Northwestern 72, Illinois 68 OT POSTGAME

No time out there. Tejon had a good game but I don't want him taking last shot. He and Finke missed FT were killers. We forced 4 turnovers at end of the game and can't win.
Still don’t understand why you don’t call timeout immediately after Lucas is literally quadruple teamed in lane... since he didn’t see a pass out.

And yes it’s a matter of seconds ticking by but I’m picky and hate leaving timeouts on the bench when our best shot ends up being a horrible shot.

I would guess the team is being trained to move as fast as possible not run half court sets. We did not look good when the sense was set

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That was a game that I fully expected to win before the tip.
Really disappointed. Played hard and gave it our all. Made some mistakes, but darn it all I wanted that one.
I'm excited about the future, but clearly this team is a few players short of being an NCAA tourney threat. Just is what it is.

Enjoy the ride, we'll get there
Not a good game.
4 straight chances to win it handed to us and no points.
Weberesque offense at the end with people standing around and hero ball.

We will need to find an outside shooter besides AJ.
Sigh. Knowing that we're good enough to beat these teams doesn't really cut it unless we win a time or two. Or maybe 8 or 10. That's really what it's all about, even though I'm impressed with the team and see the potential. Good news is, though - Black is so strong his shorts can toss a guy backwards into the ground. Should go into MMA.
4 weeks ago, nobody thought we would win this game. So I guess an OT loss isn't the end of the world, but this one really hurts. Had several chances to win in regulation. Had chances to win in OT. We were something like 20-22 on FTs in regulation, and missed 3 in OT. This was a game that we should have won, and our youth/inexperience really showed in the waning moments. They had 2 players foul out, including their best. I am dumbfounded on how we did not pull this out.

I am optimistic and pessimistic at the same time. I really thought we were the better team against both Wake and NU. Considering we are hardly losing anything and gaining Ayo, I think we will be top half of the B1G next year. But we could easily be 8-0 right now. Frustrating, frustrating, frustrating.
Unfortunately this is likely to be an 0-3 week. Don't hold much confidence in getting a victory against Md. but this team has the potential. Lack of experience and shooters willing to take and make shots in clutch time will be an Achilles heel. Thought like most interior defense might be the weakness but quickness and effort have made up for lack of size.

What a huge heartbreaker for this team as they played hard all the way, but lack of offensive execution down the stretch proved fatal. Of course, NW did not do any better but hit a couple of big threes that proved the difference.

Regardless, I really like this team and enjoy watching them play. Not as good at passing the ball as I expected but that can improve. Leron threw a couple of entries to Finke that should have never happened, but the guards can do better at getting it to the bigs more often and it will pay off. You have to play inside out in order to be effective in today's game.
Sigh. Knowing that we're good enough to beat these teams doesn't really cut it unless we win a time or two. Or maybe 8 or 10. That's really what it's all about, even though I'm impressed with the team and see the potential. Good news is, though - Black is so strong his shorts can toss a guy backwards into the ground. Should go into MMA.

lol ! thanks for the smile
Lucas missing two at the line in OT was the turning point.
actually his drives and aggressiveness kept us in. 5 points in overtime is not good....others need to be ready to be aggressive too. TJL had helluva game on both sides of court.

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Williams - Cream rises to the top, and this kid is doing it, again he would of challenged for Mr Basketball...all around our best freshman to date.

Smith - Offensively as a freshman, he will get his...defense he will get lazy foul or over aggressive foul calls against him this year.

Lucas - Took over this team tonight, with or without the last possession....why was the final timeout not used?

Finke - Disappeared tonight, have to figure a way to get him aggressive offensively?

Black - He will be very close to a double double avg by end of the year.

Jordan - Again showed the capacity off the bench to be a playmaker...overall good game.

Frazier - Good minutes without freshman miscues overall.

We will get there, plenty of positives, tonight we just didn't have enough and our half court zone offense killed us.
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At this point, I'm just interested in seeing how their rolls pan out. A big question going into the season was....who can make free throws down the stretch and who is going to be the guy who wants the ball with the game hanging in the balance

We're 0-1 in finding that out.
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I dig the quicker pace. But if we don't get a shot up in 7 seconds, the final 8-30 seconds of our offense is pretty ugly.
Possession after possession we had the chance to take control in the last two minutes of regulation and overtime. We didn’t create any good looks out of our offense. It seemed like we gave up on running spread. We just don’t have talented enough offensive weapons to not have all 5 guys on the court knowing and trusting the system. Couple that with a lack of guys who can take their man off the dribble to create a scramble and a lack of guys who can hit contested jump shots and we’re going to struggle in tight games.
He initiated the offense well , but that missed wide open 3, two missed free throws and throwing up that shot in OT in traffic with 3 NU players lost us the game.

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That's absolutely true in one sense, but on the other hand I'm thrilled to have a guy who will go out there and exert himself. In prior years I've watched no one (other than Malcolm) want it. Now someone new wants it. We'll get better.

But I really wanted that one, so it still hurts.
Lucas played incredible defense tonight. He also initiated what offense we had. Sorry to be a broken record, but your best player Smith should then play the two. We had no offense late because we had no one they had to respect from 3
We are finally getting to the free throw line. I’ve seen more aggressive play the past two games than the past 2 years under Groce.

We just don’t have the horses this year. Add a year of experience, Ayo, hopefully a big or two, and we will get there. The arrow is clearly pointing up.
Screw great effort. We need to start winning some of these close games. NW MADE FT WHEN IT COUNTED. Our players still don't have the confidence to win. I hope BU changes that. The more I think about it the lack of a to at then of overtime burns me up. That was a pure Groce move and we all remember how well those worked.
NO excuse whatsoever for Smith not to play more. Continuing with offense for defense substitution of AJ was absurd during OT. If he fouls out at that point he fouls out but you have to have the nations leading 3 point shooter on the floor.