Illinois scores top two most highly viewed games of the basketball season


"As for the conference tournaments, the Big Ten fared better than the rest — both in raw numbers and compared to 2019. Sunday’s Illinois-Ohio State Big Ten Tournament final finished as the top game of the college basketball season with a 2.2 rating and 3.68 million viewers on CBS, down just 8% and 7% respectively from 2019 (Michigan-Michigan State: 2.4, 3.94M).

Saturday’s Illinois-Iowa semifinal pulled a 1.7 and 2.89 million, ranking second for the season behind Sunday’s title game, and up 31% and 48% respectively from 2019 (Michigan-Minnesota: 1.3, 1.95M). Ohio State-Michigan pulled a 1.6 (+14%) and 2.51 million (+22%) earlier in the day, ranking fourth for the season. Overall, the Big Ten generated the top five audiences of the season."

Yes, exposure should mean something to recruits, but, why are we sitting here in March with several, potential open scholarships?
I never thought an announcer would say something on a national game that compared to when Jay Bilas shouted "Illinois showing the heart of a CHAMPION!" against Arizona in '05, but Bill Raftery's "They play with energy, excitement and JOY!" when Curbelo did the rip-away and breakaway dunk against Iowa comes pretty close.
That was solid gold. Classic Raftery capturing the essence of this team as succinctly as possible. My heart swelled with Illini pride.
I never thought an announcer would say something on a national game that compared to when Jay Bilas shouted "Illinois showing the heart of a CHAMPION!" against Arizona in '05, but Bill Raftery's "They play with energy, excitement and JOY!" when Curbelo did the rip-away and breakaway dunk against Iowa comes pretty close.

Come on Raftery, you know you wanna say it!!!

Im not sure how the ratings are figured, but could that big bump in the championship game be in part to people tuning in for the selection show?
Im not sure how the ratings are figured, but could that big bump in the championship game be in part to people tuning in for the selection show?
No chance....I am positive it was due to Illini players being far more handsome than any other TV choice for women as well as the complimentary beauty of the orange and blue nuance. Sports enthusiasts, of course, appreciate the superior talents and skills of the Illini team. Those two explain it all.
Im not sure how the ratings are figured, but could that big bump in the championship game be in part to people tuning in for the selection show?
Yes. That probably factored in. But the second highest watched game was our semi-final match against Iowa.
Im not sure how the ratings are figured, but could that big bump in the championship game be in part to people tuning in for the selection show?
It was the retro script unis. It's the key to every morsel of success the program is enjoying. If they make them in orange and wear them exclusively a dynasty spanning decades will ensue. I'm certain of it.
I don't think it's just because I'm a lifelong fan, but Illinois is definitely a fun team to watch. You got Curbelo's crazy passes, Kofi's terrifying dunks, Ayo's late game heroics (with a mask on it's even better). They are about to create some memorable highlights in the return of March Madness. Couldn't be better team for the networks right now.
Yes, exposure should mean something to recruits, but, why are we sitting here in March with several, potential open scholarships?

We need 5-10 more scholarships with the amount and caliber of players that want to come to Illinois right now.

Recruiting news over the next few out. We aren't pushing for signatures yet, complete focus on the tournament
As we know, we've been down for a long time, but when Illinois is great, it draws major eyeballs to the tv. We are starved for our one shining moment & everyone wants to be on bandwagon.
Surprised the IL-MI game didn’t even make the list

Weeknight games (that was a Tuesday) don't do as well. However, it was the highest-rated weeknight non-holiday game since Duke-Sparty at the beginning of the season.
I never thought an announcer would say something on a national game that compared to when Jay Bilas shouted "Illinois showing the heart of a CHAMPION!" against Arizona in '05, but Bill Raftery's "They play with energy, excitement and JOY!" when Curbelo did the rip-away and breakaway dunk against Iowa comes pretty close.
"Williams could tie it. He does! Oh My!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Surprised the IL-MI game didn’t even make the list

I think a lot of families probably tuned out early because the nature of the *** whoopin' we gave the Wolverines was too graphic/violent for their children and more sensitive family members. That kind of gore simply ain't good for grandma blood pressure.

We put an NC-17 beatdown on those scrubs.

Now that I reflect on it, one can very reasonably argue that we whooped Michigan *** so bad, the trauma incurred by their players permanently changed that team. Think about it: they simply have not been the same since. Even Livers' injury was possibly due to his bones being in a frail state as a result of a piece of his manhood dying the night of March 2nd, 2021.