Jayden Epps diagnosed with concussion

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I had a pretty serious fall and concussion playing basketball where I slipped and hit the back of my head on the concrete. I won't go into details, but it was scary as hell and definitely had symptoms for a few days. I had a far worse one in a car accident where the effects were bad for 4-5 days and lingered for a year but only really when I drank alcohol. Sounds like Jayden's might have been more of a scare like mine and agree that he needs to be in a dark place on the mend...unlike what I did...a lot of immediate traveling.
Absolutely and glad you recovered. I had 2 non-minor ones as well. The one was a goalie taking my legs out from under me while a was going full speed on a break and I went headfirst into the post. That one I was knocked out but thankfully the symptoms only lasted a few days. The other non-minor one was playing football and it was a pile up, forward progress was stopped, refs blew the whistle and I stupidly let up as soon as I heard it. Guy from the other team basically suplexed me and my head bounced off the frozen ground. That one I had symptoms for almost 3 weeks. Having never had a previous concussion have symptoms lasting more than a week, I can't express how helpless a feeling it was for me when it hadn't gone away by the second week. Thankfully it went away the week after, but yeah, I can't imagine it lasting for a year (or sadly longer in a lot of cases). Just an awful feeling.
I got my bell rung a lot of times playing football in the mid to late 60's....go take five and a salt tablet and some water and get back out there.
Manhood back then was judged by how long you were out...
100%. You did not want to be that guy who told the coach you couldn't go back in. Sign of weakness and not being a team player, and easiest way to get yourself parked on the bench for good. Back in the if you weren't carried off on a stretcher, you're playing time period. Man we were stupid back then, lol.
Is it just me, or are we the most concussed team in the country the past few years?

You can’t spell “concussion” without “cuss,” which I’m tempted to do now! 🤬

All the best to Jayden - hoping for a speedy recovery for the young man…
Not making lite of the situation. I concur in your bewilderment on the number of concussions we have had in BB. I do not recall any other team having these many concussions.... ever.
My very best to Jaden and his family. It would be very scary to receive a call that your college child has been hospitalized and you are a long ways away from them.

I will admit that the wording that was used by Coach seems a little bit odd. Unless I missed it there was no mention that he hit his head on the hardwood or had a physical run in with a player or took a hard hit in practice.

You would think that if it was a concussion, there would be some mention by somebody that some type of impact or hit took place between him and another player and there wasn’t- just that he went down in practice and it was an “awkward and tough situation”.

If it’s something different, and they are being careful with how it is phrased , then again the very best to him and family.

He seems to be a wonderful kid, but with a lot of pressure on his shoulders.
If he was taken to hospital, my background leads me to believe he was knocked out for a period of minutes. Get well Mr. Epps, 🙏 up to the young man from me and my church group. Speedy recovery.
Lol , dub...I was going to post that because that's what we did in baseball season..especially when I pitched.....a little spit added to the dirt for smoothness and texture...
We really really did....
Ha. I remember walking off the football field in 1967 and dropping like a duck in the locker room. Woke up at home probably and hour later, (don't remember) and my Dad asked if I was okay. I said I think so. He said good. "The furnace needs coal". No $hit. He really really said that, Pru.


Mokena, IL
I got my bell rung a lot of times playing football in the mid to late 60's....go take five and a salt tablet and some water and get back out there.
Manhood back then was judged by how long you were out...
There are several generations of men who suffered multiple, largely untreated, concussions from playing football. We may never fully know or appreciate the ramifications.
We got to be leading the Nation in concussion protocols over the last couple years...Geeezzzz......get well soon JE!!
I think it just seems that way since these are the players we follow and love. If a freshman guard averaging 10 points a game on an unranked team in another conference sat out a game for concussion protocol most would probably never even hear about it. And when a well known player sits out a game we may hear about it but it might not really register as they are usually back (save for Belo) as good as new in a couple days.
100%. You did not want to be that guy who told the coach you couldn't go back in. Sign of weakness and not being a team player, and easiest way to get yourself parked on the bench for good. Back in the if you weren't carried off on a stretcher, you're playing time period. Man we were stupid back then, lol.

So true (at least for me, anyway). I think in a lot of cases, no harm was done. But if you were one of the unlucky ones with a more serious injury, or worse, a recoverable injury that got turned into something chronic because some jack-a%% coach thought he knew better....

Count me among the fans of more caution for college athletes.


The desert
Pretty much this. As an athlete who had multiple concussions myself, it was called "getting your bell rung" or "seeing stars" and you sat for a few minutes getting your bearings then expected to go right back out there. You knew something wasn't right when walking around, and even moreso when you were running, but you didn't really recognize the long-term seriousness of it. You thought it was more a short term condition until it wasn't. Sitting people is important as typically single concussions lead to no long term effects so long as you allow yourself appropriate time to recover, but having multiple concussions in a short period of time is basically playing russian roulette with a 2 or 3 bullet chamber.
I recall during a football game once "getting my bell rung" and, when I got up, everything had a green tint to it for a few minutes. I went back in the game a few plays later once my normal color vision returned. I definitely shouldn't have.

It's a good thing we take these things more seriously now. It's not worth CTE.
There are several generations of men who suffered multiple, largely untreated, concussions from playing football. We may never fully know or appreciate the ramifications.
I LOVED playing football. But I am now enrolled in the NCAA CTE monitoring program for former players as a result. Get two free medical evaluations in my lifetime as a result of a class action lawsuit - not exactly a windfall.
My son does not play football.
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