Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Um............yeah im liking what im seeing here ha.

Would be glad to have him back whether he improved a bunch or not, but this has me cautiously optimistic that we'l see a jump. I realize its highlights but we all remmber seeing him drive the paint and get thrown way off kilter by the smallest of contact. Saw some good finishes in this one. Plus another offseason with fletch...

The eternal optimism of spring, after we lose a committed player.

3 minutes of game film cut from about 1,500 minutes of film recorded and Butler, who we've been pumping up all year long as someone who would be a major contributor and a stud... wasn't worth it anyway and Sencire is resembling our currently exiting 2nd team All American.

Never change Loyalty. Never change.
I do kinda wonder if at some point—or perhaps there already is, inherent NIL value to sticking around at a single program. For example, is Harris’ value more here because he stayed and the fans appreciate that and therefore develop a kind of loyalty to him as opposed to if he went somewhere else
I think it would be very applicable to a guy as popular as Sencire is here.
Let’s pump the brakes on a practice highlight film….someone’s comparing him to TJ 🤦🏻‍♂️
I think the biggest thing is he showed improvement in a lot of areas, and did some things that we did not see his freshman year. TJ? Hells Naw. Someone who may have that second year switch flip? Uh....YES PLEASE!
Damage control from the staff more than anything else.

Go back and read what Brad Underwood and Chester Frazier said about the kid when he signed. Pretty sure they didn't use the word "soft".

Stay closer to home. Make more money than at Illinois. Get on the court earlier. Aren't those legitimate reasons for making a decision about your own life?
Sure, certainly worked for Podz; not everyone can be an EDG, but Brad wants a roster of EDGs.
Imagine we play defense like Iowa State and offense like the Golden State Warriors. I still remember the UCLA game where he almost singlehandedy got us back in the games with his defense/steals!
The eternal optimism of spring, after we lose a committed player.

3 minutes of game film cut from about 1,500 minutes of film recorded and Butler, who we've been pumping up all year long as someone who would be a major contributor and a stud... wasn't worth it anyway and Sencire is resembling our currently exiting 2nd team All American.

Never change Loyalty. Never change.

painting with a very broad brush

if you aren't encouraged by that Harris clip, I don't know what to say. only the lunatics think he's gonna be Shannon v2.0. hell, I haven't seen anyone proclaiming Harris as a starter, much less an AA

fans are bummed about Butler, but he's the one who opted out
True. Put SH on their best shooter... and you're maybe playing 4 on 4, but their best shooter is virtually out of their offense.
Unless he's really improved his shooting and most of all his not so hot FT%, I'm thinking SH's role will be on the bench until an opposing player who is not too big goes on a heater, then bringing SH in to cool him off.

It's a very valuable role if SH has indeed accepted it, not too many players these days would, IMO.
You can’t take a whole lot away from in-game highlights, much less practice highlights.

BUT - I’m still super stoked to have Buck back another year.

He gives us a bite on defenses, helps maintain the culture for the next group of guys coming in, and I just flat out like watching him play.

He’s no TJ. Never will be.

But could he be a better version of Harmon? Absolutely.

Great teams have great role players who are bought into the vision 110%. That’s Buck.

Now let’s go land some studs.
The thing that impressed me with Bucks film was the speed and quickness he displayed while being under control with the ball.
Exactly. His handles seem much improved, and at times bordered on spectacular.

(Disclaimer: The author of this post realizes that this 5 minute clip was pulled from many many practice hours, however said author will not apologize for his spring optimism. I-L-L)
The thing that impressed me with Bucks film was the speed and quickness he displayed while being under control with the ball.
There is no doubt that those observations show an improvement. No one can say he is an AA at this point but we can pick one of those up in the portal (I hope). We need a team from 6-10 who can do some good even if it is in only 10-15 minutes per game.I l like what appears to be improvement and a player who is willing to come back to work. That is essential for a top team.
if you aren't encouraged by that Harris clip, I don't know what to say.
I mean, the free throw form still looks baffling bad, and if that's the best highlight reel that can be compiled of his jump shot that sorta speaks volumes.


1. I do see a player more under control in the half court than last year's Harris. Not sure he had that floater either.
2. Harris was 13-41 from 3 last year. Ty Rodgers is 0-1 in nearly 3X as many minutes. He's not hopeless as a stand still catch-and-shoot guy.
3. What we don't see in the highlights is what we know about Harris already - that he's a hugely impactful defensive presence.

At worst we're shooting him out of a cannon for 10-15 minutes a game as a tempo changer like we were before. But there's definitely hope for more.
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