Lovie Smith out at Illinois

I wish that I shared your confidence in Whitman's due diligence. History would indicated that he showed none of that with his first football hire. His first day on campus was March 5, 2016. He fired Bill Cubit that same day. He flew Lovie Smith in and introduced him as the new football coach at a news conference on the University of Illinois campus two days later, March 7, 2016. There was no search committee. The position was never advertised. He had never hired a football coach prior to that time. Larry Kindbom was coach at Washington U. for Josh's full tenure there as was Joel Dettwiler during his full tenure at UW-LaCrosse. Perhaps things will be different this time.
Josh had every reasonable expectation that Lovie could win here, including the endorsement of his own former coach here at Illinois, who was Lovie's OC.

On paper, Lovie was a home run. Are you saying Cubit should have been retained? Or leaving the position vacant for two more weeks while Josh did due diligence on Lovie Smith would have changed the result? Or would it have led Josh to hire Saban instead?

Josh took decisive action in an incredibly small window of time with what should have been a winning move. Lovie has failed us, unfortunately.
6-6 sounds correct for a full healthy year, which would lead to the first back-to-back bowl appearances in a decade. It's still less than everyone obviously wanted, but it's clear progress and stability in a program that needs it
Remember, Beckman was 6-6 his final year and Cubit was 5-7 before we hired Lovie
Just got this over email:

Dear Illini Family:
Moments ago, we announced publicly that Lovie Smith will not continue as the head football coach for the Fighting Illini. Coach Smith has led the Illinois football program with unquestioned integrity during his nearly five years of service. His presence provided name recognition and credibility to Fighting Illini Football, which allowed us to raise more than $30 million for construction of one of the finest facilities in the country, the new Henry Dale and Betty Smith Football Center. On the field, Coach Smith elevated expectations for the program, improved the team’s talent, and led us to several notable victories.
I have tremendous respect for Coach Smith and will always be grateful to him for providing a steady, experienced hand at a time when our program needed stability. His unshakeable leadership, never more needed than during this pandemic, will be forever remembered. I have enjoyed our relationship and will miss working with him on a daily basis. All of us associated with Illinois Athletics wish Lovie and MaryAnne nothing but the best.
Beginning immediately, we will undertake a robust, comprehensive process to identify our next head football coach. I appreciate the public interest in this process and understand the speculation that will inevitably ensue. I would be remiss if I failed to remind you not to believe everything that you read or hear. The truth, I am afraid, is usually not nearly as exciting as the rumors.
These transitions are never easy. My thanks to all of you for your understanding and support as we work to advance Illinois Football – and, by extension, University of Illinois Athletics – to a place of sustained success and national prominence.

Gratefully yours,
Am I the only one thinking "what speculation?"

-Who did you already sign to a contract.
-JW himself will be the next head coach
- We got Urban Meyer and that is why Hermann is staying
- Underwood will be adding FB coach to his title and Kofi is playing tight end? Scratch that, he can't catch anything.
Josh had every reasonable expectation that Lovie could win here, including the endorsement of his own former coach here at Illinois, who was Lovie's OC.

On paper, Lovie was a home run. Are you saying Cubit should have been retained? Or leaving the position vacant for two more weeks while Josh did due diligence on Lovie Smith would have changed the result? Or would it have led Josh to hire Saban instead?

Josh took decisive action in an incredibly small window of time with what should have been a winning move. Lovie has failed us, unfortunately.
At least this time he has announced that they are going to do a national search. If he has another 'home run' candidate lined up should he just forego that? Is Dan Quinn available? He did a 'formal' search in women's basketball that resulted in hiring an old buddy who was the national division lll coach of the year and a hall of famer. Like Lovie, Josh probably considered her a home run hire even though, like Lovie, she had little relevant experience. Her results have been worse than Lovie's. A formal search is simply window dressing if you've already decided who you are going to hire.

He also did a formal search in men's basketball that resulted in landing a coach who did have relevant experience. That coach seems to be working out better than the other two at this point. If, it too, was a faux search I'm not aware of it.

The point is that a real formal search is intended to surface the most qualified candidate available. It doesn't always result in a winner but it has a better chance for success than simply ignoring the process. Perhaps an established AD with an extended network of contacts in the field can land a good candidate through the old boy network but it is less likely to work with a neophyte in his first week on the job.
Not that it matters, but I wonder when Whitman came to this conclusion. Was it after the Iowa game, or did he have an inkling that this would be necessary after the first three games.
Remember when Lovie got an "extension", but his contract got restructured allowing for an easier buyout? That was when JW started with this decision.

I fully expect him to have a coach ready to sign almost immediately.
What does it say about the integrity of Miles and Lovie Smith that Miles will not be coaching in the Penn State game? Miles not coaching because his Dad got fired. Lovie allowing him to quit. Which other coaches on the staff aren't coaching the Penn State game because their jobs are likely done after the season? It's one game Miles Smith....you could/should have taken the high road.
It's really depressing that after 5 years of Lovie we're basically right back where we were at the start of the Beckman era (with nearly identical results to show for it). We have better facilities and the scandal/doofus stain is off the program, but the endless Wheel of Mediocrity that is Illinois football keeps rollin' on.

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Lovie's relative performance looks even worse if you focus on record against the West Division. (For, example, Illinois faced tOSU every year 2012-2015 and didn't play Rutgers at all. Meanwhile Lovie's team faced Ohio State only once and Rutgers all 5 years.) In addition to providing a uniform baseline, the West rivals are the teams Illinois has to beat to reach a BigTen championship game and are also major recruiting rivals.

2014 2-4
2015 2-4
2016 0-6
2017 0-6
2018 1-5
2019 2-4
2020 1-5

2014-2015 4-8
2016-2020 4-26
At the time of his hire I thought we had hit a home run. What an epic disappointment. It's one thing if you try but are in over your head, that's excusable. Lovie knew what it took to be successful, he has the skill set to do it, but he chose not to. That is not excusable
Lovie's relative performance looks even worse if you focus on record against the West Division. (For, example, Illinois faced tOSU every year 2012-2015 and didn't play Rutgers at all. Meanwhile Lovie's team faced Ohio State only once and Rutgers all 5 years.) In addition to providing a uniform baseline, the West rivals are the teams Illinois has to beat to reach a BigTen championship game and are also major recruiting rivals.

2014 2-4
2015 2-4
2016 0-6
2017 0-6
2018 1-5
2019 2-4
2020 1-5

2014-2015 4-8
2016-2020 4-26
It should be clear to any potential Head Coach candidate that Josh Whitman will give them adequate time to show improvements. He gave Lovie five years with his abysmal record and no evidence of recruiting improvement. So glad that JW made the right decision now.
What does it say about the integrity of Miles and Lovie Smith that Miles will not be coaching in the Penn State game? Miles not coaching because his Dad got fired. Lovie allowing him to quit. Which other coaches on the staff aren't coaching the Penn State game because their jobs are likely done after the season? It's one game Miles Smith....you could/should have taken the high road.
Maybe it was not Miles choice. Maybe Josh made that decision.
Maybe it was not Miles choice. Maybe Josh made that decision.
Have to admit I hadn't thought of that and I could see that being the case. Apologies to Miles and Lovie if that was the situation.
What does it say about the integrity of Miles and Lovie Smith that Miles will not be coaching in the Penn State game? Miles not coaching because his Dad got fired. Lovie allowing him to quit. Which other coaches on the staff aren't coaching the Penn State game because their jobs are likely done after the season? It's one game Miles Smith....you could/should have taken the high road.
Miles Smith has no business coaching college football. There's also the chance he didn't have an option of staying for the last game. (also, losing his toxic personality is a great first step in the right direction for Illinois Football)
Miles Smith has no business coaching college football. There's also the chance he didn't have an option of staying for the last game. (also, losing his toxic personality is a great first step in the right direction for Illinois Football)
If it's any comfort, we were only paying him $315 #*@{-ing thousand a year.
What does it say about the integrity of Miles and Lovie Smith that Miles will not be coaching in the Penn State game? Miles not coaching because his Dad got fired. Lovie allowing him to quit. Which other coaches on the staff aren't coaching the Penn State game because their jobs are likely done after the season? It's one game Miles Smith....you could/should have taken the high road.
I would imagine Miles isn't coaching because that was Whitman's choice.
At least this time he has announced that they are going to do a national search. If he has another 'home run' candidate lined up should he just forego that? Is Dan Quinn available? He did a 'formal' search in women's basketball that resulted in hiring an old buddy who was the national division lll coach of the year and a hall of famer. Like Lovie, Josh probably considered her a home run hire even though, like Lovie, she had little relevant experience. Her results have been worse than Lovie's. A formal search is simply window dressing if you've already decided who you are going to hire.

He also did a formal search in men's basketball that resulted in landing a coach who did have relevant experience. That coach seems to be working out better than the other two at this point. If, it too, was a faux search I'm not aware of it.

The point is that a real formal search is intended to surface the most qualified candidate available. It doesn't always result in a winner but it has a better chance for success than simply ignoring the process. Perhaps an established AD with an extended network of contacts in the field can land a good candidate through the old boy network but it is less likely to work with a neophyte in his first week on the job.
I think you're wildly overconfident in your ability to pick winning coaches, or that you could get them here to Illinois. You also appear eager to completely ignore the reality on the ground when JW was hired; spring football was already beginning, and the only way to participate was with an immediate hire.

You talk platitudes that fail the reality test. We all know that in theory if you do everything right nothing will go wrong, but in reality, that theory doesn't implement. But maybe Josh can benefit from your wisdom; can you give me three names who fit this description and can be lured to Illinois, "a coach who will win a lot of games, with integrity, over a long period of time."
Miles Smith has no business coaching college football. There's also the chance he didn't have an option of staying for the last game. (also, losing his toxic personality is a great first step in the right direction for Illinois Football)

Hadn't heard anything about his personality/demeanor. What was going on with that?
Hadn't heard anything about his personality/demeanor. What was going on with that?
His arrogance played out in how horrible he treated others. He saved some of his best venom for Lovie's assistant, when he didn't get what he wanted. (words that would make a sailor blush) Miles is THE example why nepotism fails. When a spoiled person feels untouchable, watch out.
I think you're wildly overconfident in your ability to pick winning coaches, or that you could get them here to Illinois. You also appear eager to completely ignore the reality on the ground when JW was hired; spring football was already beginning, and the only way to participate was with an immediate hire.

You talk platitudes that fail the reality test. We all know that in theory if you do everything right nothing will go wrong, but in reality, that theory doesn't implement. But maybe Josh can benefit from your wisdom; can you give me three names who fit this description and can be lured to Illinois, "a coach who will win a lot of games, with integrity, over a long period of time."
Precisely the reason why you do 'due diligence'.
Side note on nepotism and Illinois football....I noticed the other day that Ryan Cubit has been out of coaching since being let go in March 2016.
His arrogance played out in how horrible he treated others. He saved some of his best venom for Lovie's assistant, when he didn't get what he wanted. (words that would make a sailor blush) Miles is THE example why nepotism fails. When a spoiled person feels untouchable, watch out.

Very disappointing to hear that, what a jerk. I don’t care who you are – there is no reason to treat others with anything but respect