The Illinois Coaching Search

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I know it might be seen as a "longshot" to some, but I'm 110% on the Archie Miller train. It just seems like that hire would check every single box of rejuvinating this program both in the immediate and long terms. He seems like the less high maintenance, higher upside Marshall to me, would absolutely be a splash of a hire, he's young, I think he'd kill it in recruiting, he's a fantastic coach ... hoping and praying he picks up the phone and loves what JW is selling him on. Even taking my Illini fandom out of it, the Big Ten might just be ripe for the picking in the next decade, and I hope Archie sees things like that, because he could really do big things at Illinois.
It's amazing how we're just gonna pretend all the stuff that happened didn't happen. Maybe Whitman really is magic.

I'm not pretending anything "didn't happen". But when you coach a team of 18-22 year olds for five seasons, kids make mistakes. In my mind the only incident you could blame Groce for was Darius Paul. And his mistake there was simply giving the kid (from a great family, it should be noted) another chance.
But one random message board post has changed your mind.

You picked the wrong week to quit drinking my friend, and I know because I did too. :sick:

If he is going to be seriously discussed on here as a potential candidate and not a "we should hire this guy!" type post, then I am willing to consider the possibility. That is not to say that I believe he will take the job, or isn't just using us to garner a raise at Va Tech, or some other consideration.

I am at the point where I am prepared to ride the wave of every rumor being considered given the source though. That is half the fun of of all this, don't be trying to take that from me.

And I quit drinking almost 3 weeks ago, so the shakes are starting to wear off finally. :thumb:
It's not about individual mistakes from 18-22 year olds. It's about the culture of the program. By all accounts Groce ran a tight ship and was a stand up leader of young men. Buzz does not have that reputation.

I'm not pretending anything "didn't happen". But when you coach a team of 18-22 year olds for five seasons, kids make mistakes.

Uhhh, it was absolutely a public rejection.

It's good that there's a double standard for MT and JW, because people were utterly ridiculous about MT in a counterproductive fashion whereas the halo around JW can only help, but man alive is there a double standard.

Was Williams the top choice and did he have an offer? He was asked by the NBA writer about his interest, and he said he did not have interest in leaving the NBA. That was said before the UI job was even open. Williams' reasons were a lot different, too.

Not sure it was a public rejection in the manner of Smart who did have the offer and was the top choice or second choice and turned us down publicly. Whitman has been much closer to the vest about his top choices. Whitman is smarter than to offer someone who is going to turn it down. imo

I don't care about the past AD anymore. Let's see what Whitman can do.
I wanted Gregg Marshall 5 years ago when it might have been feasible...

How could we possibly get him now.
I think it's more like, there are standards of conduct for Illinois athletes in 2017 and beyond that are perhaps very different than the standards at Marquette in 2010. Is Buzz willing to exist within those parameters?

Because I don't think he's a cheater, he's not like Pearl in that way. He just let his kids run wild. Drinking tickets is one thing, but sexual assault stuff is not going to just get yada-yada'ed away, not in our 2017 consciousness and not at a public school.

Zook probably would have gotten in more trouble for some of what his guys were up to if it happened today too.

A really, really good coach that doesn't cheat is a good starting point. I'd like to think that a coach could clean up the off-the-court behavior.
Greg Marshall's best ranked recruit, Landry Shamet. A top 100 recruit who won MVC freshman of the year this year.

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Rumored that Archie Miller is heading to NC State. Here's a link to a pic of his wife and nephew. They are giving the wolf pac hand sign. Ugh. He is my # 1 choice to lead the Illini. here's the link:

That symbol is also used by fans of the Arizona Wildcats. I believe Archie's brother coaches at Arizona, and this would be Sean Miller's son in the picture right? Looking a bit hard into nothing here.
I had Buzz in the "no chance we can get him, so not gonna waste time talking him" category. If he truly is considering the move, I would take him over Archie Miller and my man Krystkowiak.

We are consistently relevant with Buzz as head coach. Would be a major coup.

I know specifics. We can do better. I hope our university is not a win at all costs. Please move on...
In terms of how the coaching change will affect perception of the Illini brand, I think there are a few distinct tiers. This is different than who's most likely to succeed long-term, but there could be a strong correlation (primarily based on how media coverage affects recruiting). Potentially realistic candidates only.

Tier 1: Brand Enhancement/Resurrection. If we hire any of these guys, the narrative in the national press and among the fan base will essentially be, "Illinois is back!" We were one of the top programs in the country and one of the most prestigious team brands for the better part of 30 years. Getting one of these guys would instantly make us relevant again everywhere.

-Tony Bennett
-Scott Drew
-Buzz Williams
-Gregg Marshall
-Archie Miller

Tier 2: "Seems about right." These are the guys who will seem to casual fans around the country like reasonable fits. People will say, "hey, maybe Illinois is back on track. They used to be pretty good. (So and so) can coach - should be an improvement." Any of these hires would result in an uptick in general interest and a slight brand bounce.

-Cuonzo Martin
-Larry Krystkowiak
-Kevin Keatts
-Bryce Drew
-Dan Hurley
-Will Wade
-Eric Musselman
-Tim Janokovic

Tier 3: Brand Diminution. These hires, even if they succeeded in the long term, would face an uphill climb in terms of public perception. The inevitable narrative (at least from some quarters) would be, "wow, Illinois has really fallen on hard times. They can't attract a good coach. Program is a train wreck." These candidates still offer some upside and there would be a wait-and-see counternarrative, but it would be a tough sell and result in a decline in public brand evaluation consensus.

-Dan Muller
-Pat Kelsey
-Norm Roberts
-Kenny Payne (who could actually step in and kill it instantly - it would just be an out-of-the-box hire)

Thoughts? I don't think we'll make it past Tier 2. I think lots of us would consider taking Dan Muller or Kenny Payne over Dan Hurley or Tim Jankovic, but in terms of national perception among casual NCAA fans it wouldn't make much sense.
I am all for Buzz Williams in terms of his coaching, he would be a great choice. The possible issues at Marquette, that certainly could be an area that he has taken care of and grown as a coach. We have not heard at this time at VT of off the court issues so I am willing to hope that has changed. My biggest concern is the quick leave at Marquette which would be followed by a 3 year stint at VT before leaving again. I want a coach that wants to be here long term so that is an issue that would need to be addressed.
I wonder if Whitman looks at these threads.
Rumored? Because of this?

Archie Miller is an NC State alum. Guessing that has something to do with the gesture. Assuming his nephew may also attend.

Hasn't it been hinted at that Archie has no interest in the Illinois job, anyways? I think this is one candidate we should forget about unless something of substance emerges that tells us otherwise.
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