Illinois 83, Lewis 50 (Exhibition) POSTGAME

I don't think BBV will be able to maintain that 3 pt shooting percentage :( :cool:

Pretty funny that Rob keyed in on this in his first question to both BU and Trent/Andres.
But then, if you know Rob, this is pretty typical.

Looks like we just might have our long sought after Verdonkinator!!
First game is always going to be tough shooting wise because your body is adjusting to real game speed so quit worrying about Ayo, Griffin, Feliz, and Giorgi. Their strokes are fine. Trent is clearly a fine tuned vet when it comes to being ready for games and really knows his body well and can slow himself down in moments when everyone speeds up. Kofi is going to be huge when we play those smaller teams and we may see a return of the "Hack a Shaq" method. BBV could end up being another steal of a recruit as he can be dangerous offensively and he very well could end up being one our better defenders because of his speed, length, and ball awareness. He'll be a great asset on the boards. Kipper was well engaged with the flow of the game and looks ready mentally for this season. He looks to be more patient than afraid like last season. Giorgi is just a perfect teammate to have for this team because he'll be able to keep this team focused and relaxed no matter the situation. Not sure how some of you haven't heard about the Tevian Jones indefinite suspension but yes it's a thing and hopefully he'll be back on track shortly. GB and KC in the lineup together looked fine and definitely will be used again, especially with Giorgi's passing ability and vision. I could see of lot of inside-out set ups with those two.

Remember people: It's the first game. You can't expect perfection no matter the competition. Stop expecting to see the Final Four team from 2005. Those days of comparisons are gone. This season is about THIS TEAM. Stay supportive and positive. A win is a win and that's what matters whether it's by 5 or 50. I trust Underwood, his staff, and his system and you should too. He's been doing this longer than any of us. He's the one in practice not you. You're not the expert. He is. Let everyone do the job they are paid to do.

Kofi's HS team seem to be focused on getting Cole Anthony points and press. Kind of like Giorgi in that he seemed to be the third or fourth option. If you saw the clip of his contest with Anthony you might think he is the three point shooter instead of Giorgi.
I hate to be the turd in the punch bowl but I don’t think you can play Giorgi and Kofi much together. Offensively it’s a nightmare. Giorgi clearly still can’t hit 3s so he’s never going to suck his man out away from the lane. I just don’t see how you ever manage to maintain spacing with both of them in there at the same time. Defensively, it’s a plus. But I suspect against good competition it’s going to kill the offense.

As has been mention above, I’d assume they combine to fill the 5 spot, with rare appearance together at the same time just to throw some different looks at teams.

This is what I saw too. The only way they can play together is if we switch our offensive style when they’re together. Kofi being able to hit 15 footers gives them a lot of ability to space the floor but just in a different way then underwood currently runs the offense.
Interesting stat on +/-
DaMonte +30
Kofi +24
At odds with points and other stats for top two.

+/- is normally a meaningless stat but it’s even more meaningless when you don’t compare against what other teammates had.
MINI, one of the things folks do on the board is critique. Sometimes positive sometimes pointing out shortcomings in coaching or play on any given day. And whether or not i'm positive, supportive or negative will have no outcome on the season. And Giorgi shot from distance is not fine. Will he shoot it better, i hope so, but we will see. As he said in an interview he has yet to translate the confidence he has in practice to the game.
I hate to be the turd in the punch bowl but I don’t think you can play Giorgi and Kofi much together. Offensively it’s a nightmare. Giorgi clearly still can’t hit 3s so he’s never going to suck his man out away from the lane. I just don’t see how you ever manage to maintain spacing with both of them in there at the same time. Defensively, it’s a plus. But I suspect against good competition it’s going to kill the offense.

As has been mention above, I’d assume they combine to fill the 5 spot, with rare appearance together at the same time just to throw some different looks at teams.
Dear Mr. Turd, I disagree. You could have made the same statement about Trent and Ayo last year early as they were figuring out out to play together. But they worked it out. Giorgi doesn't need to hit the three to be effective as shown last night and I think the high low action they had was very good considering they're just getting used to each other and Kofi is playing his first game under the lights.

I don't foresee Underwood scratching his head and asking why GB is just standing at the 3 pt line unguarded and not shooting. He'll make adjustments. Part of the issue we saw last night was playing against a zone - and clearly BU still needs to come up with a more consistent offense against the zone. GB showed his chops of getting the ball at 15 ft and taking his man to the hoop for the 4 footer that he's so adapt at. The play Kipper and Kofi ran where he lobbed to Kofi for the soft dunk is another good example of what you'll see with both in there. If we're demanding he be a great 3 pt shooter/stretch 4, we're breaking rule #1 which is to play/adjust the game to the strength of your players.
This team struggled early on, turnovers, missed shots and poor defense will make you look bad. But this team is probably what BU envisioned (length/size all over the court, shooters, and play makers). Ayo will be OK, as stage and competition get bigger Ayo gets better. Trent was assertive when he needed to be, can't remember an ill advised shot. When we fell behind he decided to make some plays for us, other than that was trying to facilitate. Feliz same thing, gets to the rim and makes shots. I fine with what Damonte brings, but he needs to hit the free throws and occasional 3's. He lacks Feliz ability to take it to the rim and score, but overall "glue" type player.

Kofi better than advertise, in the future see a lot of hack a Shaq (although Kofi has nice FT form/shot) and plenty of uncalled fouls. Giorgi and Kofi ran the hi/lo nicely and seem to mesh well on the court. I'm not concerned about have two bigs together, they seem to understand the spacing part. Kofi has a nice mid range shot. Great having two bigs to rebound and defend the interior.

Would like to see Kipper's shot falling, had a couple of nice mid range and open 3 shots not go in. He will be solid for us, just like Damonte he needs to hit his free throw like two years ago. Griffin has grown physically into a nice combo guard size, with his growing athleticism and nice shot, predict he will be solid for us now and special down the road. Enjoy the process of watching Griffin grow, there will be struggles but he projects well.

BBVerdonk, great confidence and form on his shot. Probably going to have a high FT and FG percentage. I thought his legs gave out multiple times, likely due to recent injury and this being his 5th full day of practice/games. In 6-8 weeks we start the BIG TEN and I feel his legs will be back to form and even be better. I don't know how good he will be this year and if he will take some minutes from Kipper/Damonte/Tevian. I do see him being in a BIGs rotation with Kofi, Giorgi, and Hamlin. Hamlin I see playing 5-7 minutes to just give Kofi, Giorgi, BBV a breather or if they are in foul trouble.

You guys don't seem to like my player comparison, but which player was 6-8 tall, can hit the 3's, run the court, unselfish passer, and dives for balls. Hint: Played for Duke. That is who BBV style wise reminds me of.
I think I’m going to change my online name to Mr. Turd.

Hi all -- I'll post this here since the game thread is locked. I was the play-by-play announcer last night, and yes I'm a "professional." Thank you for the kind words though, at least I know I made the right career choice! FYI, these BTN+ broadcasts are entirely student produced (outside of me last night.) Color commentator, sideline reporter, producer, director which is why when it airs on BTN Linear (as it is right now) it's under the STUDENT U banner.

You'll hear a student PXP announcer as well on most games, but you may hear me on a few other men's and women's games in the next few months. Looking forward to tracking the Illini this year!
I just finished watching the game replay, wow a lot to work on.
1. Andrew feliz: "A", does so many things well and calming influence, so impressed.
2. Kofi: "B+, Great 15ft jumper, solid foot work and rebounding. HAS TO Shoot ball from above his shoulders. Will get swatted against better bigs. Ball starts below his pecks. Runs floor Great!
3. Georgi: B, great perimeter defense, needs to cut socializing down with ref's. Ugly jump shot, great post moves, Most effective at 5 Period.
4. Trent: A, just solid quiet effective game.
5. Damont: D, scouting report push him towards base line Guaranteed turnover. Simply does not have ability to get it done anymore, try's to pass to top of key or opposite baseline instance Turnover. Breaks my heart.
6. Ayo: C, felt he was simply trying to get everyone involved and it completely took him out of whack!
7. Kipper: D, Uh what else do you say? Not much energy and still looks lost for long Periods!
8. Alan Griffin: D, Does not move his feet well at all on Defense looks bad. Attacks boards great, but man his feet look so slow.
9. BBV, aka bel biv davoe: B-, Kid gets in shape and moving in game speed, he will be Legit. Showed more in 8 minutes than Tevion and Griifth in a Year. What a potential steal.
10. Hamlin: C, committed 3 fouls in 1 play on 1 player in 2nd half, none were called. Lol, work In progress and that fine.

In closing, Playing Georgi and Kofi At same Time is a Not Good/ a No go in my opinion. Georgi is so effective in post and making moves, same with Kofi. Waste of time playing Georgi away from Basketball. Much to improve on and alot of hype. A long way to go, but I'm excited.
Go Illini!!!!!!! Wish we had at least 4 games before Arizona trip. 2 good teams.
Pretty much the same team as last year and I don't see much improvement, but I did notice three positives.
1. Trent was taking and making shots in rhythm and not forcing them. That led to good shooting on his part and having a money shooter every night is critical. Hope what I saw was the result of hard work and fundamental improvement that can be sustained.
2. Kofi was pretty much as advertised and had a great first game. Not a great defensive player and that needs to be stressed for him to improve, but the team is unquestionable better if he sustains that type of play and does not get eaten up inside in B1G play.
3. Damonte needs to hit shots, but he is by far the best player at every other aspect when it comes to execution, especially on helping defensively.

That said, the help defense is atrocious, Ayo's perimeter game needs massive work, and Griffin and Kipper need to become dependable, hard-working guys of the bench. Verdonk's play is needed and the few minutes he got may have put Kipper on the bench.

Overall, and expected easy win, and with that said, we will see many of these type games throughout college hoops purely based and three point shooting. I, for one, like that fact as shooting the basketball is the most important part of the game IMHO. Shoot, defend, rebound and good pass and catch can make any team a tough out for anyone. The Illini are simply avg. in putting the ball in the net, but have the potential to be very good. That requires hard work at shooting skills and I simply do not know where that is prioritized by the staff. Kids can only practice so much and don't have all day to do it...just a relatively small window compared to professionals. But I do know it can be done if the individual wants to do it. Jackie Stiles was in the gym making...not just shooting...a thousand shots prior to going to class every day and became an elite player in spite of average physical skills. Don't think the Illini have any kids with that kind of motivation.

Regardless, we should see improvement in the record and bubble drama at the end of the season. I would love to see them get through non-con undefeated. Even though I am an Arizona alum....I have and will always pull for the Illini against the Cats and am ashamed of what Miller has done to that program.
Hi all -- I'll post this here since the game thread is locked. I was the play-by-play announcer last night, and yes I'm a "professional." Thank you for the kind words though, at least I know I made the right career choice! FYI, these BTN+ broadcasts are entirely student produced (outside of me last night.) Color commentator, sideline reporter, producer, director which is why when it airs on BTN Linear (as it is right now) it's under the STUDENT U banner.

You'll hear a student PXP announcer as well on most games, but you may hear me on a few other men's and women's games in the next few months. Looking forward to tracking the Illini this year!
Nice job. Thank you!
I trust Underwood, his staff, and his system and you should too. He's been doing this longer than any of us. He's the one in practice not you. You're not the expert. He is. Let everyone do the job they are paid to do.
My wife once gave me a dollar to quit griping and moaning to her and take it to the Illini technically I'm off the hook here.
I just finished watching the game replay, wow a lot to work on.
1. Andrew feliz: "A", does so many things well and calming influence, so impressed.
2. Kofi: "B+, Great 15ft jumper, solid foot work and rebounding. HAS TO Shoot ball from above his shoulders. Will get swatted against better bigs. Ball starts below his pecks. Runs floor Great!
3. Georgi: B, great perimeter defense, needs to cut socializing down with ref's. Ugly jump shot, great post moves, Most effective at 5 Period.
4. Trent: A, just solid quiet effective game.
5. Damont: D, scouting report push him towards base line Guaranteed turnover. Simply does not have ability to get it done anymore, try's to pass to top of key or opposite baseline instance Turnover. Breaks my heart.
6. Ayo: C, felt he was simply trying to get everyone involved and it completely took him out of whack!
7. Kipper: D, Uh what else do you say? Not much energy and still looks lost for long Periods!
8. Alan Griffin: D, Does not move his feet well at all on Defense looks bad. Attacks boards great, but man his feet look so slow.
9. BBV, aka bel biv davoe: B-, Kid gets in shape and moving in game speed, he will be Legit. Showed more in 8 minutes than Tevion and Griifth in a Year. What a potential steal.
10. Hamlin: C, committed 3 fouls in 1 play on 1 player in 2nd half, none were called. Lol, work In progress and that fine.

In closing, Playing Georgi and Kofi At same Time is a Not Good/ a No go in my opinion. Georgi is so effective in post and making moves, same with Kofi. Waste of time playing Georgi away from Basketball. Much to improve on and alot of hype. A long way to go, but I'm excited.
Go Illini!!!!!!! Wish we had at least 4 games before Arizona trip. 2 good teams.
5 and 7 are wrong. At least Cs and I'd call KN B or B-. FTs aside you saw a difft DW and Kipper than I did.
So my question is, when we play legit opponents are we going to get the first half Illini or the second half Illini. First half was pretty much the same ol' we’ve seen from BU teams in previous seasons and frankly was disconcerting. Second half was better but we’re playing a D2 opponent here.

If the first half was any indication I think we should be pretty thankful on how light the non-conference schedule is, they’ll need it to get things going.
Slow starts or scoring droughts and bad free throw shooting aren't good for close games. However Kofi quicker than he seemed on HS clips which is a real positive. Also don't agree that he and Giorgi are a problem playing together. BBV was impressive for the short time that he played but think we need the Arizona game to really get excited. Like to see us blow them out by 2/3 points.
I don't care what the competition is, your freshman C comes in and gets a double double in his first game and doesn't get his first foul until the second half?

That's absolutely an A.

If he would have hard fouled a couple of times in the first half to send a would be an A+.
I hate to be the turd in the punch bowl but I don’t think you can play Giorgi and Kofi much together. Offensively it’s a nightmare. Giorgi clearly still can’t hit 3s so he’s never going to suck his man out away from the lane. I just don’t see how you ever manage to maintain spacing with both of them in there at the same time. Defensively, it’s a plus. But I suspect against good competition it’s going to kill the offense.

As has been mention above, I’d assume they combine to fill the 5 spot, with rare appearance together at the same time just to throw some different looks at teams.
Couldn’t disagree more. They have the talent and intelligence to figure it out. There was some really nice passing between the two. Kofi showed he can hit a midrange jumper. They both can hit shots spinning towards the baseline. The problem is having non shooters like DaMonte and Kipper out there with them and it could be while before their minutes go to Griffin and BBV.
Couldn’t disagree more. They have the talent and intelligence to figure it out. There was some really nice passing between the two. Kofi showed he can hit a midrange jumper. They both can hit shots spinning towards the baseline. The problem is having non shooters like DaMonte and Kipper out there with them and it could be while before their minutes go to Griffin and BBV.

Da’Monte hit a wide open 3. I’m excited if he can do that more this season.