Looking ahead to 2020-2021

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Convinced there are three attributes needed to get time next year. Physical talent, work ethic, and basketball IQ. Suspect our whole roster has the first two or would not have been recruited. Thinking the third is missing on a couple of our players and befuddles us as fans because we don’t understand why they are not contributors. Those posters who are coaches probably figured this out a long time ago.
ESPNU has been playing recent years' match-ups between Duke and UNC today...what do we think of a Tyus Jones comp for Curbelo? I feel it's a pretty strong comp, and I certainly won't complain if Curbelo is the point guard for a national championship winning team (y)
Ideally we return 5 of the top 8, have a healthy BBV, and get contributions from at least 4 of the 5 dynamic newcomers. Starting the season ranked in the top 15 is very reasonable and making the Sweet 16 this year would probably make that top 10. We will be very, very good.
Ideally we return 5 of the top 8, have a healthy BBV, and get contributions from at least 4 of the 5 dynamic newcomers. Starting the season ranked in the top 15 is very reasonable and making the Sweet 16 this year would probably make that top 10. We will be very, very good.
2019-2020 is the baseline. 2020-2023 will shape this program.
My thought is we have a great coaching staff with contacts and that can evaluate talent. Dre was a Jr College transfer that was highly rated. nut was doubted. BBV was hurt all year and BU even mentioned that in the post game radio interview. I think BBV is going to be good. I also think our grad transfers will surprise. Just like Dre and GB have. Given what we had coming back we have seen play and their track record i expect huge things. The fact we have great freshmen coming in is icing on the cake!
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Ideally we return 5 of the top 8, have a healthy BBV, and get contributions from at least 4 of the 5 dynamic newcomers. Starting the season ranked in the top 15 is very reasonable and making the Sweet 16 this year would probably make that top 10. We will be very, very good.
We will have good guards but not as seasoned as Dre and Ayo on the defensive end. Tough to replace that toughness with frosh. Going to need the front court to get better. Should be possible with Kofi, Giorgi, BBV, and Hawkins. Definitely have more depth but will be surprised to see us ranked above 20. Who will be the new Alpha? Trent? DaMonte? Alan? Or one of the newcomers? Team chemistry will be completely different.
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Losing Feliz and (presumably) Ayo is going to wildly change the dynamic of this team. We're going to have to become a better 3 pt squad next year (which given the two sit out transfers and Miller, we should, not to mention a hopeful regression to the mean for Fraizer). If we were an average 3 pt shooting team this year, we'd have won the B1G easily.

I'm hoping Curbelo (and Miller) can be drivers like Ayo and Feliz were. Kofi needs to be more consistent, but it's hard to not see him improving next year. DMW is an interesting piece to the puzzle. His handles have looked much better recently, and of course he's shooting at a crazy clip. There's so much talent committed/coming back that I have trouble not seeing a similar finish next year.
Biggest things we're losing in 2021 = A clear leader of the team, toughness/fight, defensive, and clear definition and understanding of roles

Things that I'm worried we won't find in time to lend to a better outcome vs. this year (not saying we don't make a tourney, just do we do better than we did this year) = a clear leader of the team (Trent, Miller, Curbelo?) and defense (just don't hear much about hutch and grand's defensive skills).

Things that I think we'll improve on from this year = offense, passing, and all things Kofi (kofi...and even GB...with better low post entries will equal better offense)

I think we're going to see a bit of a reset next year and we'll need to see how BU might have to change his philosophy once again. Based on the information that I can see, we will be a much improved offensive team...and given the turnover of some key players, we'll take a step back on defense. I think we'll go through a little bit of that learning curve we did earlier this year and eventually settle into roles once again.
Really wonder if we will see a much different offensive player in DMW. Never have believed he wasn’t capable but more that it wasn’t his role. Really like to see him aggressively taking the ball to the hoop. Summer project for Gentry.
If one watches the game closely you will see Andre is a good help defender but not a good on the ball defender. His offense and rebounding will be missed , but hopefully someone will cover this. His motor is his greatest asset and that is what will be hard to replace.
What ? 13 posts in and no starting lineup predictions yet?
Fraizer, Miller, Griffin, DMW, Kofi.

I think Brad doubles down on a 4 guard lineup, especially with Kofi being a year older. DMW (and to a small extent Griffin) has the ability to guard some 4s.

The bench rotation is rediculously interesting. At least one of the transfers will probably see minimal minutes. If Jones sticks around those 3/4 minutes get even tighter. Maybe Hamlin improves enough to eat 10 minutes a game at the 5.
I like that of that last 10 or so posts, people realize that though we have a very good recruiting class coming in it will still be a process next year. Just can't replace a guy like Ayo has been this year. Sure can likely replace the stats, but not the Alpha toughness to close out games and stop an opponent run. And Feliz brings his own set of intangibles. He and Ayo are for the most part the two players that can drive for baskets. Add in his hustle and toughness -- again, going to take time next year to figure out from whom that comes. Next year's team will be good, but different. Just how good remains to be seen. I can't imagine me liking next year's team as much as this one for several reasons, but I'm looking forward to being proven wrong.
Really wonder if we will see a much different offensive player in DMW. Never have believed he wasn’t capable but more that it wasn’t his role. Really like to see him aggressively taking the ball to the hoop. Summer project for Gentry.
I am totally fine with DMW doing what he has been lately. If he lets the game come to him and takes quality shots i feel he will shoot a good percentage going forward. So much of his issue imo was mental. He just needed to see the ball go in. He shot well in high school and the shots he takes are open now so he should be able to hit them. I always had faith he would come around and it is good to finally see that. If he can hit that open 3 pass like he has lately then i look forward to seeing him at the 3 next year.
I like that of that last 10 or so posts, people realize that though we have a very good recruiting class coming in it will still be a process next year. Just can't replace a guy like Ayo has been this year. Sure can likely replace the stats, but not the Alpha toughness to close out games and stop an opponent run. And Feliz brings his own set of intangibles. He and Ayo are for the most part the two players that can drive for baskets. Add in his hustle and toughness -- again, going to take time next year to figure out from whom that comes. Next year's team will be good, but different. Just how good remains to be seen. I can't imagine me liking next year's team as much as this one for several reasons, but I'm looking forward to being proven wrong.
I agree with this post. We will really miss Ayo's ability to create a good shot on his own in late games and shot clock situations. I am not sure anyone comes close to him in that regard. Hopefully, AC will create that with quickness, passing and his vision.
As far as toughness and leadership i expect that to fall on DMW as a senior. I also think GB, TF, and Kofi even could be good smart leaders. I really feel that there is something to what BU talks about all the time. He not only wants skill and ability but a certain mindset or attitude in his guys.
Finally and what i personally am looking forward to most is to see our next surprise. We have had them the last two seasons under BU when he had time to invest in recruiting and evaluating. The first year was rushed. He had GB and a Juco guy in Dre come in and play great. This year Kofi has blown away expectations and Dre took it to another level (a juco guy). I think that one or both of our transfers ands a health BBV are going to surprise our fans. I have no reason to doubt that at least one or more of them will. BU even mentioned BBV among the first comments after the Iowa game when asked to reflect on this season. He said overcoming losing BBV was a challenge and he could have really really helped us. am fired up about those three guys because of my faith in our coaching staff. I also think AM and AC will have a major impact but all of them will have to earn their time. The basically 6 new guys counting a healthy BBV are going to be interesting and exciting to see what happens and surprises our fan base. I think several of them just may!
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Trent, Ayo, Miller, DMW, Kofi

I think Curbelo will crack the starting lineup before Miller. Although I believe both are top notch. Curbelo can create for himself and others right now as well as anyone in the country
I think Curbelo will crack the starting lineup before Miller. Although I believe both are top notch. Curbelo can create for himself and others right now as well as anyone in the country
Don't see him displacing Trent and we really need his shooting plus the assumed promise we gave him of starting to secure his commitment.

Trent, Ayo, Miller, DMW, Kofi

Well.......that would sure be something. We'd have to be ranked top 15 pre-season you would think? If Garza stays (like most Iowa fans seem to be expecting) what a war the B10 will be.
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