Illini Football 2024

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Cincinnati, OH
I mean we likely only beat out UNC originally because of what we offered him. Kid sees the field a lot as a fresman... calls start coming... it is what it is.

It was previously reported the program got a large infusion of NIL cash. If that's true and Tobe still sees a better financial situation elsewhere, it's not a great sign.
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These young men need protection from themselves. Inconsistency will destroy many a career that might have otherwise been very fruitful..... but it doesn't matter when you make more guaranteed in college than trying to win thr NFL lottery.
Bird in the hand. They’re free agents with no guarantee of being drafted, enjoying a five-year auction for their talent. The wise ones will hedge their NFL hopes by earning a degree along the way, but transfers don’t help that aspect. Some will end up undrafted and without a fallback career plan.
In the 18-team divisionless Big Ten our recruiting is a stain on the side of the highway.

The B1G West and a bunch of superstars who were inherited from Lovie (and expertly developed by BB and staff, don't get me wrong) has been masking the hopelessness of the situation.

I don't mean to say this to be negative on BB. It's 80% the broader context, 20% any concern about what he's doing. But the reality is that our talent deficit to our opposition is as bad as it has ever been.

Part of the promise of BB is that roster cohesion and player development can make up that gap. I'm skeptical but we shall see.

I'm being a parody of myself being all doom and gloom, I get it, and I don't want to belabor this point. My conviction here is mainly just feeling like people don't understand how much harder our schedule just got.
Very well said. I understand that some will consider this negativity, but it is reality. We can always be excited about our team's outlook compared to last season or the last regime. But, without considering what the competition is doing (and who they are sometimes), leads to grandiose expectations. Maybe it's becasue I'm old and have been a sports fan of specific teams for so long, but that usually leads to more painful experiences. I just like to be realistic and enjoy watching the team try to meet those expectations (and how they did it). I find it much more enjoyable. I appreciate posts like this.


Chicago, IL
So where do you guys think Altmyer ranks among B1G QBs (1-18) after the realignment?

Not gonna spoil the article but per the writer in this article, not very high.

Interested to see how he looks this season.

He's a talented kid with the potential to be really really good, but as Robert always says "turnovers are football" and his ball security was unplayably bad at times last year.

I predict he either outplays that ranking or isn't our starter anymore by the end of the season.
Yeah, lots of programs are in the same boat.

Poking our heads above Purdue and Minnesota and Northwestern and Iowa doesn't do anything anymore.
I understand what you're saying, but I would be happy if we were consistently better and beating those four schools. Let's get there and then I might change my mind :).
I certainly hope so! We have SUCH a passionate basketball fan base ... I shiver with excitement to think what an Illini football program that strings together multiple winning seasons in a short timeframe could look like. I know the 1980s are a long time ago now, but even in years like 2001, 2007, 2008 and to a lesser extent last year, we have shown that Illini fans are quick to jump back on the bandwagon. We are hungry to cheer for a team worth cheering for. We deserve the same excitement during the fall that fan bases like Wisconsin or Iowa feel ... growing up around Hawkeyes fans in Iowa City (and having a blast tailgating), I have always been quite jealous. It CAN happen at Illinois, and I think this is a pivotal year to not take two steps back. These three year stretches were just program killers.

2001: 10-2 (7-1) ... Big Ten champions, Sugar Bowl appearance
2002: 5-7 (4-4) ... barely missed a bowl with some frustrating losses
2003: 1-11 (0-8) ... wheels fell off, all momentum lost, complete start over

2007: 9-4 (6-2) ... second place in the Big Ten, Rose Bowl appearance
2008: 5-7 (3-5) ... again barely missed a bowl with some frustrating losses
2009: 3-9 (2-6) ... even with SO much talent, we effectively deflated all of the post-Rose Bowl enthusiasm

Now we are here...

2022: 8-5 (5-4) ... SUPER frustrating losses away from a truly elite bowl, but it totally reignited the enthusiasm in the program
2023: 5-7 (3-6) ... with larger crowds riding the back of 2022's enthusiasm, we once again came up one game short of a bowl
2024: ???

This is such a pivotal year to AT LEAST not descend back to 4 or fewer wins. It will just reinforce to the casual fan that it's "here we go again," regardless of what the schedule looks like. If we can make a bowl this year, last year just looks like a rebuilding year after losing a ton of NFL talent. If we go backwards, it looks like just another "typical Illinois" backslide and a huge step back in fan support, IMO.
Sometimes I hate you.


Chicago, IL
I understand what you're saying, but I would be happy if we were consistently better and beating those four schools.
I can't resist making the point, we barely play Minnesota and Iowa anymore!

In the next five seasons we play each of Iowa and Minnesota twice. As if they were a non-conference opponent we'd scheduled a home and home with.

In 2026 we play only five games against the Big Ten circa-2010.

In 2025 and 2028 we only play three games against the former Big Ten West.
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This article about upcoming stadium renovations was posted in the Conference Realignment thread...

Upcoming NCAAFB Stadium Renovations

... and it got me thinking. If the money started flooding in, what would be your wish list for Memorial stadium? I really just have three main ones:

1. Move the students to the main stands and turn the NEZ into a family friendly concourse of sorts. It would improve the gameday atmosphere, you could charge more for those concourse tickets if you added easy access to food/beer and it would provide another fun alternative for a viewing experience at Memorial Stadium.

2. Fix the damn Horseshoe. I know I cannot shut up about this one, but it's frustrating to have a stadium that is breathtakingly gorgeous on the east and west sides and then have the south side be such an eyesore that doesn't fit the rest of the stadium in any way.

3. Give Grange Grove a bit more character. Don't get me wrong, I love Grange Grove, and it has helped immensely to improve the gameday atmosphere. However, it very much has the feel of if an AI was asked to create a "tailgating space," haha. Flat, utilitarian square with orderly lots. Too much about Memorial Stadium is "orderly," we need some unique quirky components! Plant some trees and actually make it a GROVE. Is this the most strictly logical thing to do to maximize tailgating space? Of course not. Would it give the place way more atmosphere and create a cooler environment? Absolutely.

For #2, I would love something like the planned SMU design in the linked article above, and I think it would fit into our south end zone space really nicely:


Ideally, the exterior would also have some component of brick/column architecture to tie it together with the rest of the stadium, too.

For #3, I mean come on ... compare the relatively bland layout of Grange Grove to what it would be like if walking through those gates was like entering a mini tailgating forest!





People can start to talk about Southern climates or whatever, but I'm pretty sure you can plant trees in Champaign! We literally have a few giant trees right in the middle of Grange Grove, and across the street there is a tailgating area with many more trees. Sorry for the random rant, but I think it would really give Memorial Stadium some nice charm.


Interested to see how he looks this season.

He's a talented kid with the potential to be really really good, but as Robert always says "turnovers are football" and his ball security was unplayably bad at times last year.

I predict he either outplays that ranking or isn't our starter anymore by the end of the season.

Is that really true about his ball security? After the first 3 games of the year he had 3 interceptions and 10 touchdowns in 6 games. Those first 3 games were rough but also against some of the best defenses in the country. All while playing in his first games on a new team in a new system. Even more if you take out one really awful game against the #3 scoring defense in the country he only had 6 interceptions in 8 games which is not terrible. That doesn't speak to me of a guy who is a turnover machine but a first year starter that got more comfortable in the system as the year progressed.


Chicago, IL
Is that really true about his ball security? After the first 3 games of the year he had 3 interceptions and 10 touchdowns in 6 games. Those first 3 games were rough but also against some of the best defenses in the country. All while playing in his first games on a new team in a new system. Even more if you take out one really awful game against the #3 scoring defense in the country he only had 6 interceptions in 8 games which is not terrible. That doesn't speak to me of a guy who is a turnover machine but a first year starter that got more comfortable in the system as the year progressed.
Altmyer made 7 starts against high major opponents and had 9 INT's and 5 fumbles in those games, several of them of the "simply cannot happen" variety.

PSU was obviously the big dramatic meltdown early in the year, but I don't think it's accurate to say things got cleaned up from there.

He was the same thing late in the year that he was early, a really strong assertive operator of the offense with a tendency toward killer mistakes. Bielema Ball does not have the margin for error to accommodate killer mistakes.
His list has some qb’s that have played a few games. He should be higher on the totem pole.
I can't resist making the point, we barely play Minnesota and Iowa anymore!

In the next five seasons we play each of Iowa and Minnesota twice. As if they were a non-conference opponent we'd scheduled a home and home with.

In 2026 we play only five games against the Big Ten circa-2010.

In 2025 and 2028 we only play three games against the former Big Ten West.
I get it. I tend to make sure my point is understood as well. I also know you know I was speaking metapohorically regarding those 4 team. Not literally. I haven't a clue what our future schedules look like. But, I just certainly know enough to agree with your point. Like you, I have ideas of how the college football landscape will settle in the next fews years, or at least what makes sense to me. For now, I just try to enjoy individual games I stumble upon and certainly the Illini games.
So where do you guys think Altmyer ranks among B1G QBs (1-18) after the realignment?

Not gonna spoil the article but per the writer in this article, not very high.

Somewhere in the 10-13 range. He was one of the better conference QBs after the Penn State loss. I think he takes a step forward with a year of experience
Bird in the hand. They’re free agents with no guarantee of being drafted, enjoying a five-year auction for their talent. The wise ones will hedge their NFL hopes by earning a degree along the way, but transfers don’t help that aspect. Some will end up undrafted and without a fallback career plan.
MOST will end up undrafted.
And if not educated, once NIL money is gone now what.
Got used to being paid and now no way of making money
This article about upcoming stadium renovations was posted in the Conference Realignment thread...

Upcoming NCAAFB Stadium Renovations

... and it got me thinking. If the money started flooding in, what would be your wish list for Memorial stadium? I really just have three main ones:

1. Move the students to the main stands and turn the NEZ into a family friendly concourse of sorts. It would improve the gameday atmosphere, you could charge more for those concourse tickets if you added easy access to food/beer and it would provide another fun alternative for a viewing experience at Memorial Stadium.

2. Fix the damn Horseshoe. I know I cannot shut up about this one, but it's frustrating to have a stadium that is breathtakingly gorgeous on the east and west sides and then have the south side be such an eyesore that doesn't fit the rest of the stadium in any way.

3. Give Grange Grove a bit more character. Don't get me wrong, I love Grange Grove, and it has helped immensely to improve the gameday atmosphere. However, it very much has the feel of if an AI was asked to create a "tailgating space," haha. Flat, utilitarian square with orderly lots. Too much about Memorial Stadium is "orderly," we need some unique quirky components! Plant some trees and actually make it a GROVE. Is this the most strictly logical thing to do to maximize tailgating space? Of course not. Would it give the place way more atmosphere and create a cooler environment? Absolutely.

For #2, I would love something like the planned SMU design in the linked article above, and I think it would fit into our south end zone space really nicely:


Ideally, the exterior would also have some component of brick/column architecture to tie it together with the rest of the stadium, too.

For #3, I mean come on ... compare the relatively bland layout of Grange Grove to what it would be like if walking through those gates was like entering a mini tailgating forest!





People can start to talk about Southern climates or whatever, but I'm pretty sure you can plant trees in Champaign! We literally have a few giant trees right in the middle of Grange Grove, and across the street there is a tailgating area with many more trees. Sorry for the random rant, but I think it would really give Memorial Stadium some nice charm.
Have you looked through the campus landscape architecture master plan? Take a close look at it and you will see the eventual plans for the entire athletic campus.
Have you looked through the campus landscape architecture master plan? Take a close look at it and you will see the eventual plans for the entire athletic campus.
Do you have a link?
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