Illinois 73, Northwestern 66 Postgame



Winged Warrior
Probably an unpopular opinion but Curbelo is a liability right now in my opinion. He doesn’t value the ball and is so turnover prone
He had a bad game. That's all. His game requires him to be in a rhythm with the other players on the floor. He doesn't have that, and might not the rest of the year. It's solely because of his injury/illness and time missed.
I’m not sure which is stranger:

1. Since Maryland game, Plummer is only 13 of 19 from the line (68.4%)
2. Though I have no actual numbers to back it up, Trent has to be averaging about 1.5 air balls a game since the first NW game. Very strange for such a good shooter.

Ugly game with too many lazy turnovers. Great to see RJ get the time and really be productive with it. Also nice to see Hawk get more time today. I’m not as high on him as many are, but still believe he can be a good and important part of this team. Don’t think he scored (not even sure if he took a shot), but he had multiple rebounds and assists, and I believe a steal too.


Somehow we completely lost focus at halftime. Actually got a little sloppy late in the first. As others have said, we so love shooting 3’s we forget about driving and offensive rebounding which are strengths when we are playing well.


Paducah, Ky
Well, I didn't get drunk on shots cause we stunk at 3 pt shooting today , but I got drunk trying to relieve te stress of another run by the opposing team...19-2 run by the mildcats was so fugly that I was hyperventilating big time..........But , RJ and Kofi with his 41st double double tieing Skip Thoren for the all time leaders at UI......................

Just was not AC's day .......had a couple big baskets but TO's negated them.......Jake with another sub par game and only the 2 FT's at the end of the game to show ......

No Goode was a surprise , but R J is making such a big claim for more tick and he came through today ....hit those big FT's like a seasoned experienced player ....They had him on the post game radio interview and he sounds confident and praised the coaches for their confidence in him......

A win is a win is a win......................cliche for sure, but we have a lot to work on before going to Jersey Mikes against probably the hottest team in the B1G now ......




Whew , this season is taxing my mind .........................................

I agree. This whole lack of game awareness BS is really starting to tee me off. How do you get 15 TO's in the 2nd half? By force feeding into a swarming D and not driving to the hoop and looking for Kofi or the hoop. Trent has to take charge. When we are tight, the 3's will not fall, and we have to recognize that.
Agree with this. Self used to call threes "fool's gold." And that definitely applies to this team. When we are hot definitely we should be putting them up. But somebody has to realize when they are not, you cannot just keep jacking them up. When they aren't falling our ball security goes to sh&^ as well and that must change.
He had a bad game. That's all. His game requires him to be in a rhythm with the other players on the floor. He doesn't have that, and might not the rest of the year. It's solely because of his injury/illness and time missed.
For real. I will die on the hill that AC is our most important piece. Without him we are a very very good team. With him being where he was last year, we could be a final four team
Frankly, a disgusting win. 1 for 13 from three point range in 2H with turnovers galore. The drumbeat continues--the trajectory of the offense, individually player driven, is not coming along and not progressing as a whole. We aren't going to make any noise at all come tourney time.


Boise, Idaho
Probably an unpopular opinion but Curbelo is a liability right now in my opinion. He doesn’t value the ball and is so turnover prone

Melendez was fantastic. I actually don’t understand why Underwood took him out midway thru the second half. He was playing great
Some things are contagious, and it seems lately Curbelo’s sloppiness with the ball has been for the whole team.


Spokane, WA
The positive: Illini win, RJ was awesome, first-half Plummer got hot, Hawkins got some minutes and did OK... ALONE IN FIRST PLACE again on a day when Purdue struggled at home against Maryland

The negative: Grandison still in that slump and played maybe his worst game ever, Kofi was sloppy, Trent had another terrible shooting game, and someone check Curbelo for another concussion

I speculate Goode was under the weather or else he would have gotten some tick
Ok is it just me or should Melendez get more playing time? 🤔
Ok. All you insiders out there. What did Melendez start doing in practice to earn more playing time? BTW, I like all the freshmen and know each of them brings something different to the table .


Eugene, Oregon
Come on, man. Did you enjoy that second half? LOL Look, I love the wins too, but when is IL going to win it all? Isn't that what we are all hungry for? Not looking good with efforts like that second half, but again I too am grateful to be in first place.
Yes, I did enjoy that second half; thanks for asking.

Seeing RJ come into his own, contributing in crunch time was awesome! Seeing our kids grind out a WIN despite shaky ball control - enjoyed that, too!

Sweating whether they will or won’t win a natty while the team is highly ranked and is in SOLE POSSESSION OF FIRST PLACE late in the season in the best conference in the country… well, I got nothin’ for ya.
Probably an unpopular opinion but Curbelo is a liability right now in my opinion. He doesn’t value the ball and is so turnover prone

Melendez was fantastic. I actually don’t understand why Underwood took him out midway thru the second half. He was playing great
He had a bad game with TO's. I'm sure BU will talk to him about not trying to make the fancy play or split the defense so much.
Yes, I did enjoy that second half; thanks for asking.

Seeing RJ come into his own, contributing in crunch time was awesome! Seeing our kids grind out a WIN despite shaky ball control - enjoyed that, too!

Sweating whether they will or won’t win a natty while the team is highly ranked and is in SOLE POSSESSION OF FIRST PLACE late in the season in the best conference in the country… well, I got nothin’ for ya.
To each his own! Go Illini!


Evansville, IN
Agreed but he has been very inconsistent on both offense and defense for a good while now. I am officially concerned about him. :(
I am petitioning you to please change your terrible avatar.