Illinois 31, UConn 23 POSTGAME

This team looked bad today... But I feel like it’s poor preparation, or maybe an underestimating, something like that. There is skill to be seen on both sides of the ball, but it’s super inconsistent. Also, we’re missing so many guys due to injury/suspension.

I think there’s a real truth to saying that this game was not as close as the score, despite us trying to make it feel that way. We gifted them 14 points due to bad Peters play.

All said, what is our takeaway from this game?!
Gotta find a way to win 6....secondary depth becomes major concern. Realism has set in...wide receivers much improved. Defensive line and linebackers better than I expected. Going to be tough.
$55K bet guy at the end of the game....

Different game with Reggie in there - we could not run much up the middle - Reggie gets it going off the edge. He'd have broken two good runs today as there wasn't much support past the line.

Now time to root for Colorado
Are we ever going to see a fundamentally sound football team under Smith? I really don't see this team making much noise once conference play begins.
I just don't get the play calling...on either side. You blitz the holy bejezus out of a freshman QB....and when the OL is your biggest POUND the ball until the obviously weaker defense can't move anybody. Peters clearly needs the threat of a run to give him time in the pocket. Play. Action.
Glad I could only follow the game on a gametracker. I'd have been irate watching it live.

To play that poorly and win is a huge luxury which won't be repeated. Warning lights all over. Glimpses of what they're capable of on both sides of the ball, such as the second quarter. Lock-down defense and effective, drama-free offense. And then we got long looks at what they're capable of, such as the first and third quarters: penalties, drops, poor decisions, gifting points and all manner of self inflicted wounds.

One of those teams needs to show up and stay. The other needs to go away forever.

Robert's prediction was gold. Genius.