Iowa 15, Illinois 13, Postgame

And we need receivers who can make a catch, in a crucial situation, on a well thrown ball that would have resulted in extended drives... especially late in the 4th quarter.....we really really do and we really really did because losing to Iowa really really sucks.

It was a tough drop by Casey but he’s been so sure handed this year and literally saved the Maryland and Toledo games for us with incredible catches. Nobody’s perfect.
We played a great game. Close to as perfect as you're going to get from this team. Just couldn't get that last defensive stop, which has unfortunately been a recurring theme this season, and this time that magical final drive for the win wasn't there. Small mistakes kill against Iowa and that 4th quarter had a lot of them- whether it be the drops, the bad punt, the poor coverage on the punt, and the inability to get that last stop.

Overall though, there's only one thing I'm furious about with the game, and it isn't the refs (though I'm not happy with them). IT WAS THAT STUPID BURNED TIMEOUT ON 4TH AND 2. Yet again, that was a timeout that wound up giving us no chance to win the game. Do we stop them and go all the way down the field with 40 seconds left? Probably not, but it gives us a chance at least. This is the 3rd game this season we've done this and Bielema is too experienced a coach to have this happen. On 3rd and 2 you better have a plan for 4th down if there's an incomplete pass. There is no excuse for not either having the punt team out there or a 4th down play ready to go with the game on the line.

We played a great game, but hard to overcome unforced errors.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
As has been our problem throughout Bielema’s tenure we just don’t score enough. The defense has played well enough to win the Wisconsin, Penn State, Nebraska and Iowa games. We need to score more points.

That being said - I strongly support him.
agree, we will continue to struggle to win if we cant start to average 24-28 points per game
As far as the spot of that ball, has anyone except this forum said anything about it? I didn’t see Williams complain, or in the game, Bielema never said anything during or after, announcers didn’t, etc…

Something must’ve looked weird to us on TV that wasn’t what happened in real life.
I slowed it down on replay- but of course the FS1 TV coverage is awful and never has good replay angles, but his foot was very close to the sideline short of the first down when he was breaking the tackle- it looked like his toe was in but if his heel came down, he was out - so a close one for sure-

Of course the ball should be spotted where the ball is when he stepped out but officials often spot it where the foot stepped out for some reason
It would make all the sense in the world, but I believe the insiders have hinted this isn’t a realistic scenario, nor part of Leonard’s plans.

Jimmy and Katie really like the current setup ... The time commitment of being a DC is just a lot and they are not willing to move their kids around in terms of friends and school and personally, I can respect that ... He is home all the time, Katie is happy, the kids are happy and he really likes working for Bret ... Not much reason to change happy and what is working unless the right opportunity comes along ...

Jimmy was already approached by USC and has already turned down their offer ...
Always hard to lose to Iowa, I live in Illinois but 30 minutes away from Iowa. Obviously we always hear so much about them and so little about us. Two of the hardest losses in my 50 years of being a Illini fan were,
Kicking an inside kick against them at Iowa in the Mike White years,it was either the opening kickoff or the beginning of the second half. We were totally going to lose but that just let them pile it on the rest of the game.
Probably the worst was losing to them at home in the Mendenhall year's. That was one of the times we Were clearly better than them and should have Never lost to them. Disclaimer: like I said earlier long time fan but my memory might night be correct but that's how I remember it 🤔. I really hope we can put it together next week, Northwestern seems to be getting better every game. ILL !!


Nappanee, IN
We did get a couple calls in the middle of the game

However that was a text book driving the qb in the ground. That is what that penalty is trying to eliminate. In the Wisky Neb game there was a roughing of the passer for going low when the qb still had the ball

Things I don’t understand
Picking up the PI on IW early in the game
Reversing the call on IW catch and not reviewing it. I don’t know if it was a catch didn’t see replay but it looked like he controlled it and would have taken more than a 5 sec review
Not reviewing IW spot
BB having to call a timeout to force a review of an obvious drop

I am sure Iowa has their list. That is a lot of issues for one game. Sad thing it has been like that all season. Refs didn’t cost us but they didn’t help us.
I agree on the PI in the first half. Absolutely egregious!

And I concur on refs all season.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
DPI and, both Def and Off holding calls are all so very subjective, and seem to be called based on the refs split second determination of how it affected the outcome of the play., and their overall inherent bias of who is playing .
Its seldom "fair"
Jimmy and Katie really like the current setup ... The time commitment of being a DC is just a lot and they are not willing to move their kids around in terms of friends and school and personally, I can respect that ... He is home all the time, Katie is happy, the kids are happy and he really likes working for Bret ... Not much reason to change happy and what is working unless the right opportunity comes along ...

Jimmy was already approached by USC and has already turned down their offer ...
That’s great to hear. It’s pretty cool that we can have a talent like Leonard on staff, especially in a relatively small capacity in a position for which he’s certainly overqualified. But hey, happy spouse = happy house. And the kiddos deserve to have dad around and have some stability in their world. #famILLy
Jimmy and Katie really like the current setup ... The time commitment of being a DC is just a lot and they are not willing to move their kids around in terms of friends and school and personally, I can respect that ... He is home all the time, Katie is happy, the kids are happy and he really likes working for Bret ... Not much reason to change happy and what is working unless the right opportunity comes along ...

Jimmy was already approached by USC and has already turned down their offer ...
If I remember correctly, Wisconsin is paying his salary, as long as he isn't an on-field coach. Will it be the same this next year, or is the contract up? I would think he would be highly motivated to "do more" if it means making millions more.

Also, if it is the case that he will still be making D coordinator money being an analyst, and he turned USC down, do you think he'd only leave for a head coaching position? @Indy Illini Fan
The final margin was the 2 point safety.........Defense played good enough for the win..........Offense scored a TD and 2 FG's......

We needed Feagin to win and competent officials to know how to correctly spot the ball also...........We really really did.......
I often bash the refs too, but mistakes will happen every game. What is mind-boggling to me is that we did not challenge. That is exactly what they are for, especially in the red zone.

It’s either coaching error or an assumption we could get the yard, but why you would make that assumption after watching this team all year is beyond me.
As far as the spot of that ball, has anyone except this forum said anything about it? I didn’t see Williams complain, or in the game, Bielema never said anything during or after, announcers didn’t, etc…

Something must’ve looked weird to us on TV that wasn’t what happened in real life.
My seats were on the 23 yard line, across from the play. Unless he stepped out I don’t know why the spot was placed where it was.
My Goodness will we have any running backs that haven't had surgery?
Jordan Anderson- cut
Josh McCray-cut
Kaden Feagin-cut

Anyone else that I'm missing? Wow, time to hit transfer portal hard. Good luck to all these young men.
Aiden Laughery may have spelled his name wrong


As has been our problem throughout Bielema’s tenure we just don’t score enough. The defense has played well enough to win the Wisconsin, Penn State, Nebraska and Iowa games. We need to score more points.

That being said - I strongly support him.

The teams you listed came into this past week ranked 8, 6, 4, and 2 in overall defense. Not exactly surprising that it was hard to put up points against them.
So much potential for a great day today. Drove my family 3 1/2 hours to Iowa City, had beautiful weather, great seats, got to see my nephew who attends Iowa, and then we lose the game late in the 4th. Ugh. Long drive home.

Actually, from a distance it looks like you had a really great day. At least a very good one.

The win or loss is fleeting. The great family memories are forever.
There is a good chance Iowa does not win another game. Nebraska will put up a very good fight.

Don't know if anyone noticed... but the Illini and the Huskers are neck-and-neck in fighting for the Big Ten Championship in losing close games at the very end. That seems to be the identity of both teams right now.


Sugar Grove
Don't know if anyone noticed... but the Illini and the Huskers are neck-and-neck in fighting for the Big Ten Championship in losing close games at the very end. That seems to be the identity of both teams right now.
Tom Cruise What GIF

The Illini are 5-2 (3-2 in B1G) in one score games this year. Maybe you have recency bias. All 5 previous games went down to wire as one score games, and Illini won three of them.
The final margin was the 2 point safety.........Defense played good enough for the win..........Offense scored a TD and 2 FG's......

We needed Feagin to win and competent officials to know how to correctly spot the ball also...........We really really did.......
I've been watching a lot of college football this year - don't have anything else to do - and one thing I've noticed (and I've been watching closely more recently) is that correct ball placement (spotting - whatever) is really bad across all conferences.... Either the ref's have some special rules they operate by, or they collectively need glasses....
I often bash the refs too, but mistakes will happen every game. What is mind-boggling to me is that we did not challenge. That is exactly what they are for, especially in the red zone.

It’s either coaching error or an assumption we could get the yard, but why you would make that assumption after watching this team all year is beyond me.
This is why a school for refs needs greater attention... and an increase in their salaries in order to attract better quality personnel....

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
This is why a school for refs needs greater attention... and an increase in their salaries in order to attract better quality personnel....
they arent full time - most used to be teachers , bureaucrats . bankers or insurance salesmen
This is why a school for refs needs greater attention... and an increase in their salaries in order to attract better quality personnel....
Agree. Full time officials required to take ongoing training/evaluation during the off season. But the B10 is too cheap to pay for this. Would rather over pay conference administrators.