Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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please be the day we see "Boom"
Patience Calm Down GIF by Brat TV
We've been getting a steady diet of Denzel for the past week, then a few hours go by and a caveat gets attached to it. With 5 stars, it's never clean. The blue bloods get involved and ultimately we succumb. Kentucky is still Kentucky. It's a very, very tough but to crack.
It sounds like he’s told the staff he’ll decide before next Sunday, so we’re not likely to see a boom today

He did take 3 visits in four days last week and has to finalize a decision on reclass plus pick a school- we can give him a few days to make those life altering decisions can’t we?
Honestly, these aren't life altering decisions anymore. A year from now, he can be going through the same process. Two years from now, same process, etc.

They have 3 to 4 bites at the apple. It's an important decision, but the days of sweating it out are long, long gone.

If he commits to us and has a GREAT year, he's has the options of the NBA, UK, Bamy, and UI next year with a huge payday.

If he has a good year, he has the option of UI, Bama, UK

If he has an average year, he has UI and maybe a Florida there.

If he's awful, he has UI and a St. Johns there.

He wins regardless and he's getting paid regardless.

Now, if it's me(and it would have never in a million years have been me), but on an alternate planet...
I'm going somewhere where I'm starting from day 1, which is most likely here. That's how we fit in. BU guarantees PT, elite facilities and a top shelf strength and conditioning program. It's a great sell knowing that in 330 days, his options are still wide open.
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Not the boom I was hoping for today. I hope everything pans out well for him wherever he decides
It's about 110 degrees today and tomorrow in Phoenix and area. And this is just the start of a 3-4 months of the same. If Riley is involved with AZ (which I truly hope never happens) let Riley, a native of Canada, get a good taste of the blast furnace.
I’ve been told that Riley has made his decision …

And that it’ll be announced on Saturday … Subject to change … Could be sooner … But Saturday is the plan as of now …
From what you have been told do you think we are going to be in a great mood Saturday night? lol
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