Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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Miami Herald article about the situation:

Sounds like it could be up to Diaz whether he can return to Miami or not.

Jeff Thomas, the electrifying former Miami Hurricanes receiver who was dismissed from the team Thanksgiving week, has conveyed interest to the University of Miami in returning to the school, two sources said Saturday.

Coach Manny Diaz will decide whether Thomas will return, and it’s unclear what that decision will be.

One player on last year’s team said he was left with the impression that Thomas will return to the team. But it’s unknown if Diaz has given authorization for that.
Not saying that were going to lose jeff thomas but if we do i see us going after another wide out the transfer portal

With wide out depth being just horrible
Miami Herald article about the situation:

Sounds like it could be up to Diaz whether he can return to Miami or not.

"Jeff Thomas, the electrifying former Miami Hurricanes receiver who was dismissed from the team Thanksgiving week, has conveyed interest to the University of Miami in returning to the school, two sources said Saturday."

whatever he decides, it sounds like he's had a hard life already at a young age from what @Title has told us. best of luck to him
To clear up the confusion about the Dec 21st Jeff Thomas tweet about Illinois, the tweet has been deleted:

(Twitter's mobile app sometimes is not good at removing tweets that have been keeps on displaying deleted tweets)
This was brought up a few weeks ago, but if you want to know more about JT, you should find a way to watch 89 Blocks. I believe after watching it that he's a good kid, but he's quite conflicted about life in general. Good luck to him no matter what!
Obviously an odd situation. I’m fuzzy on transfer portal rules but I am familiar with the NCAAs social media policy, which states that a University can not officially post or tweet about a recruit until the the official paperwork has processed. This happened with Thomas, which leads me to believe his transfer was completed.

This would obviously hurt to not acquire such a highly talented player but the kid does have issues outside of the game and I have, from day one, questioned his candidacy for the eligibility waiver (Richt put a statement alluding to Thomas being dismissed from the team but Thomas refuted that in his own statement, noting that the split was mutual. A mutual split would be a hard sell to the NCAA). At least as far as 2019 goes, I don’t think this changes much for us.
It is most likely he is waiting for the waiver and if he doesn't get it, he will go the juco route. Could be why he didn't enroll? Also, he could have decided to spend time at home during this semester. Deleting the Illini stuff is curious, though.

St. Louis is pretty much snowed in right now. Chancellor is telling students to not try to come to campus until Sunday.
Estes not coming is an issue for Jeff Thomas. I am working on getting more details and will report back. In the beginning Estes was supposed to be his roommate which is why he chose Illinois over Mizzou.

Thanks for the insight Title. I had a feeling not taking Estes would come back to bite us.
Estes not coming is an issue for Jeff Thomas. I am working on getting more details and will report back. In the beginning Estes was supposed to be his roommate which is why he chose Illinois over Mizzou.

I dont care what it takes, we have to make this happen. JT is TOO BIG of a story in the Esl/St.Louis area! Lovie bringing him in and mentoring him and being like a Father to him and getting Jeff to the NFL from Illinois gets you in every home automatically for every kid in that area! It gives instance game-changing credibility for our staff and program for every high school coach, every parent, and every player in that area. Everyone either knows Jeff and his family or watched the documentary. And Estes already came out and publicly jumped on board with the whole demo and we did nothing!

This has to change quick. PR this whole thing quick, fast, and in a hurry!! It's too important to make this happen for the long-term rather than just to miss it! Many may disagree but it's just MO.
I don't see the issue in taking Estes. He was good enough to be recruited by another B1G school, and if getting him means you also get a player like Thomas, you take him 10 times out of 10.

Agreed! :thumb:
I don't see the issue in taking Estes. He was good enough to be recruited by another B1G school, and if getting him means you also get a player like Thomas, you take him 10 times out of 10.

I'm with you. It's like adding a JUCO player in the Class of 2020. He's athletic enough to add depth in the Secondary or at WR. I believe he wasn't tried at WR at Minnesota because Minnesota is stacked at that position.

I'm sure this shipped has sailed however.
Obviously an odd situation. I’m fuzzy on transfer portal rules but I am familiar with the NCAAs social media policy, which states that a University can not officially post or tweet about a recruit until the the official paperwork has processed. This happened with Thomas, which leads me to believe his transfer was completed.

This would obviously hurt to not acquire such a highly talented player but the kid does have issues outside of the game and I have, from day one, questioned his candidacy for the eligibility waiver (Richt put a statement alluding to Thomas being dismissed from the team but Thomas refuted that in his own statement, noting that the split was mutual. A mutual split would be a hard sell to the NCAA). At least as far as 2019 goes, I don’t think this changes much for us.

The LOI is only for first-time student-athletes and is the binding document that requires the institution to release them in order to attend another institution. Once a student-athlete transfers, there is no new LOI to sign. I'm guessing they simply sign financial aid agreements, which are not binding. These financial aid agreements only become binding once a student attends class. I believe someone stated earlier that Illinois hasn't started class yet, therefore JT isn't locked into Illinois (but Illinois can report his signing because of financial aid agreement). Would need some confirmation or corroboration on this, but this is what I'm assuming is happening and leaving both doors open for him.

This seems to be a different version of when players would enroll early under the old signing day period. Back then, schools could announce their signing AFTER they started attending their first class because signing day happened weeks after spring semester started. I remember hearing rumors that Notre Dame continued recruiting Arrelious Benn after he moved into his dorm but before he attended his first class. Once he walked in the classroom, agreement became binding.
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The LOI is only for first-time student-athletes and is the binding document that requires the institution to release them in order to attend another institution. Once a student-athlete transfers, there is no new LOI to sign. I'm guessing they simply sign financial aid agreements, which are not binding. These financial aid agreements only become binding once a student attends class. I believe someone stated earlier that Illinois hasn't started class yet, therefore JT isn't locked into Illinois (but Illinois can report his signing because of financial aid agreement). Would need some confirmation or corroboration on this, but this is what I'm assuming is happening and leaving both doors open for him.

This seems to be a different version of when players would enroll early under the old signing day period. Back then, schools could announce their signing AFTER they started attending their first class because signing day happened weeks after spring semester started. I remember hearing rumors that Notre Dame continued recruiting Arrelious Benn after he moved into his dorm but before he attended his first class. Once he walked in the classroom, agreement became binding.

You are correct sir! He's free to do as he pleases at this point.

Mind you, Lovie doesn't mess around and is a man of his word and holds every one around him accountable to that same standard. Now all of this was supposed to be finalized when students start back this week, his courses for the fall semister would have been entered in this week and his financial aid tender *would have been binding* once he signed off on the course structure & classes he would be taking, and identifying a major and enrolling in that department or "schools" career-path plan. But if no major is selected and no courses are scheduled, his financial aid tender in-turn doesn't get submitted Federally without the career path and course plan in place, effectively never enrolling him at Illinois. Thats why I said this will all be settled by Wednesday I believe, when all this was due to be submitted.
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Estes not coming is an issue for Jeff Thomas. I am working on getting more details and will report back. In the beginning Estes was supposed to be his roommate which is why he chose Illinois over Mizzou.
This was my gut feeling last night...
If what i'm reading is accurate why would the NCAA grant a waiver for Thomas to play next year. He wants to be closer to his son from what i understand, so what does Estes have to do with that. If there's any truth to this and i'm the NCAA i would wonder how bad he wants to be closer to his son.
If what i'm reading is accurate why would the NCAA grant a waiver for Thomas to play next year. He wants to be closer to his son from what i understand, so what does Estes have to do with that. If there's any truth to this and i'm the NCAA i would wonder how bad he wants to be closer to his son.

If he eventually enrolls at Illinois and submits a bid for a waiver then that will obviously tell the NCAA that Estes wasn't main consideration. If he goes back to Miami he won't need the waiver and it won't matter.
By reading above, it appears Thomas may be trying to leverage himself with Illinois to get Estes on the team. Typically I would think this would be poor strategy with Lovie but EastSL is assuredly also involved. I would imagine there is a whole lot of behind the scenes stuff going on right now. Who will blink first? Personally, I think I would have taken Estes just to avoid this crap. Thomas may find himself without a team.
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