Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (October 2017)

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If what I have learned (I've posted about it before but thought both sides had reached reconciliation) is true regarding Ayo/Irvins, who's to say he even steps on the courts at IL. If he does, will he be a head case to deal with and even coachable (enter Jereme Richmond)??? What a major blow today in regards to momentum. However, if indeed the Ayo camp is able to deliver Okoro/Miller we will have all forgotten about this day.

not me.
This was all so comically predictable. Even the insiders showed up right on queue when they thought it was safe to give the thumbs up.
The problem is that the calculus isn't just Ayo vs. THT... It's probably Ayo + Okoro + Miller that they are figuring on.

I'm guessing Irvin's felt THT owed them and turned on them and they see Illini taking him as a slap in the face at their newfound alliance.

Then why host THT? Why let the Irvin's "permit" you to host THT, just so they can show their control over your program? The time to abide by their camp's dictate was before you had THT come down, IMO. Now if you let them do this, like I said, BU would be their puppet forevermore. Whitman can't let that happen even if BU were weak and thirsty enough to do so, IMO. But it's all conjecture at this point. Like Lyle Lovett sings, "some folks say she's pregnant; you just wait and you'll find out".
Yep. THT is not happening. I am sure I will catch flack for this, but I am hearing a close source who said THT wants in, but a certain other family pushed until they got their way...ultimately this one is over and BU and co laid it all on the line.
Yep. THT is not happening. I am sure I will catch flack for this, but I am hearing a close source who said THT wants in, but a certain other family pushed until they got their way...ultimately this one is over and BU and co laid it all on the line.

Can we please not. This is such a bad look.
Oh boy. This is the ultimate fake insider show down...

I predict a lot of "he was Illinois up until the last minute, my sources weren't wrong" from people who never had a clue what they were talking about in the first place.

We’ve seen this movie before. This is just sequel #2,513.
Did some sort of news break that THT decided to go elsewhere or something? I suppose I don't understand where all of this is coming from...
This sucks if all true. But you have to take Ayo, if it is true.

Sure, you might hurt our relationship with Simeon, but if you take THT you hurt our relationship with MIF. Wash.

You might send a precedent that the recruits control the coaches, but I highly doubt that is the case. As someone mentioned earlier, it is not uncommon that coaches will cater to highly touted recruits about not recruiting over them. So I take that as a wash, or maybe a slight lean to taking THT.

You are also gonna have a little bit of bad press about pulling a schollie so close to an announcement. But it's not nearly as much of bad press as having Ayo decommit. So that's a strong lean to not taking THT.

Finally, it is a consensus that Ayo is the better player by a lot. So that's also a strong lean to not taking THT.

Also, at this point, we still don't know the whole story and probably never will. If it's all true, I trust that BU did all he could to make it work, but if it became apparent that it could, then you gotta take the route that does the least amount of damage, and in my mind, that is clearly taking Ayo and pulling the offer from THT. As much as that sucks.
If there's friction and 2 kids aren't really keen on playing together, I take the 5 star, first one to commit every time.
It's not a big deal. Programs have to make decisions all the time on recruiting. What's the point of taking both Ayo and THT if it will cause disharmony on the team? Ayo committed first. If this also leads to a better shot at Okoro, Miller, etc., then it's an easy choice.
Let Ayo walk if this is the case. Illini basketball is about more than just one recruit or AAU team. If anyone has been good to the Illini even in our tough times lately it's been Simeon and Robert Smith. You do good by them. The Irvin's don't run Illinois Basketball.

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I'm more concerned about the downstream effects of allowing MIF to dictate who we can and cannot sign. What if we decide we like DJ Steward over Adam Miller in 2020 at PG? Is Irvin gonna threaten us to take Miller since he is Fire and Steward is Meanstreets? I'd bet yes. Do we fold then too? Idk.
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Trying to piece all of this together, since no one will bleeping say what happened:

To me Illinois seems to get the worse press this way. If Ayo leaves because his family is bottom hurt about THT, that seems to be their problem, not ours. But now we're giving the big middle finger to Simeon, which just seems wrong to me. I hope all of you are right, and that Ayo will be great and the MIF will send their best our way, but I think we just killed our future with the best basketball school in the state.
I'm more concerned about the downstream effects of allowing MIF to dictate who we can and cannot sign. What if we decide we like DJ Steward over Alex Miller in 2020 at PG? Is Irvin gonna threaten us to take Miller since he is Fire and Steward is Meanstreets? I'd bet yes. Do we fold then too? Idk.

No, because we would like DJ Steward over Miller in your hypothetical. You take oh you like more. So if all this is true, it is essentially BU saying that he likes Ayo over THT.

At this stage in a recruitment, it's inconceivable that BU would: (a) allow a player or a player's family to dictate another highly recruited player's commitment; and (b) have not known about the feelings involved prior to this point. Plus, in the end, the players make the decision and all indications are that Ayo and THT are on board with each other. We have no idea where THT is going, but if he chooses IL, I find it hard to believe it will have any impact on Ayo. Finally, negative info gets magnified, especially when it's shrouded in mystery. There's a good chance the coaches already know the decision.
Anybody that thinks things were smoothed over from the Nick Irvin and Robert Smith shoving match in the handshake line 3 years ago is naive as heck.
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