NFL Thread 2023-2024

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okay, since people have the most obscure stats seemingly at their fingertips, has any school had two pick sixes by rookies in a single season?
No wonder our defensive drop off was so appalling from last year to this year. Dude is an absolute stud and at the pinnacle of professional football achievement…as a rookie. Great job, Spoon.
It can’t be understated just how lucky we (and Walters) were on D.

We had (basically) the equivalent of an early to mid season NFL cornerback playing corner for us. Not to mention an NFL caliber safety.

They provided so much flexibility for us and allowed the rest of the D to shine. (While shining themselves as well)
It can’t be understated just how lucky we (and Walters) were on D.

We had (basically) the equivalent of an early to mid season NFL cornerback playing corner for us. Not to mention an NFL caliber safety.

They provided so much flexibility for us and allowed the rest of the D to shine. (While shining themselves as well)
We had near NFL level defensive backfield playing college ball for us in 2022.
We had near NFL level defensive backfield playing college ball for us in 2022.
If Nicholson gets drafted, albeit after finishing with another team and playing collegiately for two more years, we can argue that we legitimately did.
If the Bengals win today, which looks likely as they're up 24-0 on the Browns, it will be the first time since 1935 that all the teams in a single division finish with a winning record.
Wild Card weekend schedule:


For whatever reason the picture on the NBC SNF twitter page posts the schedule twice.

(And yes, there is a game on Peacock)
Damn, so sorry to hear for Sydney. Hopefully recovery is quick and successful and he doesn’t lose too much time next year. NFL needs to do something about the artificial turf.
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