Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (Week of May 1st, 2021)

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Hopefully our new assistants will have relationships with most of our current recruits as well. It seems like the same 10-20 schools all have "an in" with the same kids. I hope we can snag Mennenga because he seems pretty connected.
Super well connected. He'd be a great add.

Yeah, we're not going to be bringing in noobs for recruiting roles. Underwood clearly made good choices, no reason to think he won't again. Having a financial commitment from Whitman will certainly help.
I think we are entering an era where it's more about the relationship and opportunity over being at a blue blood school. Kids are realizing that they can succeed and build a strong draft stock at other programs than the select few. Slowly but surely the talent is getting more spread out.
I think we are entering an era where it's more about the relationship and opportunity over being at a blue blood school. Kids are realizing that they can succeed and build a strong draft stock at other programs than the select few. Slowly but surely the talent is getting more spread out.
And, even more importantly, we now present as a first class program. We're a hoops school, we have the coach, the scheme, the big stage, a rabid fanbase, soon to excellent facilities and we win. We offer a very compelling situation. There's absolutely no reason our roster shouldn't have top fifty guys on a regular basis. Pretty sure Underwood is going to be very selective for the AC slot(s). I don't think he'll have difficulty filling the position(s).
The future!

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Lol, ok, recruit ranked outside the top 100 takes a visit (not a commit, just a visit!) and now the "OA was overrated as a recruiter" takes are right around the corner.
Not from me. My point was that we've got serious Henny Penny reaction. So, as often is the case, the truth is somewhere in the middle. OA is an awesome recruiter/coach/mentor, but there is more to recruits being interested than just him. Some, maybe he is tge majority, others he likely is not. You'll never see me do anything but give the assistants their just due.
Glad Tate got to write an article regarding Liddell based on this boards whispers. I kid, but at least that’s how it came across to me.

Does he have legitimate sources anymore, or is he grasping at rumors to get clicks?
Brandon Johnson, Minnesota 5th year senior, has put his name in the transfer portal. He's the guy that is from Thornton Fractional and Lansing, Ill. Certainly fits BU's desire to get "old".
He was a transfer from Western Michigan, right? Good bounciness, good complementary player. As far as fit goes: very good. Good rebounder and not a guy who needs to put up x shots per game. We definitely could do a lot worse.
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