2017 Coaching Carousel

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I wouldn't be certain about that. Moore would be giving up a year of eligibility. I think it would certainly depend on who Cal would hire as a replacement. And again...we are out a little far ahead of ourselves on the Cuonzo replacement. If Illinois looks as bad as they did yesterday throughout the Big 10 season, then I would understand. At this point, it's a bit early to speculate. I would guess that Whitman would prefer to give Groce another year at least if it can be justified.

He wouldn't be giving up a year of eligibility. Sit a year and have 3 remaining.
I hope this is true. Cuonzo Martin would be a homerun hire (secondary concern of keeping Tilmon also alleviated)

Is there some connection between Tilmon and Martin that I am not aware of other than both being from the SL/ESL area? I am not so convinced that being from the same area ensures keeping a recruit. Did Martin recruit Tilmon at any point? If so, there apparently was not any significant interest from Tilmon.
Having a criterion of "a coach who would not leave Illinois for a better job" is almost wishing for a coach who will not be successful. A successful coach at Illinois will always have offers from schools higher in the food chain or the NBA. There will never be security that a successful coach sticks around for the long haul, so it is meaningless to include it as a criterion. What happens, and what UI does to keep the coach when such offers come along, is a different story. We have to cross that bridge when we get to it.
Well that really would be a home run hire. Guy hits all the hot buttons as far what you'd want in the next coach and if he leaves Cal for Illinois, that makes me think we'd have him for a long while. He can obviously recruit, runs an up tempo offense which is what we all thought we'd be getting with JG, would be a HUGE hire. I've said since JW hired Lovie that if we had to hire a new basketball coach, I wasn't concerned about taking a step back like most programs do when a coaching change happens. Whitman does what anyone of us would do when looking for a new job. You don't quite your current job without having a new one lined up. He isn't going to fire Groce and hire an outside firm for a coaching search. He's going to use his connections and get the job done himself. He might be the best closer we have in Champaign. We are in good hands. Whether is Martin or Hoiberg or somebody else, he's going to get the best person for the job.

People forget that Martin did not recruit remarkably at Tennessee and that though his 2015 class of recruits was elite, his 2016 class did not keep up. He's had 1 class of top recruiting and that's it.
Plus it would likely mean the return of Tracy Webster. Not sure how people feel about that.
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Is there some connection between Tilmon and Martin that I am not aware of other than both being from the SL/ESL area? I am not so convinced that being from the same area ensures keeping a recruit. Did Martin recruit Tilmon at any point? If so, there apparently was not any significant interest from Tilmon.

I don't think there is anything that can ensure keeping a recruit. For me, keeping the 2017 recruits isn't a factor for me in finding a new coach. If you hire a good coach, he'll either keep them or get replacements soon. The only thing that matters to me is getting the right guy in here to get us back to where we should be.


That's a winner!!
I heard from someone in the know that not only are back channels a real thing, that they have already occurred early this December with Cuonzo Martin who reciprocated interest. I don't expect much of a search. He's going to get the job barring a wildcard throwing his name in.



North Bethesda, Maryland
If we have to find someone new (very likely IMHO), what single thing would you like to see change on the court immediately?

I know we all want creative offensive play calling, solid fundamentals, and a charismatic recruiter, but if there was one thing you would like to see immediately change, what would you pick?

For me, it's in-game adjustments.


If we have to find someone new (very likely IMHO), what single thing would you like to see change on the court immediately?

I know we all want creative offensive play calling, solid fundamentals, and a charismatic recruiter, but if there was one thing you would like to see immediately change, what would you pick?

For me, it's in-game adjustments.

An identity and a plan. I don't care what it is, but at least you know what you can fall back on.
Having a criterion of "a coach who would not leave Illinois for a better job" is almost wishing for a coach who will not be successful. A successful coach at Illinois will always have offers from schools higher in the food chain or the NBA. There will never be security that a successful coach sticks around for the long haul, so it is meaningless to include it as a criterion. What happens, and what UI does to keep the coach when such offers come along, is a different story. We have to cross that bridge when we get to it.

I'll agree with you and go further to say that including that as an explicit objective is a negative. If you are JW, you have to have the confidence in yourself and your situation to say "Well, too bad, we lost him, but I can do it again and I will"
If we have to find someone new (very likely IMHO), what single thing would you like to see change on the court immediately?

I know we all want creative offensive play calling, solid fundamentals, and a charismatic recruiter, but if there was one thing you would like to see immediately change, what would you pick?

For me, it's in-game adjustments.

For me, it would be defense. Most times, when the other team struggles to play their offensive scheme to their norm, you are in the game.
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Joel Goodson

I heard from someone in the know that not only are back channels a real thing, that they have already occurred early this December with Cuonzo Martin who reciprocated interest. I don't expect much of a search. He's going to get the job barring a wildcard throwing his name in.

Oh, Good Lord, yes! Please, yes! Pretty please.

Which isn't to say that Martin is the perfect candidate (hint: there isn't one). But he's a great upgrade over the failure that is Groce.


The Transfer Portal with Do Not Contact Tag
I assumed you would know that most of the time it's just nonsense.

It'd be fun to start a thread with past rumors. This was an interesting one:

On a scale of "Totally plausible" to "Brad Stevens is interested", Cuonzo Martin having an interest in returning to the B1G and his home state ranks pretty low.


Peoria, IL
Cuonzo Martin Buyout

If Martin himself leaves prior to April 14, 2017, he will pay $1.1 million to the University. If he leaves between April 15, 2017 and April 14, 2018, he pays the University $1 million. If he leaves between April 15, 2018 and April 14, 2019, he would owe the University $750,000.


Is it legal for boosters to help a coach pay his buyout? If so, and this season goes down the tubes, pass around the collection plate at the last home game. I'll bring my check book.


Lincoln, IL
Is it legal for boosters to help a coach pay his buyout? If so, and this season goes down the tubes, pass around the collection plate at the last home game. I'll bring my check book.

I wouldn't worry about buy outs. That's what we have Khan and the rest of our boosters for as well as to pay him whatever he wants. Whitman will get his guy and like I said earlier, I have been a Groce supporter since day one. Still love the guy, just love my Fighting Illini more. I want to see a final four type product on the floor when Im drivimg 2 hours round trip mid week and buying season tickets. If JW's guy is Martin or whoever, there is a science to his process. He knows what I takes to win at a high level and how to identify the right people to guide these men to the top.
Martin would be an upgrade, but a big enough of one? His coaching stops have all been somewhat short (3 years) to get a clear read how he'll do long term.
That said, I think there's a chance he'd kill it on the recruiting front once he's back in his home state. And he'd have the best odds of anyone of keeping Tilmon (he probably knows Tilmon's dad and coaches from back in the day).

Joel Goodson

I wouldn't worry about buy outs. That's what we have Khan and the rest of our boosters for as well as to pay him whatever he wants.

The relationship of Khan with UI athletic department has not been all peaches and cream. But besides that, there is common misconception that we have all of a sudden become the biggest spenders in the NCAA and money is absolutely no object. That is not the case, we will pay fair market value for a good coach, but not "whatever" it takes.
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