University Rankings



North Carolina
According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, UIUC is ranked as the 36th best university in the world and the 21st best university in the US (in the BIG, we are behind Northwestern and Michigan).!/page/1/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats

In the Academic Ranking of World Universities, UICU is ranked 30th globally, and 23rd nationally.
UNC, which I remember as quite comparable to UIUC in most rankings, is now 56 in the Times. I couldn't get the Shanghai to work, even from a Google search.

would like to think that the AFAM studies controversy is having an effect somewhere, even if not on the athletic fields.

South Farms

near Ogden & Rt 83
I didn't see UVa on the list of the top 50. They used to be the top public university in the country, what happened there ?
I didn't see UVa on the list of the top 50. They used to be the top public university in the country, what happened there ?

You made me curious, so I did some searching. In 2009, they were too 100. Then 4-5 years in the 101-150 bracket. Last two years in the 151-200 grouping. Are you sure about that too spot history? If so, how long ago, because they've fallen a lot.

South Farms

near Ogden & Rt 83
I was using the rankings out of US News & World Report , which by the way , has them tied for 24th in the US with UCLA, two spots behind Cal, which they have ranked as the top public school in the land.