmm. If you’re suggesting there is a whole lot new in the game of basketball I have a beach house to sell you.
I think if the likes of Gard can figure it out, it's well within BU's intellectual capacity

Hmmm. If you’re suggesting there is a whole lot new in the game of basketball I have a beach house to sell you.

It's less a matter of whether or not BU can "figure it out" so much as whether it fits what he wants to do with this team and the specific personnel we have. What works for Gard with his system and his players does not necessarily fit what BU is trying to do. I am not suggesting that anything new needs to be invented so much as we cannot draw conclusions about how BU will utilize his players from how Gard utilized his. We can only say that the arrangement with two bigs can work for Gard.
It's less a matter of whether or not BU can "figure it out" so much as whether it fits what he wants to do with this team and the specific personnel we have.
My take on this is that we're probably going to see less of Kofi and Giorgi on the floor together, but not because of Underwood's 'system' or how he wants to play. Instead, I think that his biases towards experienced guys who won't hurt you and his hostility towards playing guys in foul trouble will wind up dictating his lineup decisions as much as anything. Think Damonte's playing time, or Kipper getting burn at the 5 over Samba last year, and note that he's almost always in the bottom quintile of coaches in terms of giving first half minutes to players with two fouls. (Pomeroy actually tracks that stat, and we were #306 last year.)

If Kofi proves he can stay out of foul trouble or if Underwood gets comfortable with either Hamlin or the boss man as a third post, it'll be interesting to see how often he plays the two bigs together. But based on prior history, I think that Underwood's comfort level with the risk of having to play someone he doesn't want to will be a major factor.

For the record, both of those biases are among my least favorite things about Underwood, behind only the use of timeouts in time-and-score situations. (Ayo's arguably the best downhill player in the B1G! Why stop the game and let the other team set their defense?) But they're all pretty coachy things for coaches to do, I guess.
It's less a matter of whether or not BU can "figure it out" so much as whether it fits what he wants to do with this team and the specific personnel we have. What works for Gard with his system and his players does not necessarily fit what BU is trying to do. I am not suggesting that anything new needs to be invented so much as we cannot draw conclusions about how BU will utilize his players from how Gard utilized his. We can only say that the arrangement with two bigs can work for Gard.
We’re getting a bit away from the original argument in that posters we’re suggesting that GB had to be able to shoot at the 3 pt line to be effective. My point was to suggest you can have a non stretch 4 in with the five and make it work if those are your best players. You adjust to and leverage the talent you have that gives you the best odds of winning of course. Clearly that all assume Kofi can play D well enough and stay out of foul trouble.
Finally cracked through Joe's list at a #10 seed in the STL Regional. It's been a while since we have been included.

Based on some comments from BU, I think a good rotation can see both GB and Kofi play together for some stretches. Kofi will head to the bench and GB will slide to the 5. Kofi will come in and GB will get a quick break. Then they are on the floor together again till Kofi gets in foul trouble or needs a break.

But BU wants to get GB more minutes at the 5 compared to the other night.
The way I've read comments from BU is that he was looking for ways to get both Kofi and Giorgi on the court at the same time and in ways that weren't predicated on one of them being a three point threat. Time will tell what he has in mind.

Giorgi is a special talent when it comes to low post scoring and if it's not being utilized properly it will be very disappointing.
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