Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (April 2017)

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Edwardsville, IL
Thanks for the heads up. I was indeed taking the LOCATION info rather literally. Perhaps Easton is actually Edwardsville.

Thanks again.....and maybe Frank's next tweet will put the MS recruitment to bed!

As of Friday it was MSU & ILL. Mark and Dad were going to get things figured out over the weekend trip. I don't know what the conclusion was and maybe Cash is right. I certainly hope so.


Easton, Il
As I tune back into IL today to catch up on our latest recruiting rumors from all of our best insiders, I'm starting to get a little worried. Two things in particular caught my attention:

1. Posts from an "inside source" from Easton, IL (seriously --- Easton, population 350?). I'm dying to hear how our good friend from Easton has credible information and close ties to Mark Smith and/or the new Brad Underwood coaching regime. If he does, I'll be shocked and pleasantly surprised!

2. Bruninga from Illini Bluffs as a serious recruit to the Big 10. (Seriously -- Illini Bluffs?) I watched a highlight clip and some of Bruninga's competition looked like they could not have started on my intramural Phys Ed team in high school. BTW, Illini Bluffs is a tiny Class A town/school in central Illinois that I used to compete against in high school basketball. Our all-time greatest players and leading scorers would occasionally receive offers to junior colleges, but seldom to any type of Division 1 schools. There is no way Bruninga ever plays in the Big 10.
Not that it matters where I'm from or where I live, but if it makes you feel any better I also have a place down in St Louis

I want to believe, but am still on edge. Ghosts of Cliffmas past and all.


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S. Carolina
While I certainly want MS in C-U, I absolutely have to respect the way the family has gone about this recruitment and decision-making process...regardless of where he chooses to attend. They really seem to be deliberate and thorough.

Asmussen also paid the family several compliments this past Saturday on Sports Talk.
While I certainly want MS in C-U, I absolutely have to respect the way the family has gone about this recruitment and decision-making process...regardless of where he chooses to attend. They really seem to be deliberate and thorough.

Asmussen also paid the family several compliments this past Saturday on Sports Talk.
He seems like a good kid and his parents seem the same. I blame them not for taking all the visits so Mark can have the best information at hand in order to make such a big life decision. Any good parent would want to do the same.

Hopefully he is wearing the Orange and Blue next year, but if not I wish him well.
Not that it matters where I'm from or where I live, but if it makes you feel any better I also have a place down in St Louis

Usually, I'm about as anti insider as you can get. For some reason, you have a different vibe and I believe you. Rock on!
Believe he may come for another reason. BU offense, it will force MSmith to score in a variety of ways which I think he can. Get well soon DaWilliams, love to see a big guard lineup of Kipper, MS, DW in BU offense.
If he indeed will announce on Channel 5 in St. Louis with Frank, it would make sense to be announcing to the Illini. Now id feel better if he was doing it on WCIA3, but it seems like a positive development, if true.
I would say it is between Illinois, MSU, and the field (Kentucky, Duke, OSU). Both MSU and the field appear to have waned interest in the last week. Really need to land this kid.
Don't get too caught up in the Easton, IL thing. I've seen posters on here from Forgottonia, and the planet Ming or Mongo or something like that. Not to mention the hordes of posters from absolutely nowhere at all! :thumb:

In old wrestling parlay they would hail from parts unknown.


Former Krush Cow
Chicago, IL
Has Tilmon done anything since decommitting? Visited any schools? Anything? He's kind of playing this pretty close to the wire. I still think he recommits to us and just wanted to hear pitches from other coaches. Idk.


Chicago, IL
Has Tilmon done anything since decommitting? Visited any schools? Anything? He's kind of playing this pretty close to the wire. I still think he recommits to us and just wanted to hear pitches from other coaches. Idk.

I don't think he's done anything.


Normal, Illinois
2. Bruninga from Illini Bluffs as a serious recruit to the Big 10. (Seriously -- Illini Bluffs?) I watched a highlight clip and some of Bruninga's competition looked like they could not have started on my intramural Phys Ed team in high school. BTW, Illini Bluffs is a tiny Class A town/school in central Illinois that I used to compete against in high school basketball. Our all-time greatest players and leading scorers would occasionally receive offers to junior colleges, but seldom to any type of Division 1 schools. There is no way Bruninga ever plays in the Big 10.

I hope this is true because I'm hoping he comes to EIU (doubtful), but Coach Spoonhour has been involved with him (This was back in December/January, so who knows how much mutual interest is left) and we'll need an interior presence after next season. :D


Normal, Illinois
Has Tilmon done anything since decommitting? Visited any schools? Anything? He's kind of playing this pretty close to the wire. I still think he recommits to us and just wanted to hear pitches from other coaches. Idk.

I mean, he does have all that Illini gear he would wear every day. Might as well come back so you don't have to get replace your college stuff :thumb:


Southern Illinois
In old wrestling parlay they would hail from parts unknown.

Awww man, you just unlocked some great childhood memories of 'Rasslin'. I watched every Saturday morning and then would go out in the back yard and practice! I had stacks and stacks of the wrestling mags. My personal fave was this guy Here.
And after reading all that, I'm off to youtube......

I'm loving all these offers today. Keeping Rbachhuber busy!
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Has Tilmon done anything since decommitting? Visited any schools? Anything? He's kind of playing this pretty close to the wire. I still think he recommits to us and just wanted to hear pitches from other coaches. Idk.

He's kind of kept things on the down low. KU has visited him, but they're the only school I know of who had publicly reached out. The only chance he recommits is if we get Mark Smith, and that's still a very slight chance. I think that we wind up getting Smith this week, but honestly Jeremiah has really turned me off with his actions, and BU doesn't seem like a coach who wants to play games,Tilmon won't be back.


New York
I wonder if Wong can go Right

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