NIL Thread (Name, Image, Likeness Rule)


Fan Since '70

OBS, Florida
Can college athletics as we knew it survive, not only after athletes get their $2.9 Billion ($300M/school) but also if they get a cut of broadcast revenue (BNIL). Even if that 20% revenue sharing is also approved costing roughly $30M/school, athletes and lawyers will likely not stop there and want up to 50% like in the pros.
It's a brave new world...

Joel Goodson

Of course this is only the plaintiff's side of the story fed to the reporter by the attorney representing the plaintiff.

of course (similar to the prosecutor's version of the TJS sex assault). then again, it's clear that Florida (which includes their boosters) didn't live up to their end of the deal


Can college athletics as we knew it survive, not only after athletes get their $2.9 Billion ($300M/school) but also if they get a cut of broadcast revenue (BNIL). Even if that 20% revenue sharing is also approved costing roughly $30M/school, athletes and lawyers will likely not stop there and want up to 50% like in the pros.
It's a brave new world...
The only thing I know for certain is prices will be going up. That money will be coming from somewhere and the consumer is the ultimate revenue source. I cant envision exactly how it all plays out, but I don’t think donors will be the only ones required to fund this. As more money is required I wonder how long revenue sharing for the schools lasts. It’s been discussed ad nauseam I know, but the pace of change just seems to accelerate.

Edit: Posted prior to seeing the basketball forum thread. My comments are mostly redundant to the better discussion there.
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How does this work with Boosters? Do they have to donate to the school first? I'm sure there are loopholes.

I disagree with this lawsuit. I think film of u playing in the NCAA is the property of the NCAA. It will be interesting how this turns out

I disagree with this lawsuit. I think film of u playing in the NCAA is the property of the NCAA. It will be interesting how this turns out
Agree, it should be dismissed immediately, but our court system is nuts.