Wake Forest 80, Illinois 73 POSTGAME

I'm a little disappointed Underwood subscribes to the "two fouls and you're sitting the whole rest of the first half" philosophy. Of course pretty much every coach does that, but it still drives me nuts. It seems that when a player sits for that long, they have a hard time finding their rhythm in the second half. Finke never got comfortable.
I can’t belive some of you are giving the officials a pass. They destroyed any momentum or flow to the game and easily gifted that team 15 points. Weee we perfect? No. But we played 10x better than wake and deserved the win. Rag on this team all you want but the guys got hosed by questionable actions by the officials who deserve to be suspended.

I can't believe all the whining about the officials. Suspended? Really?
Reasons we lost:

1.)Dumb fouls
2.)Sloppy turnovers
3.)Bad defense (letting up 45 points in 2H)
4.)Michael Finke
5.)Bad officiating

Why blame Michael? So, he had an off scoring night. Guards penetrating the lane werent' his fault and pulled 6 boards, missed a lot of minutes in the first half, sitting with 2 fouls....
The refs were the worst I have ever seen in official review.

I don't really have any major hangups over the general calls, even the foul discrepancy (it happens). But those two totally blown official reviews REALLY hurt us, and one of them (the overturned foul) seems like it's actually against the rules of basketball.
The refs were the worst I have ever seen in official review.

I don't really have any major hangups over the general calls, even the foul discrepancy (it happens). But those two totally blown official reviews REALLY hurt us, and one of them (the overturned foul) seems like it's actually against the rules of basketball.

And the thing is, these guys are not rookies. They have been doing mainly ACC games for years. Last year all three of them officiated between 70 and 100 games, which made them some of the most active officials in the country.
Based on his performance this year AJ does probably deserve to start. But some players are better coming off the bench so I would be cautious about starting him. I think that the platooning scheme BU is using where the second wave comes in the game after about 4 minutes works pretty well.

Yeah, I don't think anyone is getting too hung up on starting vs. not starting. It's all about the minutes.
We beat ourselves. Make no mistake. The refs stunk, but we made so many mind-numbing mistakes. Anyone focused on the refs after this game has lost the plot. Not that it matters. We're just fans. But the takeaway here is we have a lot of room for improvement, which is either good or bad. I'm not sure what to expect going forward.

I agree with this. The refs blew two major calls (after reviews which is mind-boggling) but the rest seemed to be dictated by the play.

The major issue last night, and I can't believe it's being glossed over, is that it looked like our guys had never seen a zone before. It took a good five trips before anyone flashed to the middle. With their skill sets Black and Finke should make a killing in the high post.

Conversely when we went to zone late WF hit the high post, drew the defense and kicked it out for a wide open three in about 7 seconds.
I agree with this. The refs blew two major calls (after reviews which is mind-boggling) but the rest seemed to be dictated by the play.

The major issue last night, and I can't believe it's being glossed over, is that it looked like our guys had never seen a zone before. It took a good five trips before anyone flashed to the middle. With their skill sets Black and Finke should make a killing in the high post.

Conversely when we went to zone late WF hit the high post, drew the defense and kicked it out for a wide open three in about 7 seconds.

Agree with this. Hated seeing our guards just pass the ball around only to end up chucking up a long 3. Our guards, Smith especially, should be driving, forcing fouls and getting their guys in foul trouble. But last night, it was the other way around. Mind boggling.
How can they think it’s ok to put a former wake forest professor, and also a home town ref both in the same game?

The former Wake Forest professor didn't ref last night's game. He retired last year. He was the head of ACC officials who hired the guy from Winston-Salem who worked last night's game.
I'm not worked up, I'm giving these kids and this coach a complete pass on this season. They deserve that. This will be a better team in December than November, they will be a better team in January than December, so on an so forth. If that does come to fruition, this will be a great season. Many considered this a "bad loss". THIS YEAR, anybody who loses to us is going to feel the exact same way. We, currently, will be a bad loss on a tournament teams resume. Maybe not so in late February, the jury is still out.

Ok, fair enough. I just don't think losing a coin flip game on our first true road trip warrants "we're probably not making the NIT"
I can't believe all the whining about the officials. Suspended? Really?

How about it. Sounds like the parents around me at 6th grade basketball games. Worry about what you can control. I’m not worried at all about wins and losses this year. I am convinced that this team is too young and not enough talent yet to compete in the Big 10. I am fine with that. I love watching Underwood coach and think it gonna be real interesting in 2019-2020. Just enjoy the growth of the team. You’re all gonna have nervous breakdowns when this team wins 6 Big 10 games.
You don't believe that employees should have accountability? You don't believe that there should be checks and balances? You don't believe these emloyees should be held to high and vigorous standards?

I'd expect some sort of acknowledgement from either the ACC or whoever stating the refs were wrong on the calls. Suspensions and whatnot should be reserved for repeat behavior. As far as I know, this officiating crew is not normally this bad.
If this team only wins 6 games in this year's very mediocre Big 10, Coach Underwood will probably have a breakdown before any of the fans.

Nearly every unbiased source has this team finishing 10th to 12th I the league. How many wins does that equate to? At some point dealing with reality is healthy. If they get to the bubble I will be shocked and Brad should be coach of the year.
I'm a little disappointed Underwood subscribes to the "two fouls and you're sitting the whole rest of the first half" philosophy. Of course pretty much every coach does that, but it still drives me nuts. It seems that when a player sits for that long, they have a hard time finding their rhythm in the second half. Finke never got comfortable.

I wouldn't risk it, and I think the reason behind it is solid.
Yup. There is no parity in the sport in terms of officiating. I love watching the game but at times the refs make it unwatchable. I was on the Florida board and they along with the Wake board said that Illinois is getting worked by the refs.

Why were you on the Florida board for the Illinois-Wake Forrest Game? :noidea:
I'd expect some sort of acknowledgement from either the ACC or whoever stating the refs were wrong on the calls. Suspensions and whatnot should be reserved for repeat behavior. As far as I know, this officiating crew is not normally this bad.

"Not normally this bad"
Is it just me or did Wake shoot 2 free throws on Kipper's charge call towards the end of the first half? A few plays later Trent charged and they didn't shoot free throws, so it's not like they changed the fundamental rules of basketball and I didn't realize it. To me, that was the most egregious call of the game as it involves zero subjectivity once the charge is called and was just flat out wrong.
Players in the "pinch post area" MUST present, move, re present, catch, and shoot quickly... if they do this: A) easy shots-B) defense will have to approach from end line area to contest-C) backline passing/easier shots present themselves.

Simply catching what seemed to be 80% + of passes and directly looking oppo only for pass back out for a 3 will not cut it.
I know I am subjective on the officials calls but they seemed ridiculous to me. Why wouldn't it be logical to have BIG officials at ACC settings and ACC officials at BIG home games. It may give some balance to the games.