Your first Illini FB game you attended in person



South Carolina
17~6 win over Indiana 1960. First year MI. Also Pete Elliott’s first year. Got to see Butkus, Grabowski, Taliferro etc win the Rose Bowl.

Where do I pick up my prize?

However, I seem to recall reading (above) about someone attending a game in the mid-1950's. 2nd place trophy will suffice I presume?


September 20, 1969 vs Washington State. We snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Lost 19-18. First loss of an 0-10 season. Went to every home game that year (and all fours years I was there).
In 1957 my first home game as a Freshman was against Colgate and we beat the badly like 40-0 and I believe Ray Nitchke scored three touchdowns. Even though we had Tom Haller at quarterback and Bobby Michell in the backfield we weren't very good and had a losing season. It wasn't until after I graduated that the Dick Butkus teams brought football honor back to Champaign.


Chicago, IL
Thanksgiving 2001, I was a freshman in high school

October 29, 2005, a 41-24 loss to #15 Wisconsin on an uncharacteristically gorgeous day. I was in eighth grade, and I fell in love with U of I (though I suppose it was not meant to be, as I ended up staying in Iowa City for college!). The town has gotten astronomically better since then, too.

I remember the loudest part of the game was when Dee and Augie came onto the video board to advertise for the hoops season!
To the poster that bumped this thread ... thank you! I realized my answer here was not actually correct! While this was my first game in Champaign, I had actually been to two Illini games in Iowa City first. And my first ever Illini game was watching us demolish Iowa 40-24 in Kinnick in 1999 - just one year after we moved from Peoria. Needless to say, my parents had me decked out in Illini gear as an 8-year old. :)
Illinois vs Mississippi State October of 1980. The first of at least one game every year for me with him even though I went to Northern ( Dad was a season ticket holder in 205 for a long time) and later one or both of my two boys would join us until 2018. That was the last year before Dad got sick and passed in 2020.
I was at the game with my wife and three kids

that was the high point of Turner's tenure there. it was all downhill after that
The first Illini game I truly remember watching on TV was our loss to #2 Ohio State in OT the following year, so I really don't actually recall much of the 2001 or 2002 season. With that said, the parallels for 2001 and 2002 to 2007 and 2008 are really striking.

When did Illini fans start to feel really concerned with Turner? He had to have built up a ton of goodwill after the Sugar Bowl appearance and Big Ten championship, but 2002 also had to be a massive disappointment. I think any of us can excuse a loss to Mizzou in St. Louis, but a road loss to Southern Miss (RG, WHY were we playing this game?!) and San Jose State at home?! I guess we did finish somewhat strong in 2002, winning 3 of our last 5 and almost knocking off #2 Ohio State to earn bowl eligibility ... but I have to imagine our fan base was expecting so much more out of that year.

And then even in our 1-11 2003 campaign, we played Mizzou tough to start and lost our first 3 games by one possession. It obviously eventually became clear we were bad, though, lol... Did the fans just all turn on him slowly at different times? Death by a thousand cuts?
My parents were adamant that I buy the pass to go to all the games my freshman year in 1983. I remember walking from Ogelsby to the stadium in Sept for the Stanford game that started the great win streak. That whole season was magical and I thought about driving to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl but decided I'd do it the next time they are in it... which I did in 2007!!! Only difference was I lived about 10 miles from the Rose Bowl by then .... crazy
I grew up a Hawkeye (sad, I know). I started as a dual fan in the early 2000's, then when Illinois came back from 20 points down against Rutgers in 2005 - I went out and bought season tickets. I have been loyal since...wish the team was better. I have taken a lot of guff from my Iowa family.


Was really young but it was against Iowa in 84 or 85 maybe? All I remember is we won and it was a memory from that game besides the W was the band and the Chief!
October 30, 1971...Northwestern. I was six years old. My brother graduated from UofI the spring before. I actually rooted for Northwestern because I loved the purple uniforms. The next year we went to the Michigan game, October 21, 1972. My Dad and Brother explained THE CHIEF to me and what he represented, and I was then a die-hard Illini fan. The "Three In One" still gives me goosebumps every single time I hear it!
September 13, 1980 at home against Michigan State. My dad played for the Illini in 1960 and 61 and has always been a huge fan. He took my younger brother and I to the game and we spent most of it running up and down the ramps in the towers although we were back in our seats to see the Chief at halftime! The stadium felt very empty with a stated attendance of 46,377. The Illini won the game on a last second field goal by Mike Bass.

My dad still goes to as many games as he can - kudos to the Varsity I Association for free tickets for ex-football players - and we will be at the Maryland-Illinois game in College Park this year. Go Illini!
2005 - San Jose State at home, a 40-19 "revenge" win for what happened in '02. I was 12 and had been an Illini basketball fan for a few years at that point (what a time to start am I right?). Illini had a little running back named Pierre Thomas that made me fall in love with the football team too :) good memories.
1986 - Nebraska. My first week on campus as a student. We left when it was 28-0 Nebraska. :)

One thing I truly miss about the pregame is when all 100+ Illini guys walked out to the hashmark or closer for the coin toss. Was really cool to see from the stands.
I was there too. I waved. Did you see me?
My Dad got a few tickets. We drove 3 hours to get there and another 3 home. Kinda of a long day for a butt whopping.
Until I looked at the date I was thinking my son was with us but since he wouldn't arrive for a few more months it must have been my younger brother. He's about your age bdutts.
We watched the crowd leaving from the first quarter onward. As bdutts said 28-0 after one quarter. I kept asking if we were going to leave too. Dad said "No" he paid good money so we were staying. I was in my late 20's. That's about when I learned you have to be happy to spend time with family or friends and not be dependent on the game to get your enjoyment.
Even though Illinois was in the midst of the Great Slide of Mike White's career, 1982 and 83 weren't that long ago. Before the kickoff I had hoped we could stick with Nebraska. 59-14. The previous year it was 52-25. I asked why Illinois was dumb enough to schedule a team like Nebraska (They were # 6 at the time and finished # 5.) Well they didn't play Neb again until 2013 when they were in the Big Ten and had to play them.
We stayed until late in the 4th quarter before leaving. I think we all earned a t shirt telling the world we stayed for the beat down.
As we walked in I was impressed with Memorial Stadium. It was old but I loved it.
It was years before I returned. This time it was with my family, my son this time for sure, when our high school was in the finals. Another beat down. *Sigh*
Cheating a bit, of course I saw many games as a student, but this fun romp was my first (maybe second?) game as an Illinois alumnus.


Houston, Texas
I was there too. I waved. Did you see me?
My Dad got a few tickets. We drove 3 hours to get there and another 3 home. Kinda of a long day for a butt whopping.
Until I looked at the date I was thinking my son was with us but since he wouldn't arrive for a few more months it must have been my younger brother. He's about your age bdutts.
We watched the crowd leaving from the first quarter onward. As bdutts said 28-0 after one quarter. I kept asking if we were going to leave too. Dad said "No" he paid good money so we were staying. I was in my late 20's. That's about when I learned you have to be happy to spend time with family or friends and not be dependent on the game to get your enjoyment.
Even though Illinois was in the midst of the Great Slide of Mike White's career, 1982 and 83 weren't that long ago. Before the kickoff I had hoped we could stick with Nebraska. 59-14. The previous year it was 52-25. I asked why Illinois was dumb enough to schedule a team like Nebraska (They were # 6 at the time and finished # 5.) Well they didn't play Neb again until 2013 when they were in the Big Ten and had to play them.
We stayed until late in the 4th quarter before leaving. I think we all earned a t shirt telling the world we stayed for the beat down.
As we walked in I was impressed with Memorial Stadium. It was old but I loved it.
It was years before I returned. This time it was with my family, my son this time for sure, when our high school was in the finals. Another beat down. *Sigh*
I think I did see you, yes! :)

Great point about staying with your family until the bitter end. We were in our first year at the U and that was our first game. We were jacked to see Nebraska and to see what the team could do against them. And since we were "digging the college scene", we figured since it was a blowout with no chance for a comeback, why not bolt and continue drinking? But it was cool being in Block I with all the other students. Had a lot of fun that year and the following year.