St. Louis Cardinals 2015 Season

Let's say you can only sign one Big Dollar FA, Price, Heyward, Ptbnl (such as 1st baseman). Where do you go?

I go J-Hey, Price would be a fun addition though. As they say, you can never have too much pitching.

Tough choice. I would say J-Hey simply because he's the youngest. Is there any star in free agency younger than him right now? I guess it also depends on what free agency looks like in the next couple years, something I'm too lazy to look up.


Champaign, IL
Nightengale is a known Cardinal hack and spits out a lot of BS. Follow Ken Rosenthal and Jon Heyman.

I don't think it's far fetched at all, regardless of nightengale's allegiances. What does he have to gain by making predictions based on his personal biases? Nothing. It will just make him look like an idiot when he's wrong more often than not. I've heard similar things about prices preferences, albeit not this offseason, but at the trade deadline last year, so it could be possible. Maybe he heard the same things.

In the end, as we've seen many times before, $$$ will play a huge factor. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Thx, jrich, for sharing the tweets.


Champaign, IL
He's a hack cause you don't agree with him?

Do you see the Cardinals spending 200+ mil on a pitcher when they already have Waino, Martinez, Wacha, Garcia, and Lynn? Even if they needed 3 starters the Cardinals don't spend that type of money on free agents, especially pitching. STL will get a little involved just to make sure the price tag reaches 200 mil for the Cubs, Dodgers, etc. Nightengale spits out A LOT of crap when it comes to trade rumors, free agents signings.
Do you see the Cardinals spending 200+ mil on a pitcher when they already have Waino, Martinez, Wacha, Garcia, and Lynn? Even if they needed 3 starters the Cardinals don't spend that type of money on free agents, especially pitching. STL will get a little involved just to make sure the price tag reaches 200 mil for the Cubs, Dodgers, etc. Nightengale spits out A LOT of crap when it comes to trade rumors, free agents signings.

Except he didn't say that the cards would pay that for price, just that stl would be Price's first choice. I dont think that's too far fetched. The two things are not mutually exclusive. You are absolutely right, however, that the cardinals are not dishing out that kind of scratch for a FA pitcher if their current rotation remains intact. I'm not sold that that is happening yet either though. Lots of trade talk surrounding 1 or more of them. The cards have a new tv deal, and holliday money coming off the books soon. This could be the offseason Mo finally makes a splash, and with the talent in the division he probably knows he has to to stay on top.
Do you see the Cardinals spending 200+ mil on a pitcher when they already have Waino, Martinez, Wacha, Garcia, and Lynn? Even if they needed 3 starters the Cardinals don't spend that type of money on free agents, especially pitching. STL will get a little involved just to make sure the price tag reaches 200 mil for the Cubs, Dodgers, etc. Nightengale spits out A LOT of crap when it comes to trade rumors, free agents signings.

Cards have to make a move or two to stay at the top. Mo and the Dewitt's know that. That's why I wouldn't be surprised them to sign a pitcher and Heyward. I don't think they will sign price, but wouldn't put it pass Mo to sign Zimmerman. Cards have the money to sign multiple big name free agents. Like 8507 said, Holliday's contract is coming off the books, along with Yadi's, Waino's, and then you say for right now Lynn's. Even though I don't think Lynn will be here come spring training.


Colorado Springs, CO
What kind of package do you think we need to offer Rockies for Arenado? If we trade for him, we move Carp to 1st, Piscotty to right, we don't have to worry about JHEY as much, but could sign him and let him rome CF until Holliday is gone, then move Piscotty to left and figure out something with CF. We still need a better backup catcher and middle if. Is it Wilson who is the minor league gold glover? I can't remember, but maybe he can make it up next summer, if he figures out how to better hit. If not I'm okay with a quality defensive catcher who calls good games, we just get offense to surround him.

I'm with everyone else, someone in our rotation is getting traded and I think it is Lynn, that opens door for free agent. Could it be Price? Possibly but we don't spend that kind of money, especially on 2 players, so maybe like someone else said (was it Farley?) Zimmerman. He is still relatively young and doesn't really have bad numbers through his career.

We also are rumored for 2 free agent 1st baseman, the Korean guy and Chris Davis, both wouldn't be bad, but I like Arenado at 3rd shifting Carp to 1st.

Just my 2 cents.
What kind of package do you think we need to offer Rockies for Arenado? If we trade for him, we move Carp to 1st, Piscotty to right, we don't have to worry about JHEY as much, but could sign him and let him rome CF until Holliday is gone, then move Piscotty to left and figure out something with CF. We still need a better backup catcher and middle if. Is it Wilson who is the minor league gold glover? I can't remember, but maybe he can make it up next summer, if he figures out how to better hit. If not I'm okay with a quality defensive catcher who calls good games, we just get offense to surround him.

I'm with everyone else, someone in our rotation is getting traded and I think it is Lynn, that opens door for free agent. Could it be Price? Possibly but we don't spend that kind of money, especially on 2 players, so maybe like someone else said (was it Farley?) Zimmerman. He is still relatively young and doesn't really have bad numbers through his career.

We also are rumored for 2 free agent 1st baseman, the Korean guy and Chris Davis, both wouldn't be bad, but I like Arenado at 3rd shifting Carp to 1st.

Just my 2 cents.

It would start with Reyes, probably someone like a Tooie (not gonna attempt to spell his name), Patrick wisdom (potential 20+ homer guy), and one of the college position players we drafted last year. The players I'm thinking of is the ISU and Florida player. Their names are slipping me.

Honestly, if they wanted Rosie (swap Tooie for Rosie), i would do that. Rosie will be getting expensive soon, and we know we can find reliable bullpen arms virtually anywhere. I think Tooie is the future closer anyways.

I do love me some Arenado.
Alex Reyes suspended for 50 games for failing a drug test twice. His drug of choice.......marijuana. He got the same suspension as guys that get popped with steroids. Effing ridiculous.
Supposedly the MLBPA worked out a deal saying that minor leaguers can be tested for pot, but MLBers don't have to. That is a bunch of dog chit. Either both be tested for pot, or no one at all.

Edit: It's actually if you're on the 40-man you don't get tested. Thanks MLBPA for being incompetent on this issue.
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While I do believe it's a bit hypocritical to test minor leaguers and not majors, how stupid do you have to be to get busted for it TWICE when you know you're going to be tested. You're a top prospect with the potential to make millions of dollars very soon, put the effing bong down for a couple years.

Nope... too hard.... smh.
Things just got really interesting. Lance Lynn out for the season, Tommy John surgery. Resign Lackey, go after Price, or a different free agent?


Champaign, IL
Things just got really interesting. Lance Lynn out for the season, Tommy John surgery. Resign Lackey, go after Price, or a different free agent?

Terrible news. Wondered if something wasn't right him the last 2 months when he lost some velocity. Cubs destroyed him in early September and something obviously was not right. I would be shocked if they don't resign Lackey now.

Opening day the payroll was $122 mil. Cardinals payroll as of today is near $103 million. They will add a minimum of $12 million due to arbitration. That's not including Moss ($7-8 mil) and Cishek ($7 mil) Those of course are MLB trade rumors projections. So payroll will be about $115 million before any free agent signings/trades. I think the Cardinals sign Lackey and will have Lyons and Gonzales as insurance. Still a very deep rotation and they can always make a trade in the regular season. If they don't sign Heyward then Price becomes realistic.
Terrible news. Wondered if something wasn't right him the last 2 months when he lost some velocity. Cubs destroyed him in early September and something obviously was not right. I would be shocked if they don't resign Lackey now.

Opening day the payroll was $122 mil. Cardinals payroll as of today is near $103 million. They will add a minimum of $12 million due to arbitration. That's not including Moss ($7-8 mil) and Cishek ($7 mil) Those of course are MLB trade rumors projections. So payroll will be about $115 million before any free agent signings/trades. I think the Cardinals sign Lackey and will have Lyons and Gonzales as insurance. Still a very deep rotation and they can always make a trade in the regular season. If they don't sign Heyward then Price becomes realistic.

Yeah I'm guessing in the next couple days we'll find out how long he was battling through the injury. Money is not a problem right now with a lot of it coming off the books in the next couple years and Mozeliak being very adamant about increasing the payroll in the next couple years as well. So I think Lackey will be a backup plan if we can't find a better deal for a younger pitcher.
While I do believe it's a bit hypocritical to test minor leaguers and not majors, how stupid do you have to be to get busted for it TWICE when you know you're going to be tested. You're a top prospect with the potential to make millions of dollars very soon, put the effing bong down for a couple years.

Nope... too hard.... smh.

Must really like pot. With Lynn out for next year, his call up was probably coming sooner than later.


Cishek and his salary won't be around. Tough to hear on Lynn. He's as reliable as you can get during the regular season. Going to need some of the young guys to step up and hope for some health. Will be interesting if we go after another starter.
Cishek and his salary won't be around. Tough to hear on Lynn. He's as reliable as you can get during the regular season. Going to need some of the young guys to step up and hope for some health. Will be interesting if we go after another starter.

I could see Mo going after Doug Fister. Just seems like the "low hanging fruit" kind of guy he would go after...
Go after Zimmerman or Greinke. NO PRICE, PLEASE

I could see Zimmerman ending up in St. Louis. He had a down 2015, not bad but just not as good as he should be, so that might bring his price down a little. He is kind of a tweener between the A-tier free agent pitchers and the B-tier free agent pitchers. But he is known to have a strong work ethic, likes to attack hitters, and rarely gives up free passes. I think he's the type of player who could be an ace working with our coaching staff.

The biggest problem is Zimmerman will probably wait to see what Price and Greinke do. If teams that need starting pitching, like the Cubs or Dodgers, miss out on those 2 then they might get in on Zimmerman and drive his price up.
Lackey gains leverage with Lynn going down. Give the younger pitchers time to develop and serve suspensions. We end up giving Lackey a longer deal than we wanted but it works as your 4th or 5th guy next year.
Don't remember where, but I read somewhere that Lynn knew there was something wrong early on, but with Waino already out he opted to wait on surgery and pitch through it rather than put the club in the tough spot of having to replace another pitcher. You could tell all year he wasn't right, but he still ate a lot of innings and pitched relatively well.

I already was a Lynn fan, but that just scored him some more major points in my book. Hope his recovery goes well and he's back to all star form in 2017. Even with the injury this year he still has 60 wins the past 4 seasons... that's incredibly good.