Sad news

Been a rough day for my dad today..........he is having trouble keeping his oxygen saturation level up high enough to clear his carbon dioxide completely from his body .....I have been on the phone with my mom off and on most of the afternoon and evening and they are monitoring dad closely and I had one of his nurses at the nursing home bring up moving him to hospice care , so it's gonna be a long night for me and my family...
decisions will be made sometime tomorrow about the next course of action ....The nurse told me his vitals are strong and his appetite is good but he has to be on full oxygen mask to keep the saturation rate up enough to clear the co2............

keep us in your thoughts and prayers my friends as you all mean so much to me ..................
Prayers are with you and your family, Pru.


Been a rough day for my dad today..........he is having trouble keeping his oxygen saturation level up high enough to clear his carbon dioxide completely from his body .....I have been on the phone with my mom off and on most of the afternoon and evening and they are monitoring dad closely and I had one of his nurses at the nursing home bring up moving him to hospice care , so it's gonna be a long night for me and my family...
decisions will be made sometime tomorrow about the next course of action ....The nurse told me his vitals are strong and his appetite is good but he has to be on full oxygen mask to keep the saturation rate up enough to clear the co2............

keep us in your thoughts and prayers my friends as you all mean so much to me ..................
We went thru many of the same things with my Dad in the last few years. I don’t know if this helps or not, but going on hospice was really a blessing for him. It allowed him to receive treatments he wouldn’t have otherwise able to have. Its hard to know, but I almost feel like he lived longer because of it. Almost a year and half after going on it. It’s hard and will be hard I know. Your Illini family will be praying for you.
Been a rough day for my dad today..........he is having trouble keeping his oxygen saturation level up high enough to clear his carbon dioxide completely from his body .....I have been on the phone with my mom off and on most of the afternoon and evening and they are monitoring dad closely and I had one of his nurses at the nursing home bring up moving him to hospice care , so it's gonna be a long night for me and my family...
decisions will be made sometime tomorrow about the next course of action ....The nurse told me his vitals are strong and his appetite is good but he has to be on full oxygen mask to keep the saturation rate up enough to clear the co2............

keep us in your thoughts and prayers my friends as you all mean so much to me ..................
Prayers Pru


Paducah, Ky
We went thru many of the same things with my Dad in the last few years. I don’t know if this helps or not, but going on hospice was really a blessing for him. It allowed him to receive treatments he wouldn’t have otherwise able to have. Its hard to know, but I almost feel like he lived longer because of it. Almost a year and half after going on it. It’s hard and will be hard I know. Your Illini family will be praying for you.
After some research and questioning of the nurse's at dad's nursing home , I have to agree with you as far as maybe being better for him....extra attention and more eyes on his condition with the chance for treatments and meds that will improve his daily life.....
dad fell out of his bed last week at the nursing home and hit the floor with the left side of his head and face.....had to have 3 stitches aunt who lives in the same town where mom and dad live at went by and took a picture and texted it to me .......
he's gonna have a shiner deluxe before it goes away......but the nurse this morning told me his vitals are strong and he fed himself for the first time in about a it goes , one day he does ok and others not so ok.......
I asked him why he tried to get out of bed by himself and he said " cause I wanted too "'s my dad to a T.........
Thanks again for all the support from everyone.........the covid rate where they live is " high risk" and masks required .....I just hope he doesn't get the covid again ......


and not Nebraska
Been a rough day for my dad today..........he is having trouble keeping his oxygen saturation level up high enough to clear his carbon dioxide completely from his body .....I have been on the phone with my mom off and on most of the afternoon and evening and they are monitoring dad closely and I had one of his nurses at the nursing home bring up moving him to hospice care , so it's gonna be a long night for me and my family...
decisions will be made sometime tomorrow about the next course of action ....The nurse told me his vitals are strong and his appetite is good but he has to be on full oxygen mask to keep the saturation rate up enough to clear the co2............

keep us in your thoughts and prayers my friends as you all mean so much to me ..................
Just read and responded to your sad news in the basketball thread. Read a few pages but skipped to the end. i went thru what you are experiencing with my mom. Today i was sharing a few anecdotes about her with my niece about her grandmother. My mom and i had told those stories to each other many times over the years up until a few days before she died. She had great care in the nursing home and great hospice workers one who read to her and sang songs with her. May you be surrounded by such caring people. Like what you said about dust in the wind. i tell friends and relatives there will just be no new memories but lots of great ones to remember and share. You are and will be in my thoughts and prayers. It aint easy and it aint fun but unless you die young ......

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Been a rough day for my dad today..........he is having trouble keeping his oxygen saturation level up high enough to clear his carbon dioxide completely from his body .....I have been on the phone with my mom off and on most of the afternoon and evening and they are monitoring dad closely and I had one of his nurses at the nursing home bring up moving him to hospice care , so it's gonna be a long night for me and my family...
decisions will be made sometime tomorrow about the next course of action ....The nurse told me his vitals are strong and his appetite is good but he has to be on full oxygen mask to keep the saturation rate up enough to clear the co2............

keep us in your thoughts and prayers my friends as you all mean so much to me ..................
so sorry to hear of the troubles with your dad, then 88, passed away 2/1/2020. so this is a particularly sensitive time for me. I still miss him dearly, mom . now 87, is doing ok, but missing him also .

life, at the beginning, in the middle , or at the end, is never easy.


Decatur, IL
Been a rough day for my dad today..........he is having trouble keeping his oxygen saturation level up high enough to clear his carbon dioxide completely from his body .....I have been on the phone with my mom off and on most of the afternoon and evening and they are monitoring dad closely and I had one of his nurses at the nursing home bring up moving him to hospice care , so it's gonna be a long night for me and my family...
decisions will be made sometime tomorrow about the next course of action ....The nurse told me his vitals are strong and his appetite is good but he has to be on full oxygen mask to keep the saturation rate up enough to clear the co2............

keep us in your thoughts and prayers my friends as you all mean so much to me ..................
Hard times this way as well my friend. Lost my uncle Tuesday night. Slipped into a diabetic coma and never woke up. Praying for a much happier turnout your way bud. Stay positive.


Paducah, Ky
Just a short update aboot my dad......I talked to him yesterday morning and it was hard to understand him.....He sounded out of breath and was slurring his words .....I didn't want to tire him out too much but I told him I loved him and i did understand him saying that back to me......

I asked him to let me talk to the nurse again and she explained it is hard to understand him as he has to wear the BPAP mask to help get the co2 out of his body ....she said his normal breathing was NOT getting enough oxygen deep into his lungs so the doctor said to keep the mask on him continuously for now....

My aunt ( mom's sister ) who went by and took dad's picture said she was kinda surprised that the hospice option was brought up....she said it with authority in her tone of her voice , so maybe dad will improve as he just got out of covid isolation Thursday.....
I called mom after talking to dad yesterday morning and she said he sounded rough to her Friday night when she talked to him.....
I know this , my dad won't give up and will fight this as he has everything else in his life ......

Thanks so much for everyone's support means the world to me.......It really really really does................


Paducah, Ky
I called my dad and wished him a Happy 94th Birthday this morning........He still is hard to understand so I talked to a nurse there and she said his vitals are getting better (yea !) but he still needed to wear the mask as his lungs are still weak from the covid and pneumonia he just got over ....the nurse said all the staff there sang Happy birthday to him this morning and said they all love him so much .....I told her to watch out or he will start the charming effect , even at

Taking it one day at a time .........Thanks again for the support guy's and gal's are the best , bar none !! really really are..
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I called my dad and wished him a Happy 94th Birthday this morning........He still is hard to understand so I talked to a nurse there and she said his vitals are getting better (yea !) but he still needed to wear the mask as his lungs are still weak from the covid and pneumonia he just got over ....the nurse said all the staff there sang Happy birthday to him this morning and said they all love him so much .....I told her to watch out or he will start the charming effect , even at

Taking it one day at a time .........Thanks again for the support guy's and gal's are the best , bar none !! really really are..
Happy Birthday Mr. Pru!


Winged Warrior
I called my dad and wished him a Happy 94th Birthday this morning........He still is hard to understand so I talked to a nurse there and she said his vitals are getting better (yea !) but he still needed to wear the mask as his lungs are still weak from the covid and pneumonia he just got over ....the nurse said all the staff there sang Happy birthday to him this morning and said they all love him so much .....I told her to watch out or he will start the charming effect , even at

Taking it one day at a time .........Thanks again for the support guy's and gal's are the best , bar none !! really really are..

94 is amazing pru! Happy Bday to your pop! Sending positive vibes your way.


Paducah, Ky
My dad passed away this afternoon at 4:10 pm at the age of 94.......He passed peacefully....
Thanks to all my friends here for your kind words throughout his medical struggles and I am glad he is not in any more pain.
My dad passed away this afternoon at 4:10 pm at the age of 94.......He passed peacefully....
Thanks to all my friends here for your kind words throughout his medical struggles and I am glad he is not in any more pain.
So sorry Pru, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

I’m sure all of Loyalty is with me in expressing our deepest condolences.
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Just a short update aboot my dad......I talked to him yesterday morning and it was hard to understand him.....He sounded out of breath and was slurring his words .....I didn't want to tire him out too much but I told him I loved him and i did understand him saying that back to me......

I asked him to let me talk to the nurse again and she explained it is hard to understand him as he has to wear the BPAP mask to help get the co2 out of his body ....she said his normal breathing was NOT getting enough oxygen deep into his lungs so the doctor said to keep the mask on him continuously for now....

My aunt ( mom's sister ) who went by and took dad's picture said she was kinda surprised that the hospice option was brought up....she said it with authority in her tone of her voice , so maybe dad will improve as he just got out of covid isolation Thursday.....
I called mom after talking to dad yesterday morning and she said he sounded rough to her Friday night when she talked to him.....
I know this , my dad won't give up and will fight this as he has everything else in his life ......

Thanks so much for everyone's support means the world to me.......It really really really does................
Best wishes🙏
My dad passed away this afternoon at 4:10 pm at the age of 94.......He passed peacefully....
Thanks to all my friends here for your kind words throughout his medical struggles and I am glad he is not in any more pain.
Sorry for your loss. After spending time with you on here I feel a friendship of shared things we like and that extends today to your family.


Paducah, Ky
Just wanted to let all my friends know that my dad passed away today at 4:10 pm peacefully.....I'm sad , but thankful that his pain has ended...thanks to all my friends here for your kind words regarding his struggles with his health lately...everyone has been so nice to me and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart....


Just wanted to let all my friends know that my dad passed away today at 4:10 pm peacefully.....I'm sad , but thankful that his pain has ended...thanks to all my friends here for your kind words regarding his struggles with his health lately...everyone has been so nice to me and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart....
I’m so sorry Pru. You will be in my family’s prayers today.